Chapter 9: Cream and Horror

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^^Larra's POV^^

"Get her out!" Someone cried out.

Somehow I feel hot, I'm being lifted. I see everything is all red and yellow like ignite. Everything is so blury, I see someone in a helmet and black uniform, so familar. It changes, now there's light burning behind that person. And is that the sky?

"Where are the other!?" Huh?

"They are still in there, some people are still trying to..." an exploision behind...

"Oh no..."

"Poor little girl, may God took care for them, look after the child..."

Everything turns black....

**To the real life**

I gasp for air and sit up of my bed, looking over to Dad's bed, it was empty. Of course, Dad and the team left for Korea 2 nights ago.

What a dream...more like a nightmare...maybe I should get some water or a nice cup of milk.

I stand up on the floor and open my way into the kitchen. But I heard something in there. Who in this time of night is in the kitchen.

Slowly I walk into the kitchen to see three of Cloud9's member and one girlfriend, XeXe. They all turned toward my direction with wide eyes.

"Larra? Why are you still awake?" XeXe asks me, while looking at me with a spoon on her hand.

"What are you guys doing in midnight?" I yawned a bit and looked at them. I see a pack of flour, our jar of sugar, the milk bottle and is that chocolate on uncle Lemon's mouth? And uncle Hai is chewing something very very very slowly while looking at me with a guilty look like a kid.

"Well, we couldn't sleep since we have been sleeping all afternoon. So we decided to bake a cake and things are just started. After a while, we, I mean me and XeXe, came back and saw these two eating our chocolate!" Balls stared at the two glasses guys next to him.

"You can join if you want to" XeXe smiles and offers me to join. Of course I accept.

Lemon brings a camera and flim what we do, like IMT cooking, but we bake things. We make the cake mixed with simple ingredent like milk, butter, flour, eggs,... and we slowly pour it to the pan like a cake and put into the oven.

Hai offers to make the cream for the cake. But...he accidently turns the mixer to te highest level and soon we are covered in cream...

"Dudeeee!" Lemon takes off his creamed glasses and wipes it away.

"Tasty, a bit of chocolate would be more delious" Balls says and brings out the blow of hot chocolate he just melted.

This time I'm using the mixer to mix the chocolate cream. Balls helps me pour into the mixer the chocolate slowly and slowly. And finally we have everything ready to decorate the cake.

XeXe took the decoration since she said she didn't help much while making the mixes. Once the cake is all cool down, she cut it into 3 layers equaly. She frosts the cake carefully. XeXe is very handy, designed a Cloud9 symbol on the cake and little mall blue puffs around the area, it's like little blue clouds :3 so cute.

"Andddd, we are done!" XeXe raises her hand in cheer.

"Yay!" I cheered too. The cake looks amazing and delious. I just want to eat it right now, but XeXe said it would be more delious if it's cool.

" one is sleepy?" Hai asks and everyone, including me, shake their heads.

"We could make a group stream and react or play stuffs? What do you say?" Lemon suggests and we all agree.

So in the next 30 minutes during at 1:30 am, Hai and Balls set up the stream, a webcam in front of our TV and a mic. XeXe went to get some popcorns and some drinks. Uncle Lemon is somewhere in the house, doing something we don't know, only God and himself know.

We are done with everything, Lemon and XeXe came out of the kitchen helping her carried stuffs and I helped too ^.^.

"Hey guys, since the house is so boring and we are home alone so we set up a family stream!" Hai introduces while we are on the sofa.

The chat is wild, saying why is at this time, but judging from the viewers, we got 2034 viewers, which is quite fast. Must be because of the grills like me and XeXe. Not to mention, they are all streamer.

Sometimes, we see in the chat Dad and Sneaky was saying something like get me to bed or XeXe was sitting on Balls's lap, which made them blushed. Lemon was againsting Hai in Smash Bro. Seems not fun for me. And there's me, sitting between them and reading a book like always...

"Larra! Wanna do something?" XeXe asks me, while wraps her arms around me and smiles.

"Er...sure, what do we do?" I asks her.

