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EternalLovelySoul my freaking gorgeous beauty of a friend


role... Fire Elemental Leader

name... Evander Lucas North

nickname... Evan or Ev, but they gotta be familiar first

age... 18

face claim... Damien Saca

sexuality... Straight

personality... The definition of a firecracker right here, Evan has a temper like no other so do your best not to set him off. He can be a total sweetheart, don't get me wrong, and if you find your way into his inner circle, he can be just a big teddy bear out to protect you from harm, even when he full well knows you can handle yourself. He is really protective and has to fight with his almost possessive nature sometimes, though he can be really good at hiding it behind a stony expression and crossed arms. He is outgoing and charismatic, however, often becoming the life of the party with people all around him, just as a bonfire would, but be careful if you cross him because that same welcoming bonfire can easily turn into a forest fire if you're not careful. His temper and personality can also be dangerous because it's 0 to 100 and you don't know he's pissed until it's far too late.

backstory... When Evan was younger he never understood the concept of don't touch the stove, because it felt like a tickle to him and he never got burned. And then, when he got older and someone dared him to jump over the fire, he did it, no balls, and laughed as his pants caught on fire because he didn't even feel it. His parents were afraid of him, because whenever his temper came out, he always seemed to catch something on fire, so they hid him away. That was until they found Thurbur Academy where they could ship him off to be able to control his magic so he wasn't an absolute menace or danger to society.

powers... Evan doesn't burn, like you throw him in hell and he not only survives but thrives, surrounded by the flames. He also can manipulate fire, making it quite beautiful, and create it, in anger or as a way to defend himself or fight with someone. He can also heat up any surface he touches, melting metal or just making the pool a bit warmer for everyone else in it. And on those 105 degree days when everyone else looks like a limp noodle, Evan is enjoying himself. His body heat is also unnaturally high, though he can regulate it so he doesn't burn someone he's trying to show affection to. All of this is fine however, until the winter hits, then he becomes less effective and volatile, because most of his energy is used to keep himself warm and not get cold. He can heal people's wounds, however he cannot heal any burns nor revive someone if their life is already gone.

pass 1... gcblers ggsexistence emo-melody

pass 2... ONE LINERS


role... Dark Magic User

name... Callia Rose Amaranth

nickname... Cal or Reaper, because of her hoods and magic

age... 16

face claim... Maggie Lindemann

sexuality... Bisexual

personality... Callia is a dark. She has a dark mind, dark features, and favors the shadows to the light. When she was younger her parents thought she was possessed or possibly a vampire, because she quickly became a nocturnal being. She is thought to be schizophrenic because she seems to talk to people who aren't there, but really she's conversing with her familiars. She is really freaking smart and understands the balance between life and death very well, as she tends to waver on the verge of both. She doesn't usually talk much unless she knows you really well, however when she opens up one will see that even her humor is dark but underneath even that she is really affectionate and loving, wanting to curl up with people as the morning sun rises. She desperately craves human contact, because it gets a bit lonely in her mind, even though she would never ever go out of her way to make friends or form bonds with people, out of fear she'd be rejected.

backstory... Cal always wondered why she was pulled out of school in second grade and put to online classes, merely because she could never stay awake during the day. When she got older and started hearing the whispers she began tampering with her skills, trying to figure out how to use them. Her mother feared the little creatures walking around her house because she didn't know what they were and Callia couldn't even explain it herself. She ended up learning she could use dark magic and wondered what it would be like to kill someone or something, so she began hunting with her father, just to learn that she loved the thrill. Her dad realized she loved hunting more than she should and eventually her mom opened up about the powers she'd witnessed over the years, leading her to find a home at Thurbur Academy.

powers... Cal can manipulate shadows, but usually as a mind trick, considering she doesn't know how to make them violent because she has put her time learning other traits of her magic. She can summon familiars to her side, anything from wolves to ravens to demonlike creatures. She has names for them all and treats them like pets, showering them in love and affection. She can raise the dead for a few minutes, as long as she can see a grave or picture it in her head, though this takes a lot out of her. She has a scythe as well and carries it everywhere she goes as she is very skilled in combat with it when her magic energy is drained and she can't summon.

other... (because idk where to put it for her) Being out during the day drains her abilities, and she can get really sick with what she has dubbed Sun Poisoning though it just makes her nauseous and her magic less effective.

pass 1// rk800- hipster_feelz TheSingleMuffin

pass 2// above :)

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