chapter 1

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jason was fly the knightmare trough the country he was now findland as it was one of the occupide as he make his work to strike outpost and take out high ranks among the empire and olso people who work or allied with the empire it was easy an fact the seither bodysuit make things easy as it enchaced the knightmare flame as it was an standand model but thanks to the seither body suit is useful and even can turn into other people and alter the voice to match it was perfect for him as he can make assasinations more easy and even can turn into someone else and kill the target and the soldiers will put the blame to the other person istead..and cause chaos among the soldiers and high ranks and poliitics to make then douth as it work he does his activities during the night while he scout during the day the areas with military presence and see weak spots and olso find valuable targets it was all to easy for him compare to the n.o.l  sure they have tech but nothing close to the ars magus but way better than the cult that is for sure

jason was scout another base as he have is knightmare next to him

jason:...good defense..but not good enough

he turn into the shadow persona as he make his knightmare invisble with the seither as he turn himseft invisble as he enter the base easyly as he look aroud the halls and finally find the target another commander as he was talking to the soldier rank below him

commader:what is the report

soldier:we lost 20 bases and lost mutiple high ranks and some of the political figures are death olso we deal with traitors who claim who didn't kill then

commader:did you ever find the person

soldier:only wear black and have hood nothing else aside the custom made knightmare we don't nothing olso due to the actions the local army begin to retake we can't kilk one person!? is just one!?

soldier:we..don't know sir somesay is not human

commader:is just one guy increased security and olso wat about that traitor

jason:{traitor one of mine?}

soldier:she will execute by been shoot by fired squad it will happen next night

commader:good she will deserb for betray the empire and join the rebels

jason:{now that is interesting}

commader:now leave my office until you have something

soldier:yes sir

he soldier leave as jason take an good look of the uniform and gun he carried once he was out of sight jason goes to an area without cameras and make visible and turn use the bodysuit to turn into the same soldier and have the same gun as him as he walk back to the office of the commader

commader:what now

jason{soldier voice}:uhh..sir where exalty is gonnad be execute?

commader:are you dumbass of what

jason:i..lost the life sir


jason:{i almost feel bad to put the blame...almost}

commader:anyways she is base an the next town north of the base

jason:..oh good to know sir

he aim the gun at him

commader:what you

jason:fuck you


he kill the commader with an headshot as he look the camera and give an middle finger and run off the office once there was no cameras he turn invisible and leave the base as alarm was on

he return to the knightmare and look back to see the soldier get exectuted

jason:almost..feel bad

he enter the knightmare and take off

jason:now i interested of this traitor

he said and go to the other base

timeskip next night

he was scout and find the area of the execution

jason:there is the place

and see the whole base

jason:an lot of guards and knightmares..well enter will be easy..exit an little less easy...huh that ryhmes

he said and put his knightmare an cloak mode and stand by

jason:i should begin to build my own knightmare...nah i made something diferent ..i mild call diferent but that for later

he said and turn invisible and enter the base witch was easy the little issue was the doors with keycard but he slime use seither slime to turn into keycard and pass it as the seither corrupt the system to hack the door open

jason:{ahh seither the hackers best dream and the ecologist worst nightmare}

he trough the good and bad of seither as he keep goin to the istalation as he walk by he hear an conversation

???:soo are you part are you fired squad?

???2:yep i be part to shoot down the traitor

???:i see too bad she was smoking hot

??? 2:yeah but damm she was deadly and scary i make put an bullet between her boobs trough.

???:you pervert

???2:you are wet dreams with her i see all the tissues

???:shut up!

jason look the soldier

jason:{tch even soldiers are perverts guh}

he said and look an the soldier walk away 

jason:{i need to take it out and replace him

he follow the soldier unti his room and then 

jason:pika boo



the soldier fell uncosious as jason hide the body under the bed

jason:silly but work 

he use the slime to turn into the soldier and take the radio

jason:okay i good to go

he leave the room as the radio make noise

???:hey come to the execution grounds is time 

jason:{soldier voice}:i on my way

he said and walk toward the execution grounds


he arrive to see another commader with 3 soldiers

jason:{nice two for one}

he stand next to the soldiers as two soldiers bring the traitor and tied it to an pole as jason look the traitor

jason:{i can tell by her posture she is an elite}

he trough is one of thing he learn for master cid to analize the oppoet with one gaze alone as he can tell the girls is an elite and good one 

the commader give the typical speech as why is her crime rank and name as jason know the name of the girl is ephel an major who was part to take out one of the countries with only an few men dispide they were suppass by numbers and firepower

jason:{she sure skill}

he trough 

commader:now any last worlds


commader:very well...ready..aim

the soldiers aim along with jason




jason:can i go to the bathroom

there was an silence

commader:ARE YOU SERIOUS!?

