Chapter Thirteen | New Friend

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I wasn't particularly happy when I waste time over a person.

It all started when I searched for Emma, well everywhere, and wished I hadn't found her. I realised that there was a deeper meaning to her behaviour from yesterday. The meaning was in the form of human; Marissa. Couldn't it have actually meant her period? Why do I always end up with such bad luck?

Marissa was a tall brunette with blue eyes. She was always groomed immaculately. She had many contacts and it was recommended that a person should stay in her good books. Only because she enjoyed starting dramas from entertainment. She was what you'd call a 'stirrer'. Like the name, she enjoyed stirring up drama by twisting things. She was also Jacob's on and off girlfriend. I would avoid her if I could manage to do so.

Emma and Marissa were laughing at something but abruptly stopped as I walked up to them. We were near form period, three doors away to be precise. Let's pretend that you guys aren't being awkward.

"Hey Emma, Marissa," I said cautiously. Marissa nodded in response to my greeting. Can't give her any ammo to shoot me now, can I?

"Hey Ella, what do you need?" Emma replied. She was facing away from me and gave me an assessing look. That's the question I should be asking newbie.

"Oh, just wanted to see if you still need any help with anything," I responded politely.

"No, no I'm fine," she said with a dismissive tone. Both her and Marissa turned their backs on me and started whispering. You're wrong, you need someone to slap some common courtsy into you!

"Okay," I said to myself as I walked straight pass them to first period. Well that explains yesterday's behaviour change.

Someone casually placed their arm around my shoulder and started walking with me. 

"What was that all about?" He said.

I turned to see the familiar face of Calvin, which I responded in nudging his arm off. Heard of personal space??

Calvin didn't attempt to put his arm around me and let it swing between us. I replied, "I don't even know, I went to talk to Emma and stuff happened."

We entered our classroom, and took seats next to each other. There were quite a few other students loitering around the classroom. The bell would go soon. Calvin was in the mood to get to the bottom of the not so mysterious conversation I just had.

"But Marissa was there. You introduced her to Marissa? I didn't think you would do it and let them become BFF or whatever you call it," Calvin said, whilst trailing off into thought. I clicked my fingers in front of him.

"Look Calvin, I don't know what happened and it's not a big deal. I've done my part, she can obviously decide who she wants to be friends with," I replied. Why is he making such a big deal out of it?

"Oh... Well I suppose you don't want to hear the rumours about yesterday's event?" He responded. Calvin was now leaning closer to me as if to tell his deepest, darkest secret.

"Nope" I said. Of course I do, who wouldn't want to know but I don't want to beg for it.

"You sure?" he said slightly confused. Reverse psychology!

"Yep," I replied with a smile. Fall for the trap!

"Well... I'll tell you anyway! Apparently you punched that guy because you were jealous of Emma and that you didn't want him to go after her..." He trailed off, waiting for my reaction. Are people honestly stupid or do they just don't know me?

"Well that explains Emma's behaviour," I said cautiously, " She can have him. With the black eye and all. I'll even give him another one to match if she wants." 

I added a smile at the end. Calvin threw his head back and started laughing, whilst clutching his stomach. His laughter drew the attention of other people around us. He had apparently heard the funniest thing ever. Calm down, it's not that funny!

Mr Carter walked into class and attempted to settle us down. He looked at Calvin who was still laughing. I elbowed him to try and quiet him down.

"Shut up," I hissed. He started to try and gain composure. I swear I'll never understand what goes on in a boys mind.

"Ella... You're not like other girls, are you?" He eventually said whilst trying to regulate his breathing patterns.

"Nope, so you better deal with it!" I replied. We then sat quietly until registration and announcements were finished.

"So about Marissa," Calvin started. Nope, stop talking. We're not discussing this now.

"You're a real gossiper Calvin," I replied, before laughing. He just frowned. Probably realise I'm not going to talk.

"Fine! Be like that for now, but sooner or later you'll want to talk!" He finally replied. We'll see...

"Anyway, I need to see Emily quickly." I stood up and made my way to her. Calvin took out his phone and started playing some game or something.

"Hey Emily, what's up?" I asked as I interrupted her. She was sitting with some of her friends but she has her nose in a book. She will be able to help me with this cliche stuff.

"Oh hey! Nothing much, just reading this book," She replied, whilst gesturing to her book. She looked a bit disappointed to put down her book once she finished talking.

"I was wondering if you'll help me find some good books to read? I'm looking for a specific type," I asked.

"Oh yeah, we can meet up. Maybe after school?" She responded.

I was about to reply when my phone vibrated.

Can you help with a shift after school?
-Uncle Mark

As I was typing my reply, another message came through from a new number;

Interesting development with Eva... Better check it out.

"I'm sorry for being rude," I said to Emily who was still waiting awkwardly for a reply. "Can we meet a bit later on? My uncle just messaged me asking to help him unless you want to come to the Cafe whilst I work?" I asked.

Emily thought about it before replying, "The cafe after school sounds like more fun. I'll meet you there!"

Emily and I decided on the finer details of our arrangements before register period ended. I thought back to the messages. Who was this third number now?


The troubles of being nice...

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