Chapter 2

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You played with your new hair softly as Alz fished through her closet. She turned around holding a black belt and a dark pink artlice of clothing. She tossed it to you. Catching it you spread it in your hands. It was a dress. 

"Ok get dressed I'll get out." Alz said happily leaving the room. 

You changed quickly, you had a strapless bra on luckily. You slipped the dress on. It had a strap on the right shoulder covering the top part of your iron laced sleeve. The dress cling close to your hips and torso. It felt weird not having anything covering the top of your breasts and shoulders. You pulled on the belt it rested neatly above your hips. You ran your fingers over the fringe at the bottom. It was ragged and ended mid thigh it was weird to you, you've never worn anything so short in years. You looked towards the mirror, you realized you still had the necklace rick gave you. You ran your fingers over the chain and then to the gem. You sighed and tucked in the the dress. 

"Well I'm coming in!" Alz said cheerily opening the door, "Oh! You look so good!" 

You chcukled nervously running your fingers over the material of the skirt. She laughed and skipped over to her closet. You sat down again as Alz came back over to you holding a pair of pink and white heeled boots. She helped you put them on. The light pink and white wings brushed by your knees. The boots were knee high and covered your calf and shines. 

"Wow, their so cool." You said moving your foot around

"But that's not the best part!" Alz said in a sing-song tone, "Click the heels together." 

You did and they shifted slightly. A few different sized rings came from the soles and a small ball at the bottom. Your eyes widened.

"Antigravity?" You asked inspecting them 

"Well, kinda... its hovering." Alz said, "Its weird, but I'll help you use them. We as waitresses use them to get orders around." 

"Cool? Thanks." You said, "So are they on now?" 

Alz nodded and tugged you up you struggled to find your balance for a moment. You swung your arms around slightly and leaned forward and regained it. You found your center of balance after awhile and manage to stay still. Alz laughed softly and placed a hand on your arm. 

"Have you ever inline skated before, or ice skated? You move forward in the same way, stopping is easier, but let's start with moving forward." 

Together you practiced for a couple hours and with the work you've put in you could hover easily from every corner of the room and stop on a dime. You could turn around easily and carry things easily. 

"Nicely done!" Alz praised, "You sure figured out faster than me and brothers ever did! All in like two hours too. I've been using these for years and I've never seen someone use them so well!" 

She chuckled as she pulled on her blue boots. She was wearing an outfit similar to yours only a dark blue-black dress that has no fringe. You pulled to a stop beside her and lifted your right foot up and ran your fingers over the boot.

"I must say..... I'm liking the tech!" You said grinning 

You placed a hand on your hip. Alz stood up and hovered around you laughing a bit. Together you guys danced around her room clapping and laughing, this was probably the happiest you've been in a while. You wheezed for breath as you both slowed down still laughing. You hugged Alz still laughing. You tapped your heals together the hovering mechanisms folding back into the sole of your shoe. Both of you continued downstairs with little fits of giggles arising every so often. You both made it to the garage you saw Kai in there inspecting the asset.

"You like it?" You asked cocking a brow and placing a hand on your hip, "Made it myself." 

His antennae glowed a warm green as you said this and he looked up at you, "Really!? How did you get the calibrations right!? How did you know when it was fit for space travel!?" 

You boobed his nose, "Lots of failures."    

He paused confused his antennae were glowing a yellow. You walked over to Alz pick up and turned back to him.

"Don't mess with it!" You said as you hoped into the passenger side. 

Together Alz drove you to the restaurant. She parked outside the building but before you got out she grabbed your arm. 

"Here put this on." She handed you a black chocked with a fine lace and a small gem that would probably rest on your collar bone, "Since your human and can't instantly adapt to all languages here's something to help break those barriers. It allows you to speak in your normal language but to the person you were speaking to it is there native tounge, you also hear what they say in English." She nodded slightly solidifying her statement 

You nodded clipping it over your throat. You shivered slightly when you drew your hands away. 

"Ok let's test it..... You smell like shit.." Alz said with a pause 

"Hey!" You yelled punchinh her arm slightly, "I do not!" 

"Ha! It works!" Alz laughed, "Nah you smell fine bro!" 

With that you both got out of the ship and she drug you towards the employee entrance. You both tapped your heels and hovered into what seemed to be an odd kitchen and passed a few aliens cooking and out into the main dinning area. There was no one there yet, but that's to be expected the restaurant has yet to open. You noticed that you had passed a bar with many different liquors and opposite that across the whole, very large room, was a stage with different instruments behind a microphone. You gazed a the maze of tables for a moment and thought briefly you would need to learn the menu as you worked. You watched as Alz moved through the maze with much ease and practice, you would have to learn how to do that as well. 

"Oh!" Alz called from across the dinning area, "A few of my other brothers work her as... as like bodyguards, but not really, they kinda are just around, since ya know gang stuff... Ima open the restaurant up."

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