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A worried mother stood scared holding a small child wrapped in a soft blue blanket. Her beautiful green eyes gazed worriedly around as she began to pace  beside the control panel. The baby cooed happily at her reaching one of its chubby hands up towards her mothers slim face. The mother chuckled softly and let her child grip onto her fingers as she cooed softly gaining a toothless smile from the child. The large gem resting on her forehead shifted slightly so the women fixed it and ran her slim fingers over the jeweled strings of her headpiece. The baby laughed loudly clapping its chucbby hands together. The mother continued to pace along the panel her white dress flowing gracefully behind her. Her shawl was tossed away in the panic. Her people were dying out there, at the hands... at the hands of monsters. She needed her baby's father here, she just hoped he was alright, she needed to get her child way from here. 

"ABEDABUN!" A man's voice called from down the hall, he sounded exasperated as he reached the doorway 

"My Love!" The woman called rushing over to her husband 

She embraced him. He wrapped his arms protectively over the two things he cared for so dearly in this world. The woman, Abedabun, pulled way from the warm embrace her brows furrowed. The man placed a hand on the woman's cheek. The baby laughed loudly blowing a large bubble of spit. The parents chcukled.

"Barley two days old and our daughter is shaping up to be a fine queen." The man remarked softly 

"Not if they get her." Abedabun spoke softly walking over to the panel, "That why you need to leave." 

"What!? My Abedabun!-" she cut him off 

"I'm sorry I'm love my my place is here with the people, I am their blood baring queen, I have a duty for them, as you do with our child." She looked down sadly at the small baby in her arms, "That's why I'm sending you to a  Dimension where they would never look for her. C-137, Earth. That's where you'll be safe with her." Her voice was a pained whisper, "I love you my dearest king." 

The man had tears in his (e/c) eyes. He was speechless, why would his love do this. This was such a sacrifice, almost to much of a sacrifice. He wrapped his arms around them, he held them as though they were both  Precious tresure, and to him they were. They were worth more than the most rare gemstones hand crafted into a plate of pure gold. They were his family. Abedabun choked back a sob, she didn't want to leave her love in some unknown dimension, but she had to do what was best for her people, and having her child alive and well would help them more than anything. 

"Just go." She whimpered pushing the child into his arms, "find a woman there and convince her she gave birth to our child with this." She paced a veil into his hands, "Please for the sake of our daughter." 

The man nodded solemnly, "I will never forget you my love." 

"Its best if you do." Abedabun said taking the crown off his head and walking over to a panel, "It will hurt less in the long run." 

She began to open the portal. She tabbed each button sending ripples through the panel. A small green portal began to open when she heard it. 

"Your highnesses! They have broken down the front gates!" The man in the doorway was bleeding and exhausted

"Private Furtel! I am sending the princess away, to keep her safe! Hold them off!" Abedabun commanded pressing more buttons and dialing up a few things

"Yes your highness!" The man yelled running back down the hall 

She continued to frantically adjust things as the portal grew in size. She cast her gaze up to the screen, she had the right destination. Good. The portal was as big as it needed to be. She walked over to her child and spouse. Her beautiful face saddened. She kissed the man, loveingly. She knew this would be their final kiss. She pulled away and pressed her lips to the babies forehead. The child laughed happily grabbing its feet.

"I will miss you my child." She whispered, "Keep her safe." She spoke to her love, "I will miss you enternally." 

The man looked saddened tears brimming his eyes as he gently held his child in his arms. He stared at the portal before him. And walked in. As he disappeared the queen quickly shut down the portal, which was considerably easlier than opening it. She heard them running down the hall as she set the room to blow.

"Now, now, now... look who it is.." the Queen whirled around 

She narrowed her eyes, "Ha! Your too late! They escaped!" 

"Well, Queen Abedabun, I know this isn't an easy task, there needs to be one person to open and shut the portal." The tall man before her strode up to her so coolly, before pointing a gun to her throat, "Where are they?" 

"I would much sooner die than tell you!" She spat at him 

The man ran a gloved hand over the spit spot, "Well sadly we don't need you, just wanted to see if you were gonna do this the easy way." He chuckled and aimed at her leg 

He promptly blew the bottom half of it off. The woman screeched in pain and pulled her leg close to her. He nodded to his man who looked too similar  to him. The started typing at the  panels, hut it was too late, the self destruction code was sent and would start.

"S-sir!" One of the men called, "We can't get in! T-this place is about to explode." 

Promptly following his warning the system over heated and exploded. The main attacker was blown back down the hall. Alive, but injured. 



You sat stronger up in bed heaving heavy breaths. Your face was coated with sweat and your hair was matted. What the fuck was that? You gazed around panicked, but the dark room was still and nothing was moved. You flopped backwards in bed.

"What the hell kind of pills have you been feeding me Alz?" 

"Hey don't question my choice in pills, question uncle bills," Alz said pushing your door open and turning in the light, "That man sure can pack 'me down." 

"Uuuuggghhh Alz! What did I say about the light thing!?" You yelled rubbing your eyes

She chuckled, "I quote, 'Don't do that shit 'cause us humans eyes don't dilate as fast as yours and it hurts when you go from dark to light really fast.' And guess what, I don't give a shit. Besides Ma has called breakfast and you know her." 

"And I quote, 'If your not down for breakfast when I call it you can fucking cook your own shit!'" You chuckled 

"Heh, I heard she actually made Uncle Cory cook his own shit once and made him eat it." Both of you laughed happily

You threw a pillow at her, "I'll be down as soon as I put a shirt on." 


Hey guys welcome back, I just/ will be publishing this so I hope you all found it. Yeah so welcome to Code 737: Rouge. Yeah.

Hope ya get noticed,


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