Chapter Fifteen | Reading List

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I didn't think she'd want to know she's involved with CC, and the meddling I've been up to in her life, in the recent days. So I let her lead the conversation.

"So where do I start?" Emily said. How about I write down the list CC gave me and you can figure it out from there?

"Umm how about stories about good girls and bad boys?" I replied. Basically you and Jacob I suppose?

Emily nodded and proceeded to pick out three books from either the pile or her bag. She piled them up neatly and placed them in front of me. Well this would be so much easier if it was only one coupling and not three...

"Is there anything else?" Emily asked innocently.

"I can borrow more than these in one go?" I politely responded. I didn't want to put her under pressure for me.

"You live across the road, if I wanted one of the books I gave you, I could easily just ask for it at any time," She replied.

"That's true... I suppose a few with billionaires and some new girls. I always wondered what it's like to move to some place new where no ones know you... If you get what I mean!" I replied with growing enthusiasm.

Emily was already busy going through the books she brought with to reply to me and took out a few more to add to the mountain of books she'd started to put on my side of the table. So this looks like a lot of sleepless nights. Maybe I should just google it instead...

Her excitement was evident when she started talking, "I can't wait to discuss theses books with you! You're really going to enjoy them. Some of them are my favourites even though they're quite typical romance books."

So maybe it's too late to google this stuff, I suppose I'll have to give up sleep. I gave Emily an apologetic look when one of my tables called me over to ask for the bill. I went about my job quickly and efficiently. I grabbed a milkshake and went over to our booth.

I gave Emily the milkshake, "I didn't order anything" she said with a baffled look. Is it that confusing that I'm going to do something nice?!

"It's on the house, like I'm sorry I dragged you here when you live across the road kind of drink." I didn't give Emily a chance to say no because I was called to the kitchen by another waitress. I served another table and bumped into Eva as I neared the kitchen.

"We need to make some time away from all this to meet up," she said, whilst gesturing towards the cafe.

"Yeah we do, I'll text you about it," I managed to say, before Eva rushed off to serve her tables.

My tables had emptied and I decided to join Emily once again. I felt bad for leaving her for so long. She was twirling her straw in her hand as she was nearly done with her milkshake. I'm a terrible person.

Suddenly my view of Emily went black. I felt the hands that covered my eyes. I needed clues. So they feel like a guy who wears a watch. Well this isn't helping.

"You can let go now," I said after giving up without guessing.

"Aww, you're no fun," he replied, removing his hands. Ashton appeared in front of me, and started laughing at my unimpressed facial expression. I turned around to see the culprit. It was Calvin.

"Don't do that again," I scolded Ashton. He just laughed so I punched his shoulder. I left them both laughing without helping them like I should. They would get served by me if they weren't so stupid.

I stormed back to Emily who was trying to hold her laughter in. She tried to not make eye contact with me. A few giggles managed to escape.

"Just laugh already," I groaned. Emily then started giggling. I held my face in my hands. I only looked up when I felt some sit down and slide into the booth. Ashton took a seat next to me whilst Calvin sat next to Emily. Emily stopped laughing and started fidgeting with the handle of the bag.

"Oh would you look at that!" Ashton had a fake shocked facial expression whilst he gestured to the books near me, "Ella does have a girly side."

"Oh I might've forgot to mention that I'm actually a girl, Ashton," I replied flatly. This sent Calvin into a fit of laughter. I swear I'm just personal entertainment for this guy with the way he always laughing at me.

Ashton just gave me a look that said 'I-already-knew-that'. Another smart ass comment was on the tip of my tongue but I decided against it. I didn't want to scare the guy away.

"Is it okay to leave you with these horrible people or should I get someone else to serve them Emily?" I looked at Emily because I didn't want to leave her in any uncomfortable situations.

" Get someone else to take orders, please." She said quietly.

"Okay, that's cool," I replied to her before calling someone over to serve the guys. The guys wanted takeaway so it wouldn't take too long.

Whilst we waited, Ashton and I discussed Pokemon Go! and the latest news about it. Apparently a buddy system was going to be added to the next update. I can't wait to take my Eevee on a walk.

Meanwhile, Calvin and Emily discussed books. It wasn't very out of character for Calvin to read because we all remember when he went through a Harry Potter phase when he was younger. To say he was disappointed about not receiving his letter to Hogwarts would be an understatement.

Calvin dropped us home and I decided to start reading. I picked up one of the books and started reading. Finally I'll have a clue about what I need to do.


Who else was disappointed by the lack of Hogwarts's letter?

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