Chapter 4

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Hey guys just wanted to say happy Easter! And I'm glad you are so supportive of this series of stories so I just wanted to say thank you for supporting me. I'll place a link to the song that I use yeah. So you guys are great thumbs up to you :) have a wonderful Easter. 

Hope ya get noticed, 



You smiled softly and nodded to the alien behind you queuing you were ready for him to begin the music. You held the mic in your hand drawing the stand closer to yourself. The music was slow and warm you begin the song. 

"Hush now, my story.. 

Close your eyes and sleep. 

Waltzing the waves, 

Diving in the deep..

Stars are shinning bright... 

the wind is on the rise.

Whispering words of long lost lullabies..." you voice was cool and calm as memories as your mother and father singing it to you when you were young and grew fussy about sleeping

"Oh won't you come with me, 

Where the moon is made of gold, 

And in the morning sun 

We'll be sailing..."  you voice was a quiet and harmonic as you sang slowly detaching the mic from the stand you took a step forward and drew your arm up and down in slow welcoming motions 

"Oh won't you come with me 

Where the ocean meets and sky..

And as the clouds roll by 

We'll sing the song of the sea!" You took  another step forward nearing the edge of the stage, everyone was calmed at the sound of your singing the fussing child in the far corner was lulled to a calm quiet 

"I had a deam last night, 

And heard the sweetest sound..

I saw a great white light 

And dancers in the round..."  you took another step forward and some how activated your hovering and dropped the small drop from the stage and drifted around the closest table 

"Castles in the sand, 

Candles in the trees.." you ran the tips of your fingers over the crying child nearest you calming it, 

"Don't cry, I'll see you by and by.."  you continued forward drifting softly your voice seeming to put the patrons of the restaurant in a sleepy trance, you yourself felt in a trance unable to stop singing

"Oh won't you come with me, 

Where the moon is made of gold..

And in the morning sun, 

We'll be sailing...

Oh won't you come with me? 

Where the ocean meets the sky..

And as the clouds roll by 

We'll be sailing..." you swayed your hips to the slow melody as you drifted around another table still holding the mic close to your lips you prevented an alien man from falling face first into his VoCanoleo by moving the dish out of the way 




Roollling..." you sang as you drifted close to the table with the Rick and Jerry you saw the Rick looking more calm than you have ever seen a a Rick be and Jerry almost looking less like a tense butt-fuck and more relax and more happy 

"Oh won't you come with me? 

Where the moon is made of gold,

And in the morning sun

We'll be sailing free..."  you hummed dancing slightly as you drifted around a few more tables 

"Oh won't you come with me? 

Where the ocean meets the sky...

And as the clouds roll by...

We'll sing the song of the sea...." 

As the last note was played the clones playing the song each passed out their soft snores replacing the melody. You stopped and gazed around at the diner seeing that everyone was either passed out their heads resting on their arms or incredibly drowsy swaying side to side slightly. You even made the bartender fall asleep, maybe even some of the cooks.  You spun around as you saw Alz and Pa walk in. They stared around confused as they held boxes probably filled with food maybe. Their eyes landed on you, they seemed confused. You giggled nervously and held your palms up. 

"What happened?" Pa asked cocking a dark blue brow 

"Umm... they kinda wanted me to sing so I kinda maybe sang a lullaby and kinda made everyone pass out?" You said your voice high with nervousness 

His deep laugh rumbled in his broad chest, "Didn't know you had a killer set of pipes, ya sure your not part Alltrian?" 

"Positive." You giggled slightly, "Sorry for making everyone pass out, yeah..." you trailed off looking at the countless patrons sleeping on their tables 

Pa slung an arm over your shoulders pulling you close, "Don't worry 'bout it, yous my daughter, who just made some people pass out, nothin' to worry 'bout." 

You smiled, "I'm still sorry." 

"Ya shouldn't be. You did what was asked and people just fell asleep you're fine." Pa said pointing towards the ceiling, "Plus we really didn't need anyone asking 'bout what's in the boxes so you did the gang a favor there darling." 

"Your welcome?" You asked with a slight question 

Pa shrugged, "Ya did good kid, ya did good." 

You smiled and hugged your adopted father. He may be a murderous santa clause but he was also your father and you loved him. He was kind enough to let you into his family, though he was probably always a family oriented man, being he came from a family of twelve, he was the oldest, and from what you've heard the youngest in his family recently graduated from fifth grade. So I wasn't a big surprise when he wanted a large family, though Alz told you her mother got Ovarian Cancer and had to have them removed so she could no longer bare children. Pa still loved her none the less, just adapted people into his family, including you. He loved you guys as though you all were related by blood, he truly did and he smiled at you as though you were his second daughter. As you know the blood of the covenant is thicker than the water of the womb, the relationships we choose to make with those we trust the most is what makes the Fregilezi family a more true family than any you have seen on earth. With them it truly felt like you were home. 


Ok yeah. :p here's the link. \/

"Song of the sea" I'm not really sure who it's by, but if someone could tell me that would be nice thank you. 

Yeah. Kinda got soft and feelings at the end there. But we learned more about the Fregilezi's! And if you didn't know they have/ are a gang. Just so ya know cause it had a major effect in one of the chapters coming up. And I'm glad you guys are liking Alz. She's a big ol' sweetheart with a slight Brooklyn accent. That's just how I imagine her, but feel free to change it if you wish. <3

Hope ya get noticed (and have a happy Easter), 


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