Chapter Sixteen | Weak Resolve

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His tall and intimidating figure stood in my doorway. This was definitely not the Chinese I ordered! I tried to slam the door in his face but he stopped it with his foot.

"Let me in," his hypnotic voice drifted from the other side. I had to stay strong.

"N-No!" I stuttered.

"Please," he said huskily. I slowly opened the door to the sound of that word. Not once had he said it in all the time I knew him. He walked in with two bag of Chinese food! How did he know?

He placed the food on the table and walked around looking for something. He eventually went to the kitchen. I stared at the back of his broad shoulders as I followed him. He didn't say a word when he glanced in my direction as he rummaged through my cupboards.

He gestured me to follow him out the kitchen. In his hand were two wine glasses. He sat down and poured a glass of wine. He stared at me with those intense green eyes and said, "Eat and drink."

We ate in silence as he stared at me. He never took those emerald eyes off me. I gulped down the wine nervously. What did he want?

We finished our food and sat next to me. He leaned down, his hot breath fanned the side of my face and whisper, "Go on a date with me."

"Yes" I sighed and turned to kiss-

-I shut the book. I wanted to burn the book before I could finish. This girl didn't even put up a fight. One minute, she's like nope at the restaurant and the next she's ready to jump into bed with him! Is her resolve that weak!?

I paced my room as millions of thoughts entered my mind. I didn't know where to start but the most nagging thought was to finish the book. Something was urging me to continue despite my anger towards the main character.

I still had time before dinner so I picked up the book and started reading to the end. Maybe I could get tips for Eva and Antonio and be ahead of everything.

I walked down the aisle in my designer wedding gown with tears in my eyes. It was finally the day I get to marry the love of my life. My baby bump wasn't very visible through the dress and we would announce the pregnancy at the reception. I can still remember the day I told him.

We were waiting to try out food that was going to be served at our wedding. I hadn't been feeling well all week and had been putting off the appointment. He arrived looking as handsome as always. He wore his tailor made suits and had taken time out the office to plan.

A plate of fish was placed in front of me and then I threw up. He took me to the hospital and the rest was history.

I was now standing next to him. The priest started talking but everything was blurred out except the sound of I do from him.

We were happily married and have a family on the way! What more could I ask for?

For starters, you could ask for a man that doesn't treat you like you're a idiot because you don't have a fancy degree! I closed the book and tried not to think if it was possible to throw it all the way to Emily's house.

I went to dinner and came back upstairs and decided to write a list of events. Some of the events had already passed.

• Spilt coffee
• Asking on date and rejection
• Going to her house to make sure he gets his date

I continued writing the list. Most events will be likely to follow the order. Now I had to go to Eva's house to make sure he doesn't turn up like some creep. Talk about slightly stalkerish...

I grabbed my phone to see I had a few text messages.

Great job today at with Eva's little problem.

I didn't reply. I suppose I should reply but this came from a third number that I didn't wish to talk to so late in the evening. Well we will see what you'll do when I'm one step ahead of you CC.

Hey! What do you suggest we do? I'm free on Friday evening and I'm not working on Saturday.

Usually I would suggest a brunch and a movie but now that I knew there was a high chance that Antonio would pitch up, I had to work fast.


Oh yeah! That's a good idea. We can watch movies and stuff and then go out on Saturday to the mall..?

Yes! I'll just run it by my parents and get back to you :D

I can't wait to know how CC will react when they realise I'm one step ahead of them. I was really excited for the sleepover now! My parents would probably let me go seeing as it wasn't uncommon for me to hang out with Eva.

Hi, how are you enjoying the books?

Hey! I've finished one, I can't wait to discuss it with you. I was ready to throw it out the window! XD (don't worry, I didn't)

Emily didn't reply as she was probably busy with library things. This term she decided to help out at the local library for her community service project. I wonder how she'd react if she knew what my real project was. I had been telling everyone it's also the library because I usually volunteer there without the school's extra push.

Can we go Pokemon hunting tomorrow?


It was either a crazy coincidence that they both messaged about Pokemon hunting or they were secretly organising this behind my back. I gave them both a positive answer as tomorrow was Thursday and I would be busy with a sleepover this weekend.

It was going to be an interesting couple of days...


I want to throw my phone out the window sometimes because of Wattpad books. 

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