Chapter 8

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~Alz's pov~

 I smiled softly '(y/n)'s year in the family' party was going along swimmingly. I had managed to get her all dressed up for the occasion and I was pleased with the resulting looks. She was up on stage with pa, she looked shy but happy. Pa chuckled softly and wrapped an arm over her shoulders. I smiled and drifted closer to the stage. I had heard (y/n) sing before, but her voice never Ceased to give me chills. Her voice could rise and fall drawing minds and hearts to do the same. She was like a 'siren' as she called them. They were supposed to have the most amazing voices and sing of ones deepest desires to cause them to crash their ships into the rocks on their beaches enviably killing themselves. 

Their my little human was standing nervously on stage. She drew her left hand across her cheek and smiled softly. She took a deep breath and the first few notes of the song started to play. Her face suddenly drained of all color and her body stiffened. Her face contorted as her fingers wrapped tighter around the mic. I furrowed my brows and trailed my eyes down her frame. I gasped dropping the tray of drinks I had in my hand. They shattered onto the ground but I payed no mind to them. My eyes were trained on the blood quickly soaking the white fabric of her dress. The wound was below her ribs. I tore my eyes from the wound and to her face. It was contorted in pain her legs wabled below her. Her eyes rolled back as she fell forward off the stage the mic falling to the side.

"(Y/n)!" I cried rushing forward

I caught her in my arms and managed to deactivate my hover heels. I pulled her right arm over my shoulders as the diner descend into chaos. I pressed my hand over the wound earning a pained groan from her as she slipped her left hand with mine her nails digging into my skin. I drug her to an over turned table. I knew these senes all to well, gang battle. I loss sight of Pa, Kor and the rest of my gang members when they started to return fire. I sat (y/n) down to the floor my breath hitching. The dress was nearly completely redied a vibrant crimson color. I pulled off my scarf and placed it in the wound hoping to slow the bleeding down. I secured it in place with the black see-through fabric I had given (y/n). I looked up at her. 

Her fierce (e/c) eyes were dull with pain and her head was lulled back against the table. Her breathing sounded pained and hard to do. She suddenly spoke.

"A-a-lz?" She muttered slowly drawing her eyes to me 

Tears prickled in my eyes, "Y-yeah? (Y/n)! I'm right here!" I spoke softly gripping her right hand 

"C-c-ca-ll Mmm-aa." She replied breathily 

I simply nodded. I went for my wrist phone when a shot shattered the top of the table taking a large chuck of wood away. I ducked down and hesitantly raised my eyes to the battle ensuing behind the table. It was a blood bath. My breathing stiffened as I slid my eyes back to (y/n) she hand her left hand over her already over soaked make shaft bandages. I gulped.

~Rick (c-137) pov~

I was shakily trying to force down a cup of water. Ever since I lost (y/n) I've been stressed and trying to find her. It would be an understatement to say I was extremely worried. I haven't eaten, I haven't slept, I haven't done anything but try to find (y/n). The one thing I must say is that she's a smart one. Figuring out how to block the tags signals. Smart. My grip on the sink was tight being that's how I was supporting my weight. I suddenly gagged when a burning pain crashed into my left side. It feels like I've just been shot. I dropped the cup into the sink and stumbled into the garage, gripping my left side. 

I dropped to the floor my back pressed against the work bench. I shakily looked at my hand my vision faded from my reality to what (y/n) must be seeing. Her left hand looked coated thickly with her blood I could see faintly in the back ground that faded in and out she was sitting in a pool of blood. A faint since of relief trickled through me for a brief moment. She still had the tag. It was soon replaced with a worried feeling on a drug endured steroid trip. I was only feeling half of her pain, she probably couldn't move. Through gritten teeth I managed to get a pain killer that slows the circulation of blood, prefect for getting stitches in my opinion, and stabbed it into my left leg. I was unsure if this would even work, but I needed to do something. 

~2nd pov~

You couldn't even form sounds to describe the amount of pain you were in. Your left hand pressed into the wound on your left side forcing the make-shift bandage closer to your skin. You were sitting in a growing pool of your own blood. Alz left to join the gun battle going on behind you. A gun was a few feet away from you. You turned your head to see your adopted father on the floor bleeding with Alz close to him hunched over him as gang members, you assumed, surround them. One you assumed was the leader strode in front of them and quickly pointed a gun at Alz. 

