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The bullet wound in my shoulder reminded me that it was still there, my ears drooped and a whine slipped from my lips. I rested a hand on the wall of the cavern and supported myself, my head dropped but only for a few minutes as my ears sprung up immediately. "Don't come  any closer!" I yelled slowly lifting my head. 

"How are you still standing?" The voice from the approaching human asked. I let a strong growl ripple out from my chest. 

"Did you not...hear me?!" My fingers twitched which were tipped with sharp talons, the human kept coming closer and closer. 

"You don't scare me," he said, his deep voice almost as threatening as my growl. I recognised the human, he was tall and wore worn clothes. "Let me help you," he walked quicker to reach me. 

"No," I snapped. 

"You've lost too much blood," he said as he reached me and applied pressure to my shoulder. I whimpered, "no," he said and pushed my snout to the side. 

"I am not a dog!" I growled. 

"Then don't act like one," he said and picked me up. 

"If you're going to take me to the infirmary, take me through the back I don't want them seeing me like this," I said. He nodded and took the back passage, he immediately laid me down. I gripped the side with a clawed hand and cried out. 

"Shush," he replied, "try and bite your tongue because I know you don't like pain medication," he said and gently pushed me back. Without warning, he ripped the bullet out of my shoulder. I covered my face with my hands and growled loudly.  

"Do you know how much I hate you right now?!" I growled. 

"You hate everyone," he chuckled. 

"Yeah, but I hate you even more right now," I snapped. 

"Be nice to the man who looked after you," he said setting up a drip and taking one of the blood bags from the fridge.  My adrenalin had kicked in and I didn't even feel the needle go into my arm, "now you're going to stay here until this bag is empty and if I feel you need another one, you will stay here." Unable to move, I watched him leave and drooped my ears, I let out a loud pine. 

"My poor little ones," I looked at the tube in my arm and resisted the urge to pull it out,  I impatiently tapped my tail against the legs of the bed it was the only thing from keeping me from falling asleep. I twitched my claws and stared up at the ceiling, my ears twitched as I heard someone coming toward me. It was a little one with big man. "I told you not to let them inhere when I'm like this." 

"But I couldn't keep him away," he said. The little one skipped over to me, I smiled at them and with every ounce of energy I had left I tried to lift my shaky ears. 

"Don't push yourself," he said. 

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