Vol.3-Part 2: Plan execution and results

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So... a bit of a notice

I'm planning to skip the middle days of the exam, nothing too special happened, again. (Perhaps day 3-5)

I will conclude the rest in this chapter, along with a few SS for the next few chapters too.

Anyway, enjoy to the fullest.


POV: Kiyotaka

Horikita has been appointed as our class's leader. All we have to do now is wait until the 6th night.


"Anyone wants to go explore other spots on the island?" Hirata asked. "If you want to go, please raise your hand as we will be separated by groups."

I see what Torikachi meant when he said I'm free to do whatever I want.

I did not expect Koenji to raise his hand to explore while sitting on a tree nearby.

I decided to raise my hand to gather more information.

As I raised my hand, Sakura also decide to raise her's as well. I guess she's determined to not be a burden to the class any longer.

"Thank you, Sakura-san." Hirata appreciated Sakura's action. "I'm very appreciated."

"Then you, Ayanokouji-kun, and Koenji-kun will be a group to explore the island. Is that okay?" Hirata continued.

"It's fine." I replied. "There's not much I can do now."

As I start to group 3 of us, Horikita approaches me.

"I never expect you to volunteer to do something for the class." She stated.

"I wanted to do at least something for our class in this exam." I replied. "I guess."

"Whatever. Just do as you please." She replied.

What a troublesome person. I hope she will change in the future. Even though Torikachi told me she will change, but I doubted it.

As I continued my monologue...

"Oi!! I know what you are thinking there!" Shouted Torikachi, leaving our classmates dumbfounded.

"W-who were you to talking to Torikachi?" Asked Matsushita.

"None of your business, Matsushita. I'm sure someone will mark my words." He replied with a grin while glancing in my direction.

"If you say so..."

What a troublesome person. At least he didn't reveal our friendship too early, or else it would drop his popularity. His social standing isn't bad, but it's his choice to do so.

*time skip

POV: Torikachi

I just finished building up the tents for our class, with Hirata's help. Well, he barely helped at all since the girls in our class keep calling to him.

"I'm sorry Torikachi-kun. I couldn't help much because the girls keep on calling for me." He said.

"It's fine. I understand your feelings. It's tough to be the only dependable person for the girls, am I right?" I replied.

"Yeah. I guess you could say so." He said. "But I just hope our classmates could get along more."

I know someone can do that, but I don't want to say the name now.

"The feeling's mutual." I replied.

As I look around my surroundings, Ike started the fire, the girls picked some edible fruits.

It seems like Kiyotaka has returned, along with Sakura and Koenji. I see that he kept his promise.

Not to mention Ibuki Mio along with them.

Everything is still according to my plan.

The results have been concluded once she stepped into this territory.

Now, it is time for execution.

*time skip to day 2.

POV: Kiyotaka

"I'm going to scout other classes. You come with me." Said Horikita.

Honestly, this girl is too troublesome. Keeps dragging me with her every time.

How annoying...

*time skip all scoutings

I see what Torikachi's meant when he asked about class B. He seems to know about their class's leader, but he doubted if he wanted to write down their leader. Better ask him later.

"Torikachi," I called out to him.

"Oh hello there Kiyotaka. Have you decided your decision about class B?" He asked.

POV: Torikachi

"I believed that you know class B's leader, but I don't want to ruin our cooperative relationship at the moment, so don't write them down." He said. I expected this answer from him.

"I see. Then we will have 265 S-point after this exam."

"How can you be so sure?" He asked.

"Trust me. After all that happened, at least believe in me for a few moments."

"If you say so." He said.

POV: Kiyotaka

I don't know if I should trust him about this matter.

Just out of curiosity, I asked him.

"How many S-point will other classes have?"

"Hmm. If I have to guess...

Class A: 120 S-point, since they have a contract will Ryuuen.

Class B: 150 S-point, 100 S-point if we write their leader down.

Class C: 0 S-point. Kinda expected since they wasted all of their points after all. You saw it yourself.

Class D: 265 S-point, 315 S-point if we write class B leader.

That's pretty much it. You know Ibuki is class C's spy for our class, aren't you?"

"Perhaps," I said.

"You already know what to do right? Since you know there's a digital camera inside her bag. Your all-night yesterday paid off."

"Hey don't order me around. I know what I need to do." I rebelled.

"Then it's settled then." He said.

"All 3 classes are overconfident that we won't be all-nighters just to steal their spots, so they messed up their time to secure spots, that's why we will go for all spots around 3:00-3:30 AM." He explained how other classes work, despite not spying on other classes. "Your suspicions have been confirmed."