jason:yeah i forgot and i really need to 

commader:just go and return

jason run off but when he was behild he stop and turn aroud and aim his rifle while cover it an slime to upgrade it


he fire an burst take out the commader and soldiers as he quicky goes to the girl

jason:that is not question

she see slime leak out from the uniform to show jason an his shadow persona 

jason:did you trust me

ethel:{is my only chnace}yes

jason:good call because

the alarm raise up

jason:we about to leave

he cut the ropes and give the weapon as jason create his own with slime

ethel:how you

jason:questions for later..come on we leave..olso don't worry about unlimited


jason:you see..follow me

the duo leave the execution grounds and enter back the base as they fight trough gun then the soldiers as some even take out by use the gun an hone hand while use his sword with the other hand suprise ethel for his skill aside he somehow he can't dodge bullets and do superhuman feats as well

the duo arrive to an hangar



ethel:my knightmare is in there we can use that to escape

jason:consider the base mild not send reinforces the window is narrow

ethel:i capable

jason:let's go

the duo enter the hanger and see the ethel knightmare 

jason:that is unique desing

ethel:when you high rank you have an custom made

she enter the cockpit

ethel:what you waiting for

jason:i been fine besides

they hear noises outside

jason:they are here 

ethel:how you expect to fight then

jason:don't worry i be fine

he said as his hand shine as he activate the knightmare ready for command as he summor an rocket laucher

jason:i cover you

ethel nod as the hangar doors witch lead to the outside as ethel came out and begin to attack the knightmares  use the beam blades to cut down the mechs as jason reach to the rooftop and rocket laucher to take out some knightmares to take out ethel by suprise as the rocket was enhaced by magic and seither as it was more than enough to take out the knightmares with one shot as some begin to fire at jason but he run and dodge while fire back  an the knightmares take then out along with ethel after an while the knightmares were done for

jason:well that was easy


she turn aroud

ethel:not bad out!

he look up see an knightmare ready to crush him but...


it was hit by jason's knightmare as the automate machine grab the knightmare head and fire an the cockpit kill the pilot as the knightmare walk toward jason as he give an trumps up as ethel was suprise

ethel:you have back up?


he said an the knightmare knee and the cockpit open to reveal noting as jason enter and the cockpit enter

jason:give you credit you definity an skill one

ethel:yeah but definity not even even what you are..just who are you

jason:all with time besides is time for round two

more knightmares appear as the duo got ready as begin to take out knightmares left and right as ethel was again suprise by jason's skill if he was already crazy with superhuman abilities then with knightmare was jsut as crazy as both keep goin as there was an few knightmares

jason:allow me to finish this off

ethel nod and jason walk foward as he summor another gun and dual wield and spin while fire the guns

after that the knightmares were destroyed into pieces as ethel was suprise

jason:soo how you like the finale?

ethel:i...just who are you

jason:i am the person who lurk the shadows and hunt in the me abyss

ethel:why you

jason:let's leave the base

ethel nod as the fly off as there was an explosion an the base

ethel:you leave an bomb?



both were an buiding with the knigtmares an a garage

ethel:okay soo who are you

jason:well an guy who have enough of the empire and decide to put an end to it

ethel:pretty much every rebel

jason:but i am diferent i not agaist the empire is agaist thoses control in the shadows,politicals,high royalty after all the army is just pawns from the politics always been and you should know it

ethel:true..soo you go after the nobles

jason:yeah thoses who follow the twist ideas of the emperor but olso the army as long the nobles have military power they won't stop soo i plan to take then out

ethel:i see that is unique point of view only i realise it

jason:you are clever girl..soo how you find out

ethel:i friend who was an informant tell about her findings of the empire actiosn and sick of it

