Chapter Twenty Nine | Stalker Vibes

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Apparently Max decided to avoid the cafe that evening so I didn't see either one of them during my shift. However, that didn't stop me from see other familiar faces that day.

I got down to work easily and served a few customers. There was a regular flow of customers. It wasn't too busy but it wasn't too quiet. It was just right.

It wasn't until late afternoon that I saw Ashton. He was seated outside by himself with an empty chair across him. It was most peculiar as I only saw Ashton with his teammate whenever he came to the cafe.

His face was in his hands whilst he shook his leg. He seemed to be deep in thought, ignoring everyone around him. I wonder what's wrong?

I decided to leave him for a bit before approaching him to see if he was alright. I went back to work, serving up a few orders and collecting bills. I was at the cashier, collecting change for one of the tables before I went to Ashton.

At this point, he seemed to be checking his watch every few seconds, his leg still shaking. What was he waiting for?

I felt compelled to go and find out. Once I was done giving change to my customers, someone blocked my view with their hands. Not this again.

Instead of entertaining the person, I pulled away to see who decided to bother me at work. This isn't exactly the most appropriate place to mess about.

"Calvin! What are you doing?" I scolded. I swatted his hands out of the way.

"I was having fun! I called your name once I walked in but you seemed distracted. So I decided to plan a sneak attack," he explained. He held his arms up in surrender. He seems to be surrendering a lot today.

"Well don't do that whilst I'm working. Now what can I get you?" I guided him to one of my empty tables.

"Two chocolate milkshakes," he ordered before continuing, "but seriously what had you so distracted?"

"Well... Did you see Ashton outside?" I questioned.

"Yeah," he nodded.

"Well he looks a bit troubled so I was going to find out what's wrong before you disturbed him..."

"Oh, well you shouldn't," he responded.


"Go grab my order and wait with me. You'll see," he demanded.

I huffed but went to get the milkshakes. I was curious to see what was going to happen. In the mean time I tried to stop myself from going over to Ashton and demanding answers. Yep, that's the only reason I'm listening is because I know Calvin will probably drag me away.

I kept glancing between Ashton and Calvin. The milkshakes were nearly done. So far Ashton's stance hadn't changed much whilst Calvin sat on his phone, probably texting someone. Maybe if I made a dash for it...

It was a if Calvin read my mind because he looked up to see what I was doing. Now I had no choice but to bring the milkshakes, which had just been handed to me, to the table and wait. Well that plan went down the drain.

I set the milkshakes down on the table and quickly put the tray back before returning to my seat. After a few seconds of watching, I got agitated. Patience doesn't seem to be my strong suit today. Must be the weather or something...

"Why can't I just ask?" I said, after a dramatic sigh.

"You'll spoil all the fun then," Calvin responded with ease. He opened his straw and started drinking his milkshake.

"This doesn't seem to be like much fun," I grumbled before taking a sip of my milkshake. Hopefully this will pass time.

I had a quick look around to see if any of my customers needed help but they all seemed to be content at the moment. Another few minutes here won't harm anyone.

I opened my mouth to complain some more but Calvin interrupted, "Look." He gestured to Ashton.

A girl approached the table. She looked familiar but I couldn't remember exactly where I saw her. She sat down and they started talking. Ashton had stopped shaking leg, instead he was fiddling with his phone cover whilst talking to her. Ashton has a date!

Another waitress went up to them to take their order, which reminded me to actually do my job. I decided I don't want to be a creepy stalker who would watch their whole date, but that didn't stop my excitement for him.

"I'll be back in a bit," I mumbled to Calvin before I left. He smiled before distracting himself with his phone.

I continued to serve a few customers whilst helping a new one settle down. Once everything settled, I returned to Calvin's table to finish what was left of my milkshake.

"Aren't you glad you didn't talk to him?" Calvin asked.

"Mmm, I suppose, but who's the girl? I've seen her before but I can't quite remember her," I enquired. Calvin knew a lot of people so I knew he would most likely know her.

"Oh, she's in the year below us." He continued to explain why I knew her. I probably passed her in the hallway many times. No wonder she looks so familiar.

Eventually, Calvin had to go somewhere else so I had to return to working. Ashton was still busy on his date but I was under strict orders not to go near them by Calvin. I prefer to call it blackmail more than anything.

Whilst I wasn't busy, my thoughts would wonder back to them and I would end up watching like a creepy stalker. I really needed to get ahold of myself.

The date seemed to be going well from my angle. Ashton pulled out a small gift bag, that I hadn't noticed before, and handed it to his date. He said something that made her squeal. That caused a few other customers to turn and see what was going one. She jumped out of her seat and hugged him. Maybe he asked her to be his girlfriend?

Only time would tell what had happened. I decided it was time to drag myself from watching them to go to the offices to see if I was needed the rest of the week. I told one of the waitresses I was taking my official break before walking to the back.

I greeted my uncle, slightly surprised that Sam wasn't in here too. I wonder what my cousins up to...

"Where's Sam?" I asked curiously. I sat down on one of the chairs.

"He said not to tell you but you can interrogate him all you want to tomorrow. I still need you tomorrow to cover for someone after school if that's okay?" He changed the topic before I could interrogate him. Sam knows me too well.

"Yeah that's okay," I confirmed. We continued to talk until the end of my break. My shift would be over soon. By the time I returned to the front, Ashton and his date had left. I'll probably find out what happened on his date tomorrow.

I suppose I'll also have to interrogate Sam tomorrow.


When you're watching your friend on a date but don't want to be too obvious. 

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