Chapter Fourteen | Hide And Serve

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The rest of the day passed without a glitch. The only minor problem I had were the whispers and looks I got from people. Some people even went as far as asking about the different rumours circulating. Did no one tell you to mind your own business?

Even though they annoyed me at the moment, they would be move on, especially after the public display in the car park after school. Marissa had her hands dangling around Jacob's neck whilst Jacob's hands were firmly placed on her waist. They looked like they were seconds from making out. I didn't wait to watch because I had to get to the cafe quickly.

I walked into the cafe and greeted my uncle before putting on my apron for the shift. I walked around and started making sure everything in my area was clean and my customers were satisfied. Emily would be here in an hour.

Eva was already serving tables. We made small talk in between working. I was taking the order of a mother and her little boys when Antonio walked in. Did I say without a glitch? I spoke too soon.

Eva had pretty much disappeared as Antonio sat at one of her booths. I had never seen Eva move so fast to get away from someone. What did I miss yesterday?

I signaled the waitress to get Antonio's usual order made. Meanwhile I went to the back of the cafe to look for Eva. I searched the cloakroom, the office and the kitchen. Eventually I found her hidden in the storage room. I stood a the doorway watching her as she pretended to be busy.

"Eva...What the hell!?" I asked.

"Shhh," she hushed before dragging me inside. We better not get locked in here.

"No seriously, Eva... What's going on? I know the douche is a douche but I thought you were better than running..." I started off in hope she'd fill me in on the details.

Eva groaned and sat down on the floor. She had her head in her hands and didn't want to look at me when she started talking.

"Well... Yesterday he came and demanded to see me. So I went to see him and he seemed to do his version of apologising but not at the same time..?" she paused and glanced to see if I was following, "So I was like okay it's fine because I didn't want to lose a customer then he demanded I got out for dinner with him."

"You said no right?" I asked skeptically. That's what any sane person would do...

"Yes! Of course I said no. It just afterwards everyone started tell me that I have to say yes next time... Worse thing is he said he'll ask again tomorrow," she said before sighing. Why would anyone want her to say yes to such an asshole though? Is it because he's rich??

"You ignore him and I'll serve him!" I said as I got up. It should work right?

"What if it doesn't work?" She asked a bit unsure as I helped her to her feet.

"I'll show him to the door..." I said with false confident. I'll have more luck just moving the whole cafe than making him leave.

We walked back to the front and I started serving Antonio whilst Eva helped another table.

"Call Eva here." Antonio demanded. How about adding a please and a thank you?

"She's busy at the moment," I said politely. Basically I'm saying NO!

He dismissed me with a look and started reading something on his table whilst having his food. I walked away to go grab another order that was ready. When I returned to the tables, I wished I hadn't left to get the order. Why can't this job ever be easy?

Antonio had stopped Eva whilst she was walking away, they were having a hushed conversation but had grabbed the attention of nearly every customer. He had his hand around her wrist whilst Eva seemed ready to run to the next continent. I had to go interrupt them. I told Eva I would help her. Maybe she should've just stayed in the storage room.

"Can I help you?" I said as I interrupted their hushed whispering. Antonio let go of Eva's arm and both of them turned their attention to me.

"No," he said whilst glaring at me. Do you have positive emotions?

"Actually, yes," Eva contradicted. Well obviously I'm going to listen to her.

"Ok, Eva go to the office. I'll take over this customer," I said. Eva looked relieved and practically ran to the back whilst Antonio decided to kill me with his grey eyes.

"Is there anything else I can assist you with?" I asked politely. The customer is always right except when they're wrong.

"No," he responded coldly. Does he ever not glare at people?

"Well in that case I leave you to finish your food," I said, waiting for him to return to his seat. He glared at me for a few seconds longer before returning to his seat. Should I warn him to stay away from Eva? Doesn't that make a guy want something more? Emily needs to get here soon so I can get to the bottom of this stuff.

I went to the back to see if Eva was alright. She said she was okay but I told her to stay here until he leaves to be on the safe side. I served Eva's tables until Antonio left. Everyone sighed in relief. Does the guy enjoy intimidating people for fun or something?

Eva stopped hiding and started working. Soon the cafe got a bit quieter. The after school rush was over. Emily walked in and settled into a booth I directed her to. She had a large bag of books. She was also very excited. I checked that everyone else in my area was okay before making my way to the table. Emily had a pile of books next to her.

Looks like I'll be getting very well acquainted to them...


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