jason:soo decide to rebel 

ethel:yeah i support the rebels an secret while take out some of the empire forces..but they capture me..and you know the rest

jason:well i give you credit they must take months to capture because you were very skilled

ethel:je you right about it

jason:..soo still plan to rebel

ethel:yes but know the progress is slow..but what i hear about you did an lot of big jumps as you make the rebels fight back and retake some part of the land

jason:thank you

ethel:and olso thoses abilities are not human soo how you do it

jason smile as he unleash an magic aura suprise as the coat move a the slime blades came out

jason:an power behold you can image it

ethel:was suprise

ethel:what is ..that

jason:tell me did you believe an magic...and if you do..did want to learn and have the power to change the balaced

he said while float while an flame appear on his hand as ethel was an pure shock as she can't believe it

jason land an front of her

jason:now tell me with you accept the power to change the balaced of this world

he extend his hand

ethel:..i do

she extend her and take his hands as the slime cover her body and finally take shape of her outfit but have purple color as she can feel something strong on her

jason:now from now on you be name as ....alpha

he said with a smile an nostagia

jason:{soo is this how it feels like}

he trough and remeber how his father and master recluit the first person of shadow garden as ethel now name alpha stand up

alpha:what is the plan lord abyss

jason:well we plan to make an group to take the empire out

alpha:if we do that we need members,money and information 

jason:je you already one step ahead do you

alpha nod

jason:good then we should start

she nod as the duo got into the knightmares

alpha:olso we need an base

jason:i have an idea but we need recousers

alpha nod

and wth that the rise of shadow garden begin

the duo do missions together take out outpost high ranks and all the rest during that time jason meet another 6 girls who became shades{olso find it odd it was olso girls but he atritube as coincidences}

the second was beta

she is an the informant alpha talk about they find out about her when she send an call of help as the britannia find out she is the informant  soo they send an assasing squad 


beta was on the ground and look up to see jason extend his and

jason:come on we can't let you die an great pathner

he said as alpha was deal with the assasins as beta nod and take jason's hand as slime cover her body and have the shape of her clothes as purpleas she stand up as jason give her an weapon as beta nod

flashback end

next was gamma

 she is an an high class noble but knew about the empire actions she keep give tips to rebels about the britannia actions..but someone she trust betray her and sell to the empire just to have high status the group meet her during her trasnfer and rescuer her as she glady accept the offert and later on the group find the traitor


the traitor was craw away as his legs were broke as jason put his foot an the back

jason:where you goin buddy

traitor:w..wait wait i have info let me leave i tell what i now about the empire

jason:...maybe i could...but she won't

gamma appear as teh traitor eyes widen an horror

jason:is all yours

jason and the other two shades leave the room and close the door next thing hear was screams

beta:nice call i sure now with her contancts will have more info

jason:yes and olso now she can do her job without issue


flasback end

next was delta this one is an unique one turns out delta was an mercerary contract by the empire to hunt down jason as he became an treat due to the big impact he make an the country to the point the empire was begin to lose back to delta she find jason along with the shades


jason was with his knightmare along with the other shades

gamma:soo what we here

jason:to wait for the guest


jason:the bounty hunter and speaking of it

an custom knightmare appear and land

???:well soo you must be the one the empire talk about gottan say for someone who use an stanant variant 

jason:are you the bounty hunter name tartaglia right

tartaglia:oh wow first time someone know about me mosty my bouties say who the hell i am and all the stuff

jason:no for me i presume the empire paid you to capture me..let me guess worth death than living

tartaglia:ehhh you know the stuff are you one

jason:was but not more

tartaglia:ahh too bad i won't mild an pathner

the other shades got jealous

jason:well i won't give in soo

he use slime to make an sword that is new

she grab her sword as jason look the shades

jason:i handle this alone soo stay back

the shades nod and as both figthers begin to attack the battle was even but jason was just test tartaglia as the later was try an little later when jason see jason can keep up she smirk

tartaglia:now this is an opponet i look for!