"Let's play some RPG horror games, let's play Ib! I heard it's fun" XeXe shouts, makes everyone stares at her and chat is like spaming saying 'yes' and I guess I have to play it...

##A few moments later##

"Should I read the book?" I asks as the game asks to read or not to read.

"Er...bad feeling? Don't read" Balls suggests me if I should.

"But the chat is saying read the book, it's okay" Lemon says, while reading the chat.

"Lemon, the chat is always trolling us. Let's not read it" Hai borrows the keyboard and ....

"Nooooooooo! Dude! Wrong button!" XeXe and An shouts at the same time and the most terrified story I have ever read...

##30 minutes later##

The game: ....Garry closes the book....

"Whattttt??? Why did you close the book Garry! I want to read it" I cross my arms in front of my chest and sitting there like a 9 year old.

The game: Garry: Don't read this until you're older, Ib.

"One day, you will understand Larra" While everyone is laughing and so is the chat. What do they mean?

##An hour later##

"So the heart is here...." Lemon points the puzzle on a shektbook, we have to slove when we ran away from Mary.

"And the Sun the Moon...."

"Eye is at the butterfly and Green Spiny thing is here...."

"Star is in the house and apple is the tree"

"Put cat out and we got the last one"

We sloved the puzzle and we got a key. We open the door and found the toy box...the next thing...Garry was missing and Ib's rose is gone.

"So many dolls...creepy, how could Mary loves those? And a pink cat..." Balls is using the keyboard so he is controlling the red skirt girl.

"We are trap guys! I found my rose and yet can't see Garry...oh wait, there he is"

And we find a key to get our of this place and everything is like a mess everything is alove and we ran out safly. Thank god...

##a minute later##

"Should we burn her? I mean, it's very sad that Mary has to because she just wanted to play and...." my sentance was cut off because XeXe burns Mary...

"And you burned her...."

"Yes, yes I did. Time to get back and out of here!" And we ran back to the gallery..."

##After the game##

"And a great ending! ^^ Garry remembes Ib and they will meet each other again! Yay! And the cake!" XeXe runs off to the kitchen.

"'s 4 am and none of us are sleepy...well, more gamig talk show" Hai leads back on to the sofa and pulls out his HTC phone and check twitter.

XeXe brings back the cake we made and give us a slice. She saves for Charlie and Altec, Smoothie. So, we are gonna enjoy this lovely and delious cake. Until Dad texts us, so did Meteo and Bunny and Sneaky and Impact and, Rush was stuck in the bathroom for some reason.

Sneaky: dude! Save some for me ;-;

Meteos: chocolate cake! Yummy! Jensen, body them so then we could have cake!

Jensen: Larra, remember to save some for me please....

Impact: I want some to, becaue I like cake...

Rush: help me get out of bathroom!!!!! Please! I need help! ;-;

Bunny: Open the door Rush, use the door knot

Rush: ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

Sneaky: save some for meeeeeeeeeeeeeee

Meteos: Larra! Body Hai for me!

"Like this?" I press myself onto Hai's side. Like I lead on to him.

Jensen: and that kid, it's how you body those fools

Bunny: ayyyyyyy lmao

Rush: Larra the monkey! We are monkeys xD

Altec: I didn't know you guys are streaming, Im coming down!!!

Smoothie: same

The next thing, we heard two footsteps of our newest member, Altec and Smoothie....sounds delious :3

"Yo stream! Suffering from us eating cakes from miss XeXe?" Altec wicks at the camera,he is only 16, almost 17. So he is the older than me 2 years.

Smoothie doesn't talk much, but he is kind and friendly. He helps me alot to be honest. But his English is quite bad, even for him and Rush and Impact, because they are Korean. Smoothie takes a slice and ate it so fast, I guess he likes sweet things...speaking of sweet, I remember that I lost them. Andrew gave them to me and I save it. I can't find it anymore...I wonder who took them?

"So...what are we suppose to do now?" Lemon asks and we have to do something to get us to sleep. Until the sun rise up.

What a long night :P

##To be continued##

Kim Yong Yon

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