Chapter Twenty Eight | No Thanks

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The next morning, I was on a mission. It was quite a simple mission: Avoid Emily and intimidate Max.

I had left the house, knowing that there was usually Basketball practice in the the morning so I made sure I was early. There were hardly any students around and those who were here resembled zombies. It was way too early but I was on a mission...

I went to the basketball courts and waited. I tried to watch practice but the team had way too much energy in the morning for me to keep concentrating on them. I closed my eyes and let out a quiet groan. This better be worth it.

Finally practice ended so I shouted, "Max! I need to talk to you."

"Not today, you short crazy girl!" he shouted and like any other sane person, Max decided to run in the opposite direction. He didn't want to talk to me and probably had an idea on what I wanted to speak about. I didn't chase him. I just decided to wait in one of the halls to intercept him before class. He probably thought I'd given up. Poor guy is in for a surprise!

Fate seemed to be on my side because Max and one of his teammates walked around the corner and straight into my trap.

"Max, don't run," was the first thing I said. Of course he decide to run. I'm not even scary. What's his problem?

"If you move another step, I'm getting Emily to cancel tonight," I called out. Again, of course I was bluffing but he didn't know that so I used it to my advantage.

Max stopped and started walking back to me. His teammate laughed but continued walking to class as he didn't want to take part. His loss anyway...

"So, lovely weather we're having today," Max tried to change the subject. His tall figure towered over me. Well I did say he's a basketball player.

"Yep, it really is lovely," I humoured his attempt, "So a little birdie told me that you're taking Emily on a date today."

"Um yes," he cautiously replied.

"Where?" I demanded. I need to know its a suitable place.

"I'm not telling you! It's a surprise anyway. Is that all? I think I'm going to be late." Max tried to walk away. I yanked him back by his shirt.

"I'm not finished yet. You're not leaving until I'm done." He nodded slowly as if he's scared to provoke me.

"Now I want to tell you that if your hurt Emily, I'll hurt you. You maybe not be able to have children once I'm done so think twice before you do anything," I threatened whilst pointing at him. I might've poked him a few times too but oh well...

Once again, Max cautiously nodded, "Sorry, I can't quite hear you!"

"I mean yes!" he responded.

"Now go to class," I pushed him in the general direction, "And remember I'll find out if you've done anything!"

"I'm sure you will!" Max walked away. I'm like 90% sure he just humoured me with going along with this whole situation.

It was much later on when I realised I didn't get much information out of Max about the date. I blamed time constraints and his height. Curse you tall people!

This lead to the next problem. I did not have anything to distract Emily from the charity ball. She had spent any spare second showing me frilly dresses and skyscraper heels. She also had it in her mind that she was responsible for trying to persuade me to go. Persuade is a very loose term here. I think attempted blackmailing, murder threats and emotional guilt tripping would've been more appropriate terms.

It was lunch and I was trying to enjoy my food in peace and quiet but luck wasn't on my side this time. We sat outside on a bench under a tree. I was trying to eat my lunch but was stopped every few seconds by Emily. I'm getting Hangry!

"You have to go! It's our last charity ball!" Emily begged. Yep, she's resorted to begging now.

"Nah, I don't feel like it."

"But I can't go alone! Who will I hang around with? What type of friend are you?", she protested. It seems like a bit of a vicious cycle is forming.

"Your future date Max will entertain you," I didn't have to even think about my answers at this point.


"-Emily, at least give me this time to quietly enjoy my lunch!" I demanded.

"Fine," she grumbled.

Quiet, at last.

But nothing lasts forever.

Calvin decided that it was the perfect time to grace us with his presence and kill my short lived silence. That wasn't even the worst part. It was the words that flew out his mouth that made it so terrible.

"Are you going to the charity ball?" he questioned. I groaned. Didn't he get the memo where I was trying to stay away from that topic?

"I'm going but Ella here," Emily glared at me, "hasn't given me such a positive response."

"I said it's unlikely," I defended.

"You have to help me change that answer to yes, Calvin," Emily commanded. Poor Calvin looked as if he wished he hadn't asked such an innocent question but it was too late for him to back out now. She's very determined.

"Why?" Calvin asked.

"Been before and I don't like dresses. I can just donate money in one of their cans," I replied before Emily could interfere. It probably had to do with the fact that her mouth was full from the bite in her sandwich.

"Oh yeah, and there's also that dance at the end of the year so it's really a lose I suppose," Calvin agreed with me.

"Calvin! You're supposed to tell her to go to charity dance! Not agree with her!" Emily shook her head and mumbled something about boys being idiots.

Calvin raised his hands in surrender and gave her a charming smile.

"Well you'll probably be with Max all evening so spare Ella if she doesn't want to go," Calvin played the diplomat. That's what I've been saying the whole time!

"Mmm, that's true," Emily agreed. Oh so now Calvin says that, it's more logical than when I said that.

I shot Emily a playful glare. My phone vibrated and I quickly checked the message.

Shift after school?

I had nothing better to do so I replied a quick ok. Someone probably called in sick. What if Max takes her to the cafe?

"Guess who's working today?" I said smugly. It took a few seconds before Emily looked horrified.

"No! No! No! He won't take me there because I'll tell him you're working!" she tried to convince us. Calvin had only caught on now and burst out laughing. Loudly.

A few students turned there heads to see if there was any lasting entertainment going on but were disappointed because they had missed our conversation. Shame on them for being nosy.

The bell rang, breaking up our little party so unfortunately we had to return to class.

Hopefully today's shift would be entertaining...


Please believe the logic.

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