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"Cause there ain't no
rest for the wicked.
Money don't grow on
trees. We got bills to
pay, we got mouths to
feed, and ain't nothing
in this world for free."

name | Kamil Jun Yu

so many ways to be wicked.

role | Son of Shan Yu

age | 19

gender | Male

sexuality | Straight

face claim | Lee Taemin

personality | Like his father, Kamil, or better known as Kam, can be a force to be reckoned with. He can be temperamental and his instinct is to fight out his problems. He doesn't know how to verbalize what he wants or what is wrong so he always just gets really frustrated because he doesn't know how to use words to describe anything. More often than not he'll just skip the talking and show someone how he feels. He's very protective and passionate and when he cares about something or someone he will lay down his life if it means protecting them.

likes | showing off, fighting, his pet wolf, explosives and fireworks, his hair, swords

dislikes | people who talk too much, cats, guys who think they're stronger than him, water (like swimming and rain)

backstory | Kam was always his dads little mini me, being a fighter and having the same desire to take down greatness. He was six when his dad was defeated and he hated that he had to live through a world where his dad couldn't see him or his siblings succeed. He stepped up and started taking care of them, knowing they'd need someone to turn to one day. He's very protective of his siblings in that way, because he loves them and feels like it's his duty to do so.

"You committed. I'm
your crime. Push my
buttons any time.
You've got your finger
on the trigger but your
trigger fingers mine."

name | Miriam Elise Jones

so many ways to be wicked.

role | Daughter of Captain Hook

age | 17

gender | Female

sexuality | Straight

face claim | Maggie Lindemamn

personality | Mira is a total flirt like her daddy. She knows how to get what she wants and command respect, especially when ships are involved. She was always the favorite and that caused problems for her, but she never really minded, as having her dads favor was reward enough for all the pain she endured outside of her house, leading her to have deep scars that she's never really dealt with. She is extremely loyal to her crew, however if you screw her once, you will never have her trust again. And if she loved you, she may have a little mercy, but never much. She has a tendency to hide from her feelings and it gets her in trouble sometimes. Overall, Mira is a tomboyish spirit who will prove she is just as worthy to be captain as her dad and she would slit a few throats if that meant solidifying her place.

likes | sailing, being on the ocean, money and riches, crocodile skin accessories, getting her way at any means necessary, her father

dislikes | the term "villain", being on dry land for too long, ice and the cold, needing anyone's help, white chocolate, crocodiles or reptiles of any kind

backstory | Mira always has been by her dads side, being the ultimate daddy's girl and little captain. She knew her power and wanted more. She got greedy and her dad taught her to play smart not with the heart, leading her to being more calculated and witty and commanding. Rather than risking her own neck, she was willing to risk someone else's to win her own favor. And if they succeeded, well then she returned it in loyalty and portions of her riches. She hates crocodiles and wears them as trophies when her crew slaughters them.

"My persuasion can
build a nation. Endless
power the love we can
devour, you'll do
anything for me."

name | Evalia Nicole Mills

so many ways to be wicked.

role | Daughter of the Evil Queen

age | 18

gender | Female

sexuality | Straight

face claim | Dua Lipa

personality | Evalia has a warm heart and a gentle soul, having the potential to be a wonderful person. But she often hides that away in favor of her dark natural beauty overruling her senses. She tends to be more focused on looking good than doing good, but she is amazing and strong being who believes in utter girl power and girl love and is a total sweetheart to her friends. If you cross her however, remember who her mama is because she's got fireballs too. It also doesn't help that she's the ultimate mom friend and takes care of EVERYONE no matter who they are unless she absolutely hates them. She can be unreasonable at times and doesn't like others who go against her opinions but then again who does? She also has a huge potential to go off the deep end so be careful.

likes | magic, growing stronger, power, her crown, her friends, coffee, caramel, horse back riding, fashion, apples

dislikes | seeing anyone get hurt unless they really deserved it, the color green, grapefruit, thunderstorms, bears

backstory | Evalia always hated how ruthless her mom could be to others and often begged her to stop during executions and other gory events. She grew up thinking violence was normal even though it made her sick when people didn't really deserve their punishments. She realized she had a heart for justice not rashness. She learned to ride really young with her mother and has her own horse who is her pride and joy and she can always count on him to take her mind off of things and let her out for a ride. She may not always like her moms violent sprees but she does admire her magic, hence why she's learned more and more every day, and her moms style who heavily influenced her own dark gothic inspired outfits.

"I see fire, hallowing
souls. And I see fire,
blood in the breeze.
And I hope that you
remember me."

name | Xander

so many ways to be wicked.

role | Son of Hades

age | 17

gender | Male

sexuality | Flaming Bisexual

face claim | Damien Saca

personality | He is snarky and witty and downright mean most of the time, but deep down where that soft spot should be there really just isn't one. He's kind of a douchebag and doesn't have very many good qualities. Like his dad he can be possessive, but he really doesn't usually care enough to even become possessive. He is very sexual and will make someone believe he cares, just to manipulate them to get what he wants whether it's sex or their soul. He's a perfectionist and a control freak and really has no desire to impress anyone except himself. The only person he really loves is his mom, having more respect than emotions for his father. They're more like friends than a parent and child.

likes | sex, being in control, fire, the underworld, souls, the color blue, gardens and the springtime (because of his mama), dark humor

dislikes | people moving on, his uncles, school, drama, not being able to read someone (its rare but pisses him off), bright lights or the sun

backstory | When he was young his dad was never around and it was just him and his mom. Persephone gave Xander so much love and affection and never ever gave him a reason to think anything was evil in the world, but as he grew older he realized his mom was basically his dads prisoner and it pissed him off. He went to his dad, who he had barely any relationship with, and tried to barter for her freedom but failed, instead being locked away from her and shadowed under his fathers wing, until all the empathy and goodness was basically sucked out of him leaving him hallow. He is friends with his dad and the only person he's ever loved has been his mom just because he hasn't had much social experience other than his father and occasionally sailing on the River Styx with Charon, who really gave him more fatherly advice than his dad did.


P A S S W O R D !

Sucker for pain 🔥


Sorry they took so long I hope you like them

hipster_feelz 💕💕

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