"What do you want!?" She cried her voice cracking 

He chuckled and began his overly long villain monologue. Your eyes stared helplessly at the gun. Suddenly a icy cold feeling crept up your leg along your side and into your wound. It added some relief off your aching chest. You took a large breath of air into your lungs. You pressed your right hand to your chest. It wasn't much, but it will help you try to help your adapted family. 

With a grunt you flopped down to your side and onto your stomach. You forced yourself forward throwing your arms out to drag your growing limp body. With every pull you left a dark trail of crimson behind you as you inched painstakingly slow towards the gun. When your palm finally slammed down on the grip of the gun you shakily got to your feet it was hard to stand. Your legs wabled under you as you made aim of the gun. As you pulled the trigger the leader dropped to the ground limp. Everyone was frozen as their eyes trained on you. The other gang scrambled away Alz spoke but you heard nothing as your eyes rolled into the back of your head and darkness consumed you. 

~Alz pov~ 

My jaw was open as (y/n) collapsed and rolled down the table she fell on and came to a stop on the ground. Tears filled my vision as I cast my gaze from my hand in Pa's much larger one, it was limp and getting colder, to (y/n) her hand still tightly gripped on the gun. Panic rose in my chest and with a shaking breath I called Ma. 

"Alz, sweetie! I was just putting the finishing touches on (y/n)'s cake!" My mothers cheery voice filled my ears 

She was sounded so calm. I couldn't stop myself from crying,placed my hand over my mouth choking on a loud sob as emerald tears slipped down my face.

"M-Mommy!" I cried out, "I-I-I m so s-s-scared!!" 

"Alz! Baby what's going on!?" Ma yelled as I heard her drop a something metal 

"T-t-th-e S-s-sp-spi-spit-fires attacked!" I stammered loudly gripping onto the phone my knuckles paling, "M-mom I-I'm scared!! I-i-i need your help! I-I'm scared! I-I d-don't k-k-kn-ow what to d-do!" 

There was a silence over the speaker, I was about to hang up my voice stinging. 

"N-no! Don't hang up Alz!" Ma called 

"Mommy! I'm really scared, please help..." my voice was cracking 

"Kai fucking drive!" Ma's voice sounded far off and the roar of a car engine broke through the speaker, "Alz what happened!? Where your father!?" 

My eyes trailed down to Pa and I sobbed louder trying to muffle my cries into my hand. My eyes turned towards (y/n) there was a thin trail of blood trailing down her mouth, through her face looked so peaceful as through she was sleeping... in a pool of her own blood. More tears brimmed and fell from my eyes and I whimpered loudly.

"M-m-mommy!" I cried, "I-I don't k-know what to do! I-I'm scared, I-I'm so very s-scared." My voice sounded so pitiful and high pitched my hand traced down my jaw bone 

I rambled incoherent sounds I was so scared I felt so alone. I felt so pitiful, I couldn't understand I never felt so broken. My father and my sister might be dead, I know my brother and the other gang members were dead. I was scared my chest was tight in pain, my heart felt like it was being torn into tiny little pieces. Ma kept asking what was going on but I kept crying. My phone slipped from my hand and clattered onto the bloodied floor. 

Soon the door was pushed open and Ma broke through I immediately stood up and rushed to her. She pulled me into a large hug her hand stroking over my hair as I buried my face into her neck and sobbed loudly. I held her close to me my body trembling. My eyes cracked open and I saw Kai rush over to (y/n) and lift her up. Her head lulled back and he lifted her into his arms and cradled her close. I heard Cor's anguished cry when he saw his dead brother and I shuttered. Everything was a blur we had moved the bodies of Pa and (y/n) into my truck, one of the fastest of vehicles, Kai was in the back with (y/n)'s small frame in his lap his antennae glowing a baby blue. Pa was in the back as well. I had been sitting in the passenger side while Ma forced my truck back and drove as fast as my truck would go. I pressed my forehead to the cold glass of the window.

"Alz. Baby, I'm gonna need you to stay with me here!" Ma said placing a hand on my shoulder and shakily it, "I need you to call Jarad, I need to to do it now." 

Ma cast her fiery amber eyes to me her brows furrowed. I was numb as I took the direct line from the glove compartment. I pulled the phone out and selected Jarad. I don't remember what the conversation was I was too numb to care.  I was suddenly I was sitting on the couch as everyone rushed by trying to make sure people live. I stared down into the coffee table. I wanted to say something but I couldn't. I stared at the blood on my hands the scratches and bruises forming on my arms. 

My life is ending, I'm dying. 

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