"I see." His source of information is currently unknown to me, but he's right every time. And I guess his guesses will be accurate in this exam too.

"How did you know all this? You didn't even spy other classes." I asked.

"The mentality of the classes gave it all to me." He debuted. "And about your past...

Coincidences can be freaky."

"Did you steal my line?" I asked.

"Who knows?" He grinned.

'Such a sly fox you are.' I thought.

"Hey, I'm not a sly fox. That title is for someone else." He said. I don't know how he read my mind, but as he said...

He knows everything.

So I think it's not that surprising anymore. As expected from him.

Now, with our plan prepared, I guess I need to rest for now...

*time skip to 6th day

Horikita's fever is getting worse. I will force her to drop out now. It seems like she fainted due to the rain, and the dirt on her face, perhaps the fight with Ibuki.

A moment later, Horikita wakes up, wondering what happened.

"A-Ayanokouji-kun?" She asked quietly. She's out of energy to perform in this exam now. "I'm sorry. I did not realize that I'm this incompetent, I will make up all of my mistakes."

She said as she continue to cry, regretting all of her actions.

"If I had allies, I wouldn't be like this... but I have no one except you at the moment."

As she said, I decided to calm her by touching the front of her neck, causing her to faint.

"If you are like this, why don't you get allies, it will be easier. Start with our class, unite our class, make them trust you. You could start from me." I said.

"Please... Ayanokouji-kun... I consider you as my friend, so please, at least let me alone for my matters..." she murmured.

With her final words, she fainted. With her words alone, I pondered. Perhaps Torikachi starting to change me.

As she lost consciousness, I decided to speak.

"Horikita, this is my words, and from me only. At this moment, I will tell you. I never once care for you as a friend, nor an ally. Not Kushida, not Hirata, not everyone except one. Humans in this world are nothing but tools.

"This world, winning is everything. I don't care what needs to be sacrificed, or what needs to be disposed of. As long as I have my victory, that's all it matters. So don't blame yourself, Horikita. You are still useful to me."

I said as I hear a bush nearby, revealing...


I guess I will redeem myself now...

POV: Torikachi

It seems like Kiyotaka finished his speech for Horikita. I decided to talk to him a bit.

"I heard your words. I don't consider it to count in our contract, as I already expect this speech of yours." I said.

"So it doesn't count because I speak in general?"

"I guess you could put it that way." I replied.

"I see..."

"But still, you can change. A human can change, including you, Kiyotaka." I said genuinely. "I don't care such trivial from you since you haven't changed yet. So I expect it in the future."

He replied with a nod.

"So... what are we going to do with her?" I asked, expecting the answer.

"I will carry her to the teachers, and force her to retire."

"No... you don't need to." I said. "Since she lost her consciousness, I will do it. You can return for the next rollcall, and inform our class that Horikita will be retired due to sickness."

"And don't forget about our plan tonight." I continued.

"Indeed." He replied with a nod.

"I've shown you the location of all 12 spots before we departed, so you know what to do."

I said as I carry Horikita, heading to the destination. I don't want the cliff falling incident to happen to Kiyotaka, since it will be troublesome.

POV: Kiyotaka

After Torikachi's departure, I decided to head back to inform the class that Horikita's retirement.

Back to the tent, I noticed Hirata, standing still, with his eyes widen.

"Hirata." I wake him up. "Horikita will retire due to sickness. You should notify the class about this."

"Oh... I see." He replied. "But where is Torikachi-kun?"

"He's currently bringing Horikita to the teachers. Might take some time but he will be back."

"I see..."

I said as the rain fades away. I guess it's safe to go out now.

"Hirara, I need to talk to you in private for a moment."


A few moments later, as the class gather around, notified that Horikita's retirement. Torikachi's back with Chabashira-sensei, as we attend our roll call. It got delayed due to Horikita's sickness.

"It seems like everyone is here." Chabashira-sensei said. "Horikita has retired due to sickness. From that, we deducted 30 S-points from your class."

"Ahh..." as Karuizawa sighed. "What a bummer. I noticed Horikita holds herself sometimes, so I guess it's understandable."

During our campfire, I exchange gazes with Hirata, notifying him to go.

As we isolates ourselves from the crowd, I decided to speak.

"Our leader has been exposed to class A and C, Hirata." I said. "I only talked to you in private because I don't want chaos to occur in our class."

