Chapter 8: It burns so good

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"Jensen!!! Where is that comic box!?" Balls yelled at Jensen as they were downstairs.

"Lemon took them already!" Jensen shouted upstairs.

Today they started to pack their belovings, ready for the moving day. Cloud9 LOL was peparing to move to a bigger house, since Impact, Altec, Smoothie were joining the team. Not to mention, Meteos was back to C9. Hai, Rush, Balls and Lemon were going to formed another team known as Cloud9 Challenger. After a long time of sreaching, they found Altec to be their ADCarry.

Things in the Cloud9 house were starting to come along. As for Larra, well...she was starting to blending in with the family of pro gamers. She was in her room, reading some books, cuz' she has done packing her stuffs. Tomorrow they were moving and yet she was done, plenty of time to help her family but...


"Hey Dad, here let me help" Larra was about to took the box on a floor...

"No no, I don't need help. Why don't you go pack your stuffs, Larra?" Jensen picked up the box and walked away.


"Eh? You're all done?" He asked Larra with a suprise face. She just nodded with a smile.

And the next thing, Jensen pushed her into her room and kinda force Larra to stay in there until they were done...which isn't a grezt ideal at all...

Larra stayed in her room, sleeping all day and she woke up in the middle of the night...not to mention, Sneaky was snoring loudly next to her room...

##End of flashback##

"Larra! The truck is here! Time to move!" Larra poped up of her bed with wide eyes.

"Wait! I thought it's tomorrow!" She yelled as she changed into her outdoor cloths, ran downstairs with her hair still tying up.

"Oh, sorry. We forgot to tell you that we are moving in early. Time to move!" Jack started to carried some boxes outside.

After 30 minutes, everything was loaded into the truck. Cloud9 called an uber to go to their new house. Larra spend the next hours on the car sleeping on Jensen's lap and her legs were on Rush's. Not to long, everyone on the car, except for the driver fell asleep silently. And Sneaky's snor, once again, woke up everyone! But it seems, Larra wasn't disturbed.

"Larra...Larra..." someone poked Larra's cheek...

"...wake up...." Larra slowly opened her eyes. It was Sneaky poking her "We're here".

They all went inside their new home. It was much better than the old one. Not to mention a fire place, which it's gonna be warm in those cold nights. Everyone started to play rock, paper, scissor so they could pick their rooms. Since Impac, Altec and Smoothie, Reaper weren't here yet, they decided they should left 3, 4 rooms.

"Oho! Im jinxing the next one, come on Larra!" Jensen littery dragged Larra to their room. Because father and daughter.

^^Larra's POV^^

Dad dragged me into a big room, whick could fit two beds and more of our stuffs. Lucky, we have a booselves too, which means we could put books or something Dad would put.

After settled our beds, computers, my books and Dad's collection. We set off on our journey to explore our new home. Like always, Sneaky has the better Internet in the house, same goes to Meteos and Rush. Bunny was consider to stream too and Hai, Jensen since they might get bored.

And since we moved, everyone decided to do the #AskC9 video. A special one where they will ask me too. Since I'm climbing so hard to get to rank. Currently, I'm on Lv29, almost there.

"Now, we are gonna give you some make up ok?" Hailey, one of our helpers, started to put a little make up on my face to give me more bright.

"Alright! We will be doing with Hai, then Sneaky, Balls, Lemon, Rush, Jensen, Meteos and Larra. Now let's get it guys and action!"

##Skipping till is Larra's turn## (A/N: I will pick random questions, since I'm too lazy to rewatch #AskC9 part 4)

@JumJuJu What is the best moment you ever had with Cloud9?

- Well, i think my best moment with Cloud9 is guess is when was Rush's birthday. We went to the BBQ with many other teams. Somehow, the store has this thing on the menu that every birthday they give free beer, with the amount of cups same with their age. Everyone got drunk and eventually some sobers and me had to carried their drunk ass back home. Oh the best part was Meteos and Sneaky nearly kissed each other.

Meteos: That never happen! You just made it up!

- No, it's true. Ask uncle Lemon and I took he picture too...

@lolauthor how did you guys up with your summoner name?

- Well, I just choose randomly, I'm guessing is also came from that I'm a Chirstan so yeah. That's how 'CystalBell' was born.

@IWILLDUMB Kill, F*ck and Marry in the C9

- Guys, what is f*ck?

Producer: That means you have sex with someone...

- Er...ok. I don't want to kill anyone. Please heaven I'm just playing this game, I don't mean to. Amen. Ok...I will kill Sneaky, because he snors alot in the night, making I can't sleep. I would f*ck Meteos?

Sneaky: Dude! She's being savage to me so hard!
Meteos: ayyy lmao

- I will married Balls? No no no, wait, I will married Rush. Because I want to tease my Dad a bit xD

Rush: ooohhoooo
Jensen: you're so mean

@AyLmaoFro if you could choose any champion to make a skin for you, who would it be? Why?

- I would answer is Lux. Because I really like Lux, sometimes, LilyPichu senpai duo with me 1v1 Lux. So yeah...I really like Lux :3

@AlticAcTi0n433 If you could delete any champion, who would it be?

- I don't know, each champion has their own style. So...basically I don't want to

Producer: but you have to

- Fine, I will delete Urgot, because I just choose randomly! >< I'm done I'm done...

"So since we are done early today and it's 5pm, how about we do something to celebrate?" Jack asked.

"Oh! How about some Korean BBQ on the last day before we go to Korea?" Hai suggested.

"How about go to the beach?" Rush asked.

"In the night? No thanks" Bunny held out his hands.

"Well, maybe we could go to the pratio and have a camp fire out there?" I spoke up.

"That's a great ideal!!! Let's go guys!" We all ran off and get ready for the camp fire.

Sneaky, Balls and LemoNation went to buy stuffs while the other either were setting up their tents or building a fire place.

"Ok so...we need to get stick 1 conected to stick number 2 and tied stick 3 and 4 with each other and..." Hai started to read while me and Rush were having a hard time predicting what was him saying.

"Or how about do what Jensen and Bunny are doing?" Rush pointed at their tent.

An hour later everything was set. The tents were build, the food were outside and ready to be grilled with the fire. And the fire was missing.

"This is harder than I thought" Bunny was doing the tradition way to make fire so basically everyone was looking in awe how much he known.

"It's burning! It burns so good!" He quickly blowed a little air for the fire to catch the woods. Finally, it was burning...

But why can't I take my eyes of the fire?

"...Get her out!"

What was that? It seems it wasn't from anyone of us...but the voice sounds famliar. I think I heard it before.

"... have to stop ... fire quick! Her .... are still in there!"

There I hear it again, but it's a diffirent voice. There was fire? But...

"Hun, are you ok?" Dad placed a hand on my shoulder, guess he noitce me. It broke my thought a bit but...I have to find that voice.

"I'm fine" I smiled at my Dad.

"Ok. Let's grill the meat shall we?" He held a stick of vegetables plus meat.

And all night we talked about stuffs. Making me forgot about the flash back just then.

###To be contiued###

Kim Yong Yon

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