Chapter 5

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You hummed softly walking into the kitchen at home. It was one of your break days, a Saturday maybe. You were wearing some fuzzy Callitus slippers, they looked a lot like rabbits, but with more vivid colors and three eyes. You had some soft fuzzy pants with animals that looked at lot like foxes, and a blank white tank top. You stretched your spine out and ran your fingers through your hair. Ma smiled at you from her spot at the stove.

"Good morning (y/n)!" She said cheerily waving at you from where she was cooking

"Mornin'. "You yawned, "Do you ever get sick of cooking for all of us? Ever want to go out in the world and travel?"

She laughed softly, "My darling, I get a great pleasure helping you kids to grow and start your own adventures and carve your own story, all I need. I just as you guys come home every so often and tell me your stories."

"OOOHH!! MAMA BE DROPPING SOME WISDOM!" You laughed loudly ringing your arm over her shoulders, "Your the best, your eggs taste amazing."

She giggled, "Your a good girl, and a beautiful woman."

You smiled softly and rested your chin on her shoulder. It was mornings like this that really made you remember that not all people are bad, that not all lives you can live will be terrible. You smiled and stood up and arched your spine a slightly loud popping. You groaned softly and wandered into the living room.

Kai was sitting the the couch tinkering with some machine. His unorganized mess on the table sent a pang in your heart. This might have been how Rick used to be like when he was young. You shook your head clearing it of the sad memories that played before your eyes.

You smiled and plopped yourself down beside him. Your eyes graced over some of his notes. You insanely noticed a mistake. You grabbed a pen and lifted the paper in your hand. You made quick work of fixing the mistake and putting a little note at the side reading; 'You can thank me later bug boy. <3' you placed his notes down and cast your gaze up to the clock.

It definitely was a lazy start to the day because none of the early risers were awake, besides you, Kai, and Ma. You wandered into the dinning room where Ma has set up a couple plates of those who are awake. You sat down at your spot and began to eat. You drummed your fingers on the table and allowed your mind to wander.

Subconsciously your fingers crept along the chain of the necklace you still had on. You inspected the jewel and wondered about the mechanics inside of it. You were so invested in staring at your stretched reflection on gem that you didn't notice Ma sit down before you.

"Someone must have really loved you to give you a gem like that, it's a Tanzanite-mono crystal. It's very rare, and you can only find it in the rings of Syron." She pointed her fork at you, "You have someone special back on Earth?" She asked

You sighed softly stroking the smooth surface with your thumb, "I had someone special to me, but he broke my world." You closed eyes for a moment, "I had loved him, people told me bad things about him, and didn't want to believe them. Though they were true, and he hurt me so I hand to leave." You dropped your necklace and trailed your fingers down to your right wrist tracing the small bump there, "He left me with a scars that I have as a memory from him. Though something that hurts is that I still can't help but love him."

You lifted your gaze to meet Ma's sparkling green ones. You smiled slightly and brushed some hair from your face. You took a bite of some of the eggs. You ran your fingers over the soft material of your pants. You finished breakfast soon and walked back to your room and got dressed for the day.

~timeskip dusk~

You stared at the gem in the palm of your hand. You were sat at the edge of the property at an overhang. It was a sheer cliff face the rock was a dark purple with streaks of lighter purple. There was many large spikes at the bottom there was a large neon blue river swirling around the large spikes. The purple sun was setting sending green streaks through the sky. You frowned and stared at your stretched reflection in the jewel. The grass shifted beside you as Alz settled herself down beside you.

"Hey, you ok?" Her voice was soft as she placed a hand on your shoulder

"I don't know." You whispered raising the necklace and reflected it in the light, "I'm not sure if I'll ever be ok again." You whispered Half to yourself

Alz reminded silent unsure of how to help her adopted sister. You closed your eyes tightly and folded your fingers over the gem your knuckles turning white. You needed to let go, you can't go back to that life. That life is not something you wanted. You needed to be strong, you needed to let these memories go. You needed to stop wearing your scars as shackles and start wear them as armor. You new that was nearly impossible, but you always like a good challenge.

You cocked your arm back and threw the necklace away. It smashed into one of the spikes and fell into the rushing river. You turned your head and gave Alz a half smile.

"I always like a good fight." You said tears welling your eyes

You pulled her into a hug and nuzzled your face into her shoulder. Tears skimmed down your face as she held you tightly. Your smile didn't fade, your chest felt lighter your smile more true. You sat there with Alz for hours just sobbing quietly into her shoulder.

"You're the best sis." You whispered between sobs

"I know... I know..." She whispered stroking your hair, you could feel her smirk which caused your smile to grow

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