Chapter 6: Death

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Blood curling screams filled his ears. 

The bombs weren't powerful enough to kill someone who wasn't directly beside it but they surely were able to heavily injure King Jung, of course he wasn't dead 𝘺𝘦𝘵, but a few of the guards surrounding him that were in direct contact with the bomb were dead. 

𝘗𝘢𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘵𝘪𝘤. King Park thought before sounds of gunshots filled the air, that was their cue to start attacking. Drawing out his sword, he charged straight towards the guards that were leading injured King Jung to safety, successfully swinging his sharp blade he was able to slice off a guard's hand that screamed in agony before, who King Park assumed was his friend, pulled out his blade and managed to close in on King Park, but being the excellent combat fighter he was, King Park was able to take him down in one blow before his eyes flicked over to Queen L/N's figure who was occupied in taking down several of King Jung's men, she didn't seem to be facing any difficulty sparring with them so that was the least of his concern at the moment.

He felt his hair on the back of his neck stand up before he immediately turning around and dodged an attack by a whisker, furious he swung his sword the air, the blade immediately decapitating the guard who had attempted to attack him, his body fell to the floor with a thud as blood oozed out staining the gravel, ignoring the disgusting sight King Park watched as the people of Mystbrook ran for their lives, some broke into the castle while some hid in sheds, King Park knew the ones who broke into the castle are royally fucked up since King Jung most likely wouldn't spare them, but he could care less about that, his priority was to make sure his members and allies were safe and take down as many King Jung's guards as possible. 

Everyone seemed to be doing fine and not face any major struggles while taking down King Jung's guards except one. 𝘊𝘩𝘢𝘯𝘤𝘦𝘭𝘭𝘰𝘳 𝘒𝘪𝘮. He seemed to be facing King Jung's commander, as the star on his emerald shirt implied and Chancellor Kim's priority wasn't battle, so as a result he wasn't the best combat fighter they had. Considering this, King Park sprinted towards Chancellor Kim with his blade in front of him, the shiny tool glided through air and was about to land on King Jung's commander's unreal plastic like skin before King Park's sword was knocked out his grip and made contact with the gravel that was now stained by own blood that dripped down from his arm, the blade had been snapped into two which seemed nearly impossible, 

"I knew bloody low lifes like you would infiltrate the Independence day parade." King Jung's commander spoke with an eye roll, his deep voice surprisingly attractive.

"I'll show you bloody low lifes." King Park spat back.

Picking up his broken blade, King Park once again swung his sword along with Chancellor Kim, the two only managing to get a mere scratch on the commander's plump cheek.

 Without warning, the commander leapt into action, his kick connecting with Chancellor Kim's chest that sent him stumbling, in the meantime King Park closed in on the commander with his blade but the commander reacted just in time to elbow King Park in the ribs, groaning in pain he clutched his ribs with one hand while his other still held the broken blade, while the commander turned his attention towards King Park, Chancellor Kim regained footing and approached the commander from behind, unfortunately though, his attack did not successfully land on the commander as he moved away just in time while battling with King Park. 

"Just give up the two of you are too weak to win against me." the male's deep voice reached King Park's ears which he simply shrugged off as their swords came in contact, the metal scrapping against eachother causing little sparks to form. 

The battle continued on for what seemed like hours, all three of them were now washed with fatigue, as their heavy breathing implied, King Park had blood dripping down his forehead and arm but Chancellor Kim had it worse, his left eye was completely destroyed, and through his pained breathing, King Park assumed he had broken ribs, there was also blood dripping down Chancellor Kim's thigh, right where an arrow had been shot and considering the way he only used his left hand it was clear he had broken his right, judging by this King Park wasn't sure whether Chancellor Kim would make it or not but he could only hope. 

Lastly there was the commander who's name they were still not aware of, he seemed to be in a pretty good shape, only minor wounds, which was surprising, considering how good at combat King Park was. But now it all came down to one last blow, King Park wasn't confident that he would win against the commander but of course he had to at least try. Carefully waiting for an opening, King Park watched the pair spar, the commander clearly having the upper hand as his blade landed multiple scratches all of Chancellor Kim's muscular build. 

"Just give up already, there's no point in fighting until the brink of your death." King Jung's commander said once again in attempt to persuade them to back down from battle. 

Coughing out blood, Chancellor Kim's now gruffy voice from his damaged vocal cords filled the air, "Never." 

King Park had an awful feeling in his gut that caused him to frantically look around to see if any of his allies were able to help him in this battle, but unfortunately everyone was busy fending off more than one guard. 

That left him with no choice but to swing his weapon no matter how sore his arm felt. Charging straight it, King Park was so close, 𝘴𝘰 𝘤𝘭𝘰𝘴𝘦 to pieceing his blade straight through the commander's abdomen but he felt a sharp pain on the back of his neck when the commander used the hilt of his sword to hit him. 

King Park's vision started to get fuzzy, his attempt to blink it away failed as he dropped his broken blade to ground before stumbling onto the gravel, his nails digging into it to keep him upright. Ringing filled his ears and drained out his pants, but the familiar sound of a gun shot slipped into ears as his eyes darted towards Chancellor Kim's body that collapsed onto the gravel with blood pouring out of his chest. King Park froze, he couldn't lose L/N's Chancellor, what would she think of him? That he's weak and not enough to protect her Chancellor? He didn't want her to regret choosing to be allies with him; on top of that he couldn't bear the guilt of losing a precious life. 

Chancellor Kim coughed, "I'm sorry." 

"Chancellor! Don't give up!" King Park said, even though he couldn't hear his own voice from the ringing that filled his ears. 

"Please...take care of Y/N...I've seen the way you look at her...and tell Jungkook that I love him and to take care of himself." Chancellor Kim said, hissing in pain 

"Chancellor Kim! We can't lose you! can make it" King Park said, his consciousness giving up on him as the ringing in his ears faded out. 

"I'm sorry." 

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