The Scottish Disaster

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Angus McTaggert
(Ang-gis Mic-tag-urt)




Sexual Orientation


Ceana McTaggert (Mother, Alive)
Tamhas McTaggert (Father, Alive)



Significant Markings
He's got plenty of scars, a few on his arms and legs but mostly on his chest and back

Angus is a huge flirt. He'll flirt with practically anyone, really as long as he finds them attractive on some level. He's not one who has ever planned on settling down with anyone, and it's likely he never will. He doesn't commit to any real relationships either, and again likely never will, unless the absolute perfect person for him showed up.
Angus looks up a little more to the Norse god Loki over the others at times, due to the fact he's a trickster and Angus goes about his own life in a similar way. He looks out mostly just for himself, and so far has very few people he really cares for. Despite that, he'll help people occasionally just to have some fun messing with the guards.


Long Dagger

There isn't a lot of story to his early life. Angus traveled with his parents, and another small family, from Scotland to England when he was eleven.
He never completely adjusted to the move, and the older he got, the more trouble he got into. At first, it was simple things such as just being more disruptive or staying out too late, but it didn't take long to escalate to stealing and fights, at first just when others didn't agree with or looked down on his Norse beliefs.
After all that, though he's still a criminal and a very wanted man, he's formed a life he does enjoy and has made quite a few 'friends' that help him keep that up.

He believes in the Norse gods

You are a bounty hunter, and a rather successful one as well.
You've had a wanted paper for Angus with you for a while. You've followed his trail before but decided it would be easier to track others and wait for Angus to show up somewhere at the same time as you, as he proved to be a very difficult man to track.
You just turned someone in and collected your reward, so you decided to relax at the local tavern for a bit before starting your next search, and just as you got your first drink Angus walked in.

You're a local thief. You've been arrested a few times, but so far haven't taken anything valuable enough to earn a worse punishment. Despite that, you still don't want to get caught of course.
You were seen stealing something again, so the guards were called, and you ran. The shouting definitely attracted some attention, and the guards were starting to gain on you, but soon enough you felt someone grab your wrist and you were pulled into a small alley way.

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