Chapter 15: On the sreach

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After Cloud9 Challenger won NA CS and promtion to NA LCS, the group of C9C went with Larra to find the last of her house. While that, Cloud9 made sure to look out for the other teams, trying to get the ticket to World. Jensen gave Larra on last hug before she headed into the van with the others, including Andrew.

"Be safe guys! Take care!" Everone waved back at each other. As the van drove to houses located in forest, hoping for finding the right place.

During those time, they stopped by the orphanage that Larra used to stay in to get some informations about her.

"Any luck?" Balls asked as Charlie slided into the driving seat.

"They said that the fire despartment might know where is it. The sisters were very nice to give me their location" He held out his phone and started to type into the GPS the address.

"Thank God, that they still kept the address" Larra smiled.

"So where is it?" Hai asked as he scroll down Twitter for news of Cloud9.

"Well, it's in Oregon. We will be there tomorrow" Chalie started to drive off the parking lot.

"Ok then. We will be there tomorrow morning. We will have to stop by a motel tonight" Altec chuckled.

As for the whole ride, they were takling about many things. Suh as how Riot Games has this weird thing about PBE sever made so many skins and champions spoilers. And Andrew retold the story of how TSM house got 3 times almost caught on fire. Everyone shared their stories with each other. And some good puns and memes on the van, which made LemonNation's head explored. After the whole afternoon traveling through the state, the group decided to have some dinner at KFC.

"So, basically, I found a motel on the way we are going. It's not a bad place. Beautiful pine trees view, pretty safe, no worried at all" LemonNation said, while took a bit of his cheese burger.

"If it's safe, then I guess we will be just fine. Unless someone sneaked into our room and took our things and sale them without us noticing!" Andrew laughed.

"Don't worried, high quality motel. With sweet password and we have computers and we also have some shitty creepypastas in Contrazt's suitcase" everyone looked at the Jungler with scary eyes.

"It's not creepypasta! It's cooking book, how to make pasta and others! We need a cook sometimes too. Beth and XeXe can't always cook for us" Contrazt (A/n: I dont know if that's right, please help me ;-;) crossed his arms in front of him "Remember last time? When both girls went on a beach holiday and we couldn't cook and Sneaky nearly burned the house"

Hai and Balls looked at each other and with an angry Charlie and angry Lemon, they were about to get kill by them. Last time, a few people went on a field trip. Larra gone with Jack's family and Charlie, Lemon. Leaving everyone nearly burned down the house, thanks to Sneaky. Everyone laughed, except for angry lookings from the old wise men, sitting in front of them, wanted to kill the team and yelled at them.

Once, they were done. The group set off to the jouney to Oregon. By the time they saw the sign said 'Welcome to Oregon!' They knew they were here. Hai gave Charlie the direction to the motel. School was starting soon too and Andrew's family agreed to let him stay in L.A. with TSM, the two was reviewing their new books on the car, while the others were either sleeping or using their phones. While Larra couldn't believe that she would see her home again. Then again, it was burned nearly 15 years ago, but her parents kept something for her. She promised she would find it in a small basement. Larra hoped that the bounty digging hunters in the those old shows on TV wouldn't find it. She needed it.

"Ok guys, we're here" Charlie said as he stopped the van and pull off his seat-belt and climbed outside.

One by one, everyone climbed out of the van and took their stuffs. It was still early, nearly 8:30pm. Hai met sign in at the reception desk and the manager kindly give them a large room, with twin beds and a great wifi service too.

It was a long night of gamers doing what they do best and Larra and Andrew just talked about how their life was doing while they were spearent for the past few years. After a while, slowly Larra difted off to sleep on her bed. He couldn't help but smiled at his best friend, so gently as he could, laid the sleeping blonded girl asleep on the bed and covered the blanket on her. The blonded Danish boy couldn't look away from his princess, who was fast asleep. He was about to sat up and climb to the top bed, till Larra's hand grabed his sleeve. Andrew couldn't have a choice, but to cuddle her under the same blanket.

"Goodnight Larra. Sweet dreams" He kissed her forehead and soon the sleep took over him.

And the night went by, the two still hugging each other. No one wanted to bother the two sleeping and they all kept silent together till sunrise comes.

##To be continuned##

Kim Yong Yon

Btw, the playoff is here!!!!ahhhhhhh! Im freaking out guys! I just hoping and hoping!!!! Ahhhhhhhh

Kim Yong Yon

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