Chapter 22

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Lol found a perfect picture for the story, but that's unrelated. ~warning not too heavy gore, but gore~
(2nd pov)

You hissed in pain as you drug the blade under a tendon in your wrist. Slowly and cautiously making your way towards the tag. It was a small blade that all (y/n)s got for safety reasons, like complimentary college rape whistles, but you were working on trying to get the tag out without dying. You groaned audibly as the blade slowly worked it's way feeling into your wrist.

You had opened your wrist up like you had be preparing for surgery. The no mess clear clean up sheet was already filled with crimson puddles. It was no longer intriguing to you about the muscles and tendons that were hidden safely below the skin. You were getting an eye full now. Enough to last you several lifetimes.

You gasped a head rush hitting you hard. You were loosing a lot of blood, but you needed to do this. Soon you saw the small tag that made your life a living hell. It was slightly smaller than a quarter and bright white. It was staining down though.

"Third... third times... the charm.." you muttered delirious from blood loss

You had finally found the tag that was hidden in your wrist. You fought the urge just to slide it out. Shakily you placed the blade to the side and grabbed a screwdriver, with an impossibly small head, gingerly you ran the head of the driver along the side holding your breath that it wouldn't explode which it didn't, this time...

Your eyes were growing fuzzy. You tossed the driver away and grabbed a needle to start to roughly stitch yourself up. With both hands shaking uncontrollably you managed to sew the wound close. You grabbed a near by wet cloth and cleaned your blood stained wrist. Your head spinning you gathered up all of the medical waste and tossed it into the biohazard box you asked for. You leaned heavily on the wall by the box breathing labored.

Your body was trying to lull you to sleep,but you knew that probably wasn't the best idea. You had to check in with the first mission that was sent out Alpha-1. You pulled your iron laced sleeve down and hooked it over your middle finger and straightened yourself the best you could. Puffing your chest out you walked, more less stumbled, out of your room. You made your way down to the common area slowly regaining your posture.

You crossed rested your arms low on your back and stepped next to Goat. She smiled at you then turned back to the computer screen. She was waiting for the cue from the head of communications. The large cat monster, that's basically how you described her, looked up at Goat and gave her a thumbs up. Goat snapped into action and activated the portal. Your eyes widened slightly at the pinkish tint to the normally green vortex, through you shrugged it off. You smiled as the first (y/n) jumped through clutching a bright red tool box. Four other (y/n)s hopes through each carrying something. The portal immediately shut as soon as the last (y/n) stepped through.

The lead (y/n) quickly started a cheer, "THAT WAS FOOKING AWESOME!!!" She cried tossing the tool box to another (y/n), "AHAHAHAAHA!!" She brush into laughter the others in the group soon joining with their own cries of victory

You clapped your hands above your hands a few times and caught the attention of group. You smiled and brought your cupped hands down to your chest.

"So I'll just assume that the mission was a success?" You asked rhetorically, "Good. Our first victory, everyone who has worked on this project, field and command, worked brilliantly and worked hard to make this work. From the supplies we have gathered we can farther the rebellion, and work on getting more advanced with our portal creation." You grinned and traced the strap of the heirloomed gun you had received, "We can do this, for all those we have lost or let behind! WE CAN DO THIS!" You yelled jamming your fist into the air the others soon following and screaming their victory cries

You smiled and turned away from the celebrating (y/n)s. You exited the commons and walked. Not in a particular direction, no set destination, just walked. You were still trying to grow familiar with the maze of halls. As you walked you absentmindedly ran you fingers over the smooth wall. Soon you were joined by another (y/n) who was quiet for a time just walking beside you. The silence was calm as you walked the maze of halls.

"Umm..." the (y/n) broke the silence, "You really do have a way with w-words ma'am." She said pressing two of her fingers together in her nervousness

"Well thank you, ugh...." you though for a moment, "A-288 right? Most call ya Glasses?" The (y/n) nodded her thick rimmed glasses falling down her nose slightly, "Well thank you. It's my job as the leader to inspire my people." You said lightheartedly stopping to talk with her properly

The (y/n) adjusted her glasses, but nodded, "It is miss-" you cut in with 'Boss', "-and it truly is an honor standing in your presence, but I have a question."

"Which is?" You asked cocking a brow

"Do you really think we can win this? I want your honest answer." She said

You were taken aback by the question your eyes wide. You stared at her face. Dusted lightly with freckles cute bangs that hung low in her face. You swallowed heavily. Truly, you wanted to believe that the (y/n)s could do it, but they didn't have the firepower or the numbers to even begin to challenge the ricks. It stung, truly. To think about it.... You wanted to believe the (y/n)s could win against all odds, but that's not how the real world works. Finally gaining the courage to use your voice you spoke.

"No comment." And with that you walked away from the Glasses

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