Chapter 5: Black roses

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It was the day. 

The day of the attack King Park and Queen L/N had been planning for ages. Y/N was not completely healed yet, she still had stitches on her deep cut wounds that would come tearing apart if she did any significant movement, but as the stubborn ruler she was, she insisted on attacking alongside King Park's and her own men. Glancing at the male beside her, Y/N couldn't help but let out a snort after seeing King Park draped in a long cloak, the hood of the cloak concealed his surreal facial features, 

"Hey what are you laughing at?" he asked with a pout that never failed to catch her attention.

Breaking out into deep laughter, Y/N gasped for air, "You- you're going to gain more attention dressed like that" 

"At least I won't look like I came out of prison" King Park fired back, eyeing her navy tunic that hid her curves. 

"Me? Looking like I came from prison? Let's talk about YOU looking like the Grim Reaper." 

"Right because-" 

"Your disguises have been taken care by the local tailor." a male with cat like eyes, who she assumed was King Park's Chancellor interrupted him. 

"Oh." was all King Park managed to get out before his flickered over to the woman who stood with a small smirk on her face. 


Huffing from frustration, Y/N pulled down her uncomfortable green tunic before placing herself behind the huge bushes on the outskirts of Mystbrook.

"Why the hell do we have to wear green?" she asked with a huff.

"Because it's the flag colour of Mystbrook." King Park responded in a 'duh' voice 

"Glad to know I'm going to look like a Christmas tree in the middle of spring." Y/N said, rolling her eyes before she got shushed by her own Commander who was also not completely healed but insisted on joining the raid. "Hey I didn't know this place grew black roses." she said when her eyes caught a single beautiful black rose growing on a slender dark green stem, it's alluring scent made Y/N lean in and trace her dainty finger over the delicate velvety soft curved petal, snapping out of her thoughts when Chancellor Kim's voice reached her ears, Y/N turned her attention now towards her allies.

"Why is the parade float not here?" Chancellor Kim asked, receiving a lazy shrug from Chancellor Min who kept his eyes on the dirt road on which the parade float would supposedly appear. 

"They're probably late, King Jung is never organized in planning events." King Park's commander, Commander Kim said, receiving a nod from Chancellor Kim in return. 

Y/N's ears perked up hearing the distant parade music that seemed to be getting closer and closer to where they hid,

"I think they're here!" she said with a gasp.

"Remind me why we hid behind these bushes." King Park said groaning as he got his big ass up.

"We can't be seen by the locals" Y/N said with an eye roll 

"They're going to see us now anyway." 

"They'll be too engrossed in the parade I don't think they'll be paying attention to us." 

Ignoring Y/N's correct use of logic, King Park stood up brushing the dirt of his brand new green tunic before he fixed the green mask that covered most of his ethereal face that was surrounded with his long dark locks shaped in soft curls, 

"I know I'm handsome, you can stop staring at me" King Park cockily remarked with a smirk.

"I-shut up" Y/N turned away huffing, with a blushing face while crossing her arms over her chest.

The parade float stopped as people dressed in emerald came out of their houses to gather around the huge display of Mystbrook's flag surrounded by green balloons, the entire float was heavily guarded by King Jung's men, who wore an emotionless, cold face, that looked anything but welcome especially considering that they were equipped with huge machine guns and swords that were big enough to take down an entire army, chills went down Y/N's spine as her face went pale and cold sweat formed on her forehead when she made eye contact with the head guard. 

"L/N, act normal" King Park whispered in her ear, his warm breath fanning her neck as he pressed his free hand against her lower back.

Slightly nodding at his words with a blush, Y/N watched as the parade float slowly started moving towards, which she assumed was the plaza, as some people followed along. 

"Let's go" King Park said before blending in with the crowd, followed by Y/N and the other officials. 


"Why couldn't we have just went to the plaza in the first place without having to go to the outskirts and follow this stupid parade float to the plaza?" King Park whined. 

"And suddenly the King turned into a five year-old." Commander Kim snorted.

"Shh" Y/N shushed the two males who were bickering when she noticed that the float had come to a stop at a somewhat captivating place, slender green vines creeping up on the stone walls giving a nature look the place decorated with the same green balloons and Mystbrook's flag, flicking her eyes over to where a majestic golden carriage arrived, Y/N was able to make out the shiny golden crown, through the mesh, that rested atop who she assumed was King Jung's head. 

"Commander Jeon, have you planted the bombs?" King Park asked in a hushed voice. 

"It was difficult but yeah, I managed to plant the bombs on the way here." Commander Jeon said, receiving a sharp nod in return.

"Okay...If my calculations are right then the bombs should go off right when King Jung crosses the stone arch, that way the public won't suffer major injuries." King Park said, his eyes never leaving the golden wheels of the carriage that slowly spun towards the stone archway. 

All six pairs of eyes watched as the wheels crossed a mere inch from the stone archway triggering the bomb Commander Jeon had planted on the way to the plaza. 


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