Chapter 9

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~2nd pov~

The world was cold, or at least your torso was. Your eyes snapped open and your body snapped up.

"A-aArggH!" You shouted loudly your left side burning 

"(Y/n)!" Alz's voice reached your ears as a weight was across your lap

"OWOWOWOOWOWOWOOOOOWWWWW!!!!" You cried as you were engulfed in a rib crushing hug 

Alz released you with a quiet 'I'm sorry.' She looked at you with a large smile as large green tears trailed down her face. She wiped them away with the palm of her hand and brushed a few strands of hair from your face. You cocked a brow slightly.

"What's got you all over emotional?" You asked trying to stretch only to wince at the stab of pain through your left side 

"You mean to tell me you don't remember anything from two days ago?" Alz asked pointing her pointer finger and thumb towards you in a questioning way 

"Wait. How long have I been out?" You asked leaning towards her and hissing in pain 

"Eh.. about two and a half days." Alz said wipping her eyes, "Your still alive! Yes. Now answer my question. What do you remember?" 

"Umm... I was gonna sing on stage, then sudden pain in my side then blood, lots of blood." You said subconsciously gracing your finger tips over your left side causing you to wince

"Oh!" Alz said softly, "Well that pain you got in your side, it was a blast wound. Their was a gang battle and you were the first one they shot, and you were starting to bleed out. To shot a guy in the head," she chuckled softly, "I bet his brains are still scattered all over the bar. Then you passed out. We brought you here as got you stitches." She said gesturing to your left side

Your eyes trailed down to see your whole stomach wrapped in bandaging the left side a faded crimson. You had no shirt, but had your normal sports bra on. Your eyes traced to your right arm at least it still hand the sleeve on. Your eyes turned back to Alz and smiled softly. Her face fell. 

"What's really wrong with your right arm?" She asked not meeting your gaze, "I had Jarad check it out, to see if he could do anything to help strengthen it. I found out it was just fine, but he found something very... very weird. It was like a mini bomb, or tacker... why didn't you tell me?" She wiped her cheeks with the palm of her hand 

You stared at her shocked. You weren't sure how to respond. You suddenly were trapped in your own web of lies. You stared at your wrist almost seeing the small bump through the black iron laced material. You sighed heavily. Pulling the sleeve off you graced your finger tips over the small bump. 

"It's what they call a 'tag'." Your voice was barely a whisper, "Its how they can track me, but more importantly it's a mark of ownership." Your closed your eyes trying to get Rick's face out of your mind, "I thought I could change him, I thought together we could change. Through that turned out that's not true." Tears stung your eyes, "Its immovable connected to one of my main veins.  If I was to try to take it out with out somehow redirecting the blood in the vein it has the possibility to explode thus killing me. So everytime I think about the story behind it... it hurts everytime. I fell in love with someone who would just just hurt me, through I did it anyway. Now I have to live with my mistakes and you don't need to worry about it." You turned your gaze to her, "I'm sorry I didn't tell you at first, just I wasn't sure if I could trust you, I'm sorry." 

You felt a hand slip into your left and you looked at Alz. She held a somber look on her face. She stroked her thumb over your knuckles and she smiled softly. 

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry for what you went through, I know I can't help it now, but just know that I'm always here for you (y/n)." She gripped your hand harder, "I'm always your sister and sisters never leave each other behind. They help us up when we need it." She drew the back of your hand across her cheek, "We have a saying in my culture. Alct tridum stry scetunium de humidum. Meaning 'The bonds formed from fate are the strongest.' I believe it is true here. Our sisterhood was formed by you just happening to walk into our gas station that day." She smiled up at you, "I love you sis." 

You smiled softly and pushed your right hand across your cheek wiping a stray tear. Your bleeding heart fluttered in your chest this is what it feels like to be loved in a family. You haven't felt this is a long time, on earth anyways. It was odd you felt more at home on some alien planet, than the place you were born and raised for 28 years of your life. You've only known Alz for right about a year, but it feels like you've known her your whole life long. Like you were actually born to the same family. You smiled and slipped your right hand over hers as she held it there in a death grip. Alz was your sister, nothing can change that. Nothing. 

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