"I appreciate your decision, Ayanokouji-kun." He replied as he merged his fingers. "So our class will remain with 135 S-points."

He said as he crawled down, wondering what to do.

"Please keep it a secret to our class."

"I can ensure that to Ayanokouji-kun." He said. "I need some time to regain myself now."

"Okay then," I said as I return to the campfire.

Now. It's time for our final plan...


POV: Torikachi

I'm currently bringing Horikita with me to the teachers. We are currently at the beach, so I need to go around to the teachers.

Moments later, I saw Chabashira-sensei standing at the counter alone.

"Sensei!" I said. "Horikita will retire to due sickness." As I hand Horikita to her.

"W-what happened to her?" She asked.

"She fainted due to sickness and the rain." I replied.

"I see. I will inform the class later. Our roll call will be delayed until we head back." She said. "As a class leader in this exam, due to her retirement, I will request to assign a new leader."

"I expected this," I replied calmly.

"Our leader will be..."

*flashback end

It's currently 2:50 AM, the final day of the test. I'm currently standing next to our class's spot, waiting for Kiyotaka.

As Kiyotaka headed to my destination,

"I can't keep up to you on claiming spots, but I will be quite near to the final spot. You probably know where it is." I said quietly as I handed him the keycard.

"Indeed." He replied. "Then, shall we begin?"

"You can start whenever you want. I will be waiting." I said. "Also be sure to be there after claiming all the spots. I'm sure you can do it before 3:30 AM."

"Okay then." He replied as he head out.

*a few moments later

POV: Kiyotaka

I am currently walking to the waterfall. From Torikachi, there's a cave inside, our meeting place will be there.

"I see that you are as calm as ever," Torikachi said.

"Let's get our final spot and we return for a sleep," I replied. "I'm quite tired from walking around and keep quiet at the same time."

"Okay then." He replied as we heading back to our tent.

*time skip to noon 7th day.

It's here, the results of our final exam. All classes have gathered at the beach, with their respective sensei.

"First off all, I congratulate all of you have pass this exam safely," Mashima-sensei speaks. "Now, I will announce the results of this exam."

As he speaks, someone from the bush decided to crawl out. I already know it is from Torikachi's information.

"Oi!" He speaks. "Don't leave that quickly without me."

POV: Ryuuen

Time for me to show up. Other classes will be in shock to know that I'm still on the island.

I step out from the bush as I speak. Other classes look shocked.

I noticed Katsuragi looked at me with the same eye as he came up to me.

"What is this Ryuuen?" He speaks. "We didn't agree on this."

"Kukuku." I laughed. "I think you will be surprised with the results."

"W-what do you mean?" He asked. "Does it related to the incident this morning?"

"Hell yeah, it does," I replied.

The incident caught me off-guard.


It's currently 11:00 AM. I'm waiting patiently as my spot got stolen by class D. Someone stole it last night, around 3:00 AM.

"Damn it," I murmured. "This is quite a stunt, not gonna lie."

I guess it's time for me to head back.

*flashback end

"I see that your class met the same problem," I said.

"But it doesn't matter." Said Katsuragi. "They will lose all of their points because we guess the leader."

As we end our conversation, Sensei starts speak.

"Let us continue the results of our exam."

As class A's sensei said, I grinned, guaranteed my win.

"Last place, class C: 0 point."

Nani? I was sure that I got 176 S-points. But... why 0?

"3rd place, class A: 120 points."

Katsuragi looked shocked, wondering what it happening.

POV: Torikachi

As expected, Both class A and C wildered because of the results. I guess our night paid off.

"2nd place, class B: 150 points."

As expected. They deserves a saving grace since I don't want to ruin our cooperative relationship.

"Wait... that means..." asked one of the students loudly. We got more points than the canon plot.

"And 1st place, class D: 270 points."

"That is all." Mashima-sensei ended with our class getting first and disappointed with his class.

"F-first place??" Wondered Kushida.

The reaction of our class is expected. They filled with joy, as well as confusion of how did we get that much points. I'm quite lucky about the delay of our roll call.

"It seems like Koenji's contribution paid off huh..." I murmured.

"HaHaHaHa." Koenji laugh while reach out to me. "I suppose that you keep your promise, gourmet boy."

"Of course," I said. I already have a few recipes in mind. I'm sure Koenji will like it. "I'm a man with my words. I will fulfill our promise during our second semester."

"You better not betray my expectation, gourmet boy." He replied. "I'm looking forward to it."

He replied as he head to the mini boat that the school prepared for us. I guess I will head back to the cruise. I bet Horikita will be surprised about the results.

