cloud review | 07

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Cloud Nine Reviews
Title of Story: The Lady in the Weeping Mansion

Title: The title, in my opinion, (and I'm sure most that have read it would agree) has horror written all over it. Mansions have long been stereotyped as plain haunted, while a lady only suggests a more uncanny situation. It is a bit odd but intriguing in that it portrays the house in distress instead of the woman.

I don't know the reason behind this, but as I think it is intended this way I find it quite amusing.

Cover: The cover is almost A grade. Wattpad does tend to blur high resolution covers reason for why the image looks great but may not be in its best condition. On the other hand, the only thing that sets your cover apart is the subtitle text and perhaps the font styles used.

The cover in itself may be a bit too dark whereas the opacity of the subtitle text is lower than normal.

Another heads up. Your name and/or pseudonym, if not equally, is the next important thing after your title. Thus, put emphasis on it without toppling over the main text!

dilagmakata tip #13: A minimum of one font up to a maximum of two fonts only is recommended for the entire cover.

Sometimes, three or more fonts work as well depending on the style and design of the cover, however, often times it only makes the cover a lot less consistent instead. In your case, it is almost, but is not overpowering.

Blurb: The blurb, in contrast to the title and the story inside, sparks some confusion.

I love how you strive to make the reading experience as complete as possible, but it seemed like you were somewhat trying to describe a game and not a story. Although it makes it stronger, detail should not be your primary goal when writing a story blurb. Heavy description makes blurbs seems hefty for most readers.

I understand that science-fiction/fantasy genres require longer, deeper descriptions and more attention to detail, however, do still see to it that it is both informative yet concise.

Grammar: Your grammar is good to go and undoubtedly well-grounded. As this is the case, you are more prone to technical mistakes. We tend to move forward and leave lapses.

As I've advised other writers, check occasionally for minor errors you may have missed especially capitalisation and punctuation which are commonly ommited.

Plot: The plot is notably well thought of, this is the reason as to why I found the blurb rather off-putting. They don't seem to be referring entirely to one story.

In terms of structure however, I think the action and dialogue are beautifully balanced. You write in complex and mesmerising detail, meaning your descriptions are well above the average lying vocabulary. So in order to ensure that it is wonderfully executed, maintain consistency and be careful with using too far-fetched and unfamiliar words.

This is an excellent start, but I urge you to remember to be innovative and cautious at the same time, that way your ideas and your readers always end up being on the same page.

Well, that's it for my short, blissful, and honest review on The Lady in the Weeping Mansion. Don't forget to follow rule #3. And once again, thank you so much for allowing me to review your work!

"Great achievement is usually born of great sacrifice, and is never the result of selfishness"
-Napoleon Hill

love always,

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