Chapter 10

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Your right arm was tightly wrapped around Alz shoulders while your left was over Ma's shoulders. Ma had come and told you guys that Pa had awoken. It was a few hours after you had come to and you were very sore, but either way you were going to see pa. Together they walked, dragged to be more accurate, towards the room where Pa was. When they got to the room they placed you kneeling near Pa's blanket covered torso. You leaned heavily on the bed and peered at his face, it was calm but twitched every so often from pain you concurred. His eyes fluttered open as Alz settled down next to you her eyes glossy. 

His deep auburn eyes toward the both of you. A small smile creased his striffened face. Just gazing at his arms you could tell he was badly injured, worse than you, like he took multiple blast shots, or maybe stabs. Through some how he was just barely holding out. Jarad had brought in a heart rate monitor and some IVs , though he still looked in pain. With the way his breaths sounded it wouldn't take a doctor to say he ruptured a few organs. Shaking, maybe from nervousness maybe form blood loss, you placed your hand in his much larger one. He slowly wrapped his fingers around your small hand and he smiled.

"My two very lovely daughters...." his voice was hoarse and tight, "Such lovely faces, such lovely voices, such lovely people....." he was rambling, and when he did that it was never good, "I love you so much." His eyes turned to Alz, "My darling (author has to go back to the original book to find full name lol.) Alzilaimum... your even more beautiful than the goddess you were named for..." he wheezed heavily placing his unused hand on he chest, "You can do anything you put your mind too, and you don't need your brothers to protect yous, you've that to me, your not just a little girl anymore.." Alz eyes were glistening with emerald tears as she listened to her father leaning into him her hands placed on his bicep, "You've grown so much.... you remind me of my little sister, yous would have loved to meet her.. she had your spirit." Alz whimpered and pressed her cheek to his arm, his eyes trailed to you and his grip tightened on your hand, "(y/n)." He said breathily, "(y/n). Even your name calms me, but you hold a storm within." He ran his thumb over your small knuckles, "Yous a strong one kiddo, much stronger than I or anyone in Da Family. Whatever is it that caused yous to go into hiding, their gonna have to face hell to get near you." He wheezed slightly as tears began to run down your face, "I have something for yous." He muttered 

With his spare hand he reached over the side of the bed and pulled out a case. He placed the case carefully on his lap and popped it open. He pushed the case off his lap and it clattered to the floor. In his large hand he held the barrel of a shot gun. He placed the handle towards you a scanner appeared and he gingerly placed your hand on in. Gently he tugged a small strand of hair away from your head and placed it in a slot. The gun buzzed and whirred softly then it clicked signaling it was done. He pulled your hand away and the scanner folded back into the handle. Pa placed the gun in your arms. Your eyes widened as you incepted it, it was the same gun the future you hand. It was the exact same from the silver handle to the same for end that covers across the barrel and magazine at the moment parts were glowing a deep red. Your eyes trailed from the gun to Pa's face. 

"Nows only yous can use it. And only yous." A smile creased his face, "My darling Alz, I leave you head of the house, to take my place in the world. It's some big shoes to fill I know, but I want you to keep the family strong." Alz face was creased with shock and her emerald tears dropped down from her jaw onto the bed

"Pa, why are you talking like this!?" Her voice was squeaky as though her was pained, "Yous gonna be fine... yous have to be fine!" Her accent was different, but that didn't matter now 

Though pa wasn't listening to her he had his eyes on you, "(y/n) sweetie, I have given you the Fregulezi's family gun. It's been in the family for generations, and I gots it from my daddy, so I'm giving it to you. Yous the one that deserves it the most." Tears traced down your face as you bit down hard upon your lip to keep from wailing your eyes scouted about the room trying to avoid the truth before you, "I love you two. I loves you more than anyone else ever would." Your heart dropped when you heard a beat fall from the heart monitor, "I've already made amends with my Darling Silvestova." His eyes darted up to Ma in the doorway you could hear her trying not to cry, "We knee this day was enviable, through I'm glad I've had such a big family and will always wish I had more children." He ran his thumb over his blood daughters cheek wiping away a few tears, "Just remember what I like to say, when one life it take from his world, another life is given to someone else." The heart rate monitor dropped its steady beats even more, you screwed your eyes shut and felt a hand brush your cheek pushing a few strains of hair from sticking to your face your eyes cracked open, "I will always love you guys." 

There was a heart shattering silence then the steady beats from the heart rate monitor stopped as Pa released his final breath. Alz wailed loudly gripping onto his arm. You placed your hand over your mouth as  you stared down at the gun in your lap. It hurt even more to think about, but your mind pulled it from the very back in a dark cold lonely corner. You were following your future self, you need to leave this family eventually. You couldn't seen what was happening in the dark abyss that is your future, you couldn't tell what was the trail and what was the barbed brambles. You were utterly blind as now only fate could guide you. You didn't know what to do, you were scared of what lay ahead, and yet you were scared of what lay behind. 

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