Chapter 14: Awake from the fire

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Larra woke up in a beautiful area. It was nice time, the moon was shining. She seemed to be in a forest, a pine forest. She saw a path and followed it way. She kept on walking and walking, seeing many many fireflies. Larra saw a beautiful house, it wasn't big nor small, but somehow, it made her feel like home.

Larra walked toward the house and knocked on the door, but her hand went through it.

"Am I dead?" She was terrified...She couldn't believe it that she was no longer alive...

"Wait...if I'm dead....then why didn't I went to heaven or hell, but stuck here? I'm not dead...No one can see me..."

She went in the house and saw a lovely place. And by the look, the family lived here was a part of the Christian. She knew no one would saw her, if they did, they would be very kind if she explained things.

"Oh my sweet, Larra Christensen. You will love what mama has for you..." She followed the sweet angle voice into the living room.

"One day, you will grow up to be a beautiful young lady just like your mama Larra!" A warm male voice was also in the room. She presumed it was a family with a loving parents and their daughter that has the same name with her, Larra.

She took a look closer. Larra was surprise to see the couple faces, they looked so loving and warm. She looked at the little baby was held up in the sky in her father's strong arms.

"You two are the two I love the most. Thank you God for blessing us this life" The father kissed his wife and his daughter. that was when she saw the baby. She has blonde hair just like her mother and blue eyes just like her father.

"My my, her eyes, they are quite sinister, aren't they? Just like her handsome Danish father?" The woman chuckled as she stared into the little girl eyes.

"And such soft blonde locks, just like her beautiful German mother" They kissed and took the baby upstairs. Larra followed them into the baby room and set the sleeping Larra on to her bed. That was her upportunity to look closer the baby.

Larra's blue eyes went wide...The baby was her...the orphanage always kept babies pictures of every single child that came in. And that was her...if that was her then...

"They are my parents...I can't believe it...this is my memories...They ..." She could feel tears were building up on her eyes. She ran downstairs and tried to hug them, but once she ran toward them, they just passed her...Of course, she was just a ghost in this memories...

"Honey, can you help me in the basement please?" Her mother said from the basement.

"Of course, what is it?" He walked down the basement with her.

"Mom, Dad...why did you leave me....? While, you loved me so much..." Larra could only stand there and watched her parents looking for stuffs in the basement. She saw them taking out albums and a box full of something she didn't know. While stepping down on the wooden stairs, the door closed behind her, also did took attention to her parents.

"It would't open! Gabriele, get me the axe in the corner!" He shouted as Larra saw fear in his eyes. Those eyes were full of confident and anger, but still remind calm to her mom, Gabriele.

"Aaron, here ya go!" She gave the axe to Larra's dad, Aaron.

"Do you smell something?" He stopped and smelled the air.

"Burn...I'm not cooking at all...Someone might have..." Her mom was getting panic and took out her phone calling the fire department.

Larra ran through the door and looked around, hoping it was not true...but everything she hoped when she saw two mans were firing up the house outside. She tried to stopped them, but nothing worked, she was there at all.

As she ran back inside to see her parents, they still couldn't open the door, but what she feared was...the smoke. The smoke took away the oxi in one basement, there was no windows, that was what she feared...they would die.

"Mom! Dad!" Larra ran inside the basement and saw her parents putting the albums and the box inside a smaller metal basement.

"One day, Larra will return to this place and find her necklace is the key to open it. She would love it..." Her mom cried silently in her dad chest.

" matter what...we will always love you...." Aaron smiled sadly while his hands held Gabriele's hands.

"Even if you don't see us, but we will follow your foot steps to life, Larra..." Larra felt tears running down her cheeks....

"Bless God to give you a prefect family after all of this...." She tried so much to holding back her tears.

"We are sorry that you have to see all of this, my sweet Christian baby" She gasped and looked up to them....they saw her....

"I know you would grow up to be a lovely lady...." Her dad smiled at her.

"Mom, you...." She still couldn't touch them.

"We love you too sweetie....Always love your family and remember about us, you will find your way back home" They held her hands, that was the first and last time she could feel her parents warmness and happiness....

###30 minutes later##

The fire fighters received the call from her mother and went right away. They shut down the fire and the remaining was the burned house and ashes flying. One of the doctors of the ambulance held herself, well, her babyself. Her name was under the necklace, that's how they knew her name.

Larra watched as the two mans started the fire got caught by the polices and threw them into the police car. The fire fighters pull out the remains of the house and carried out her parents. They were gone....that was how she knew how her parents dead and gave her life....

"Time to get back and find that house...."

##Into reality##

The whole team were waiting for Larra to recover from the street bullies. Reapered was still guilty for what he did, not matter how many time the team tried to tell him, it wasn't his fault.

"You guys should get going, it's late and you guys have scrims tomorrow..." Balls said while facing away where Larra was laying.

"Who cares about scrims now....all I feel is guilt. I shouldn't had said such things like that..." Reapered burried his head in his hands in shame.

"You didn't mean it. You were caring about the team because you trusted us" Meteos placed his arm around the coach and patted to calm him down.

"Beside, Larra wouldn't like it when she sees you cried, coach. She wants us to be strong, not crying because of her. She feels guilty about it" Nicolaj explained while gave everyone a sad smile.

"Then, I will stay strong just for her" Reapered looked up and smiled at the team members.

"Let's just say, we win a ticket to Worlds to cheer her up. What do you say?" Bunny said, while his hand was in front of the team.

"Let's do it!" Sneaky placed his hand on top of Bunny's hand.

"Yeah, I'm going for another round to beat other teams' asses" Meteos smiled and placed his hand on Sneaky's hand, because .... he's his bruh and no one is allow to touch Sneaky except for Meteos.

One by one the Cloud9 LCS's members and coaches placed their hands on top of the others/

"Don't forget about us too you know" Hai placed his skinny hand in the circle.

"We will do our best to get the promotion to NA Spring split 2017" And all of the members of both Cloud9 and Cloud9 Challenger confident looked at each other with hope, especially Meteos and Sneaky, looking each other in a sexual way. Ok ok, I'm done.

"Everyone on 3. 1, 2 ...3..."

"CLOUD9!!!" They all raised up their hands into the sky as their smile in bravery and confident as they will do their best to win.

"Great team bonding, family" They all turned around to face the smiling Larra looking at them.

"Larra!" Reapered ran and hugged at her tight, while sobbing into her hospital dress.

"Coach, are you crying?" She asked.

"No...I'm not, because I don't want to hurt you again.

"Welcome kiddo" Jensen rubbed her blonde hair and smiled at his daughter.

"Guys....if you don't mind, I have a request" Larra asked. Everyone nodded.

"I need to see my old house again, the place that it got burned down years ago, in a pine forest. I don't know if you guys can help but I'm asking for help" Larra said, her blue eyes were full of hope.

"We will help you find that place....but where did you...."

"In my memories, I met my parents. They told me to got back to the old house and find it. There's something they want me to know"

"We will find it with you! But first, rest for sure, Larra. You will need it" Jack said and put on a smile.

"And you guys too. Now go back home and get rest, ready to kick scrims tomorrow!" They all laughed.

I love this new family, Mom, Dad. And I will find you

^^To be continued^^

Heyyyyyyyy, that is almost 1600 words...So long? Oops

Im kinda sad that Hai is going to retired soon for the 2nd time. Rest in peace Hai, We love you

Well, hope you enjoy this chapter and I will see you in the new chapter, or my other stories update

Don't forget to vote, comment and share

See ya fam

Kim Yong Yon

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