*to the cruise

POV: Horikita

What in the world is happening? The class just win a huge margin.

I better ask Ayanokouji-kun about this. He's the only person I need to talk since he has the ability to pull off such a stunt.

POV: Kiyotaka

'I'm quite tired.' I thought as I laying on the bed, and Hirata. I got up quietly, not wanting to disturb Hirata during his silent moment. I then look at my phone.

[Meet up with me. I am currently at the bar.]

I seen the message from Horikita. I might need to explain from start to finish to her, as well as reveal my relationship with Torikachi.

A few moments later, I see Horikita sitting at the bar.

I walk up to her.

"So what is it that you wanted to talk to me about?" I asked, expecting a question.

"What did you do? What happened?" Honestly her question is better than I thought. She wants an explanation from start to finish.

"I will explain. In exchange, you will keep silent on this matter whether you like it or not." I replied. Currently, I don't want any attention, so I gave the credit to Horikita for our class.

"Alright then." She replied. "Care to explain?"

*a whole explanation later...

"H-how did you know all the spots on the island?" She asked.

"I have a reliable source of information," I replied.

"My god... I have no words for this." She looks shocked.

"But how?" She pondered. As I was about to explain, Torikachi came to us.

"Yo!" He greet us.

POV: Torikachi

Bingo! Horikita got shocked due to the results. I should greet them.

"Yo!" I greet them.

"I guess our plan worked after all," Kiyotaka said.

"W-wait?" Horikita asked. "What do you mean?"

"Oh yeah!" I acted shocked. "I forgot to give this to the school." I said as I handed them the keycard, stating the name [Torikachi]

"What?" Questioned Horikita. "How did you do it?"

"A leader can not be changed without a justifiable reason." Kiyotaka answered. "With your retirement, it makes sense to change our leader."

"B-but how did you get acquainted with Ayanokouji-kun?" She asked me.

"First night of our school," I replied. It's not that confidential for her to know. "He's slowly considering me as a friend now."

"What he said is true," Kiyotaka answered. "I'm just slowly learning."

"What do you mean?" Horikita asked.

"That's not your concern."

"However..." he continued. "I will help you reach class A. In exchange, do not. I repeat, do NOT investigate me. You will regret it."

Horikita smirked, accepting the proposal.

"Alright. I accept. It's not good to shovel up something that has long been buried."

"There she is!!!"

POV: Kiyotaka

"There she is!!!" Shouted Karuizawa.

I guess giving Horikita the credit is worth it. She needed allies after all.

I gaze at Horikita, she knows what to do know.

'Just go along with it.' I'm sure she knows what I'm implying.

"W-wait what?" She asked.

I continued to exchange words with Torikachi until I heard a phone notification, two notifications.

[Come to me, at the theater. The myth of Icarus is about to begin.] There is no need to look who send it, it's Chabashira-sensei.

"Let's go." Torikachi said. "She's waiting."

*time skip

POV: 3rd Person

3 people are at the theater, a teacher and two students, exchanging words during the play of Icarus.

Torikachi: "So, I'm suppose to say that you are satisfied? For the time being at least?"

Sae: "Honestly, I'm impressed. You guys did manage to score near our initial points given.

But to know that this is your minimum effort, I'm quite terrified if you went all out."

Torikachi: "I don't really want to go all out. After all, I want to enjoy my school life. And I have information in the future after all."

Sae: "So are you implying that you are from the future?"

Torikachi: "Who knows?"

Kiyotaka: "Oi. Don't steal my line."

Torikachi: "I don't know, can you?"

Kiyotaka: "Such a sly fox you are."

Torikachi: "No I'm not. That alias belongs to someone else." (guess who?? xD)

Kiyotaka: "I see."

As they exchange words, Chabashira-sensei laughed.

Sae: "I'm quite surprised, that you managed to pull such a stunt. But still, I am looking forward to the future of class D. I will be watching you with care."

As Chabashira Sae leave the theater, the students continued to exchange words.

Torikachi: "Shall we head back then?"

Kiyotaka: "Alright."

End of vol.3


And DONE!!!

Honestly I'm quite glad that I finished this volume. There will be more SS soon.

Zodiac exam is near, what is Torikachi's plan to tackle this exam?

Moreover, can he stop Ryuuen's manhunt for the mastermind of class D?

Him? Or Kiyotaka is the true mastermind?

One with White Room's intelligence, or the one who knows the future in front of his eyes?

Tune in next time.

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