jason:did you think you can handle it

tartaglia:oh you will see handsome

she said and artivate the boosters and move fast as jason dodge but tartaglia move aroud and attack again as he block the attack

jason:not bad

tartaglia:i can still goin

she keep attack an high speed but jason can keep up hs ground and block all her attacks see it was all she got he decide to end the fight as tartaglia dash toward him as jason jump to avoid the attack and with an fast move kick the back of the mech head as it fell to the ground as jason land and see tartaglia get back up

tartaglia:not bad

jason:now is my turn

he use the slime to turn into cannon and fire an explosion happen an front of her raise an smoke

tartaglia:i see that trick and it won't work!

she said and dash toward the smoke and and an trust with her sword


it connect as the smoke clear to reveal it impale the knightmare hand

tartaglia:nice reaction but now i ...wait

she see the cockpit open and empty

tartaglia:what the!?

and from above jason dive down and give an powerful kick and break the the cockpit and hit tartaglia an the head knock her out as he look at her

jason:you have to paid attetion of the little details

jason jump the cockpit and land on the hand and look the shades arrive

alpha:that was an bold move

beta:i take notes of that one

gamma:you are very unique one


alpha:what we do?



tartaglia open her eyes and realise she was tight up as he look up to see jason and the shades as the group have an good look of the pilot

tartaglia:well looks i least i have fun with an intense fight

jason:it seems llike it

tartaglia:soo you gonnad kill least i die by an handsome

the shades got jealous

jason:well you see

but hear something and see an giant mech diferent from the knightmares

jason:looks like the empire send an plan b

tartaglia:that is good or bad

the mech lauch an gaint beam toward the group as they jump off with jason have tartaglia on his arms 

jason:bad if they don't care if you die 

the group land on a rooftop

tartaglia:how you do that jump?

jason:no time for ask

alpha:we call the knightmare to deal

jason:nah i handle this myseft don't interfield 

he jump down and land as he walk toward the mech while summor his sword

beta:wait is he gonnad fight it without the knightamre

gamma:he is crazy

tartaglia:i am an little nuts but i don't the balls to do that abyss is capable i see it myseft..he be fine

she said with an smirk as the rest look at her confuse

with jason look the big mech

jason:well you diferent from other knightmares i see...but it won't be too long to destroy you 

the mech got ready soo as jason

after finish the mech and turn aroud to see the shades{less alpha} and tartaglia an pure shock

jason:again that is what i capable off

beta:all logic i have just vanish

tartaglia:holy shit that was epic

alpha have an smirk like an "i told you"tone

jason:and the neat part is you girls will learn it too with some training

beta:learn what you can do..i will definity take notes

jason:{oh my god..what are the chances}

he trough suprise as his mom beta was like that with notes heck she have an full library full of note books 



tartaglia:can i join you group


tartaglia:i mean i was mercenary to face strong people but after see you demolish that thing i want to learn all that fancy stuff and besides i know for sure you will became the number one enemy of the britannia soo they gonnad bring the best of the best...witch means...great fights for me

jason:.........okay you in

beta:you sure?

jason:she want an good fight andlearn to have fight better what better place with us

gamma:she is mercenary

tartaglia:again i be one to face tough people but if i with  you guys i can face tough people

jason:{this woman is battle maniac like mom delta}

he trough remeber the woft beastkin obssevie with battle olso the one who give the idea of ragna have an harem by her beastkin belies the pack leader can have many mates as he wants..ragna was suprise by decide to choose soo because either that or an bloodbath among the shades 

jason:okay you can join 

he untied her as he extend his hand as tartaglia take as slime cover her and take her of her clothes but with the shadow garden colors

tartaglia:ohhh i like it

jason:you name is delta from now on

tartaglia:sweet it fits for me

jason:{and more than one way}

flasback end

next was epsilon

she was an assasin name kotachi send to murden jason due to the big problem he cause to the empire she try many ways but jason always was one step ahead due to him can sense her all the time and outclass her..the thing it climax was kotachi's superiors got sick of her failured and decide to kill her on the spot but jason an his shades appear to save her and take the superious and the soldiers


jason finish to kill the last of kotachi's superious as he turn aroud to see her an shock

kotachi:why you save after all the times i try to kill you

jason:well i see unfair they kill you even trough you give you best..

kotachi:that is you reason

jason:believe if i wasn't that caring i will never came here

kotachi:but how you find the place

he snap her fingers an red light appear on her hair as kotachi take it and see an tracker divice

jason:that is how

kotachi:what now?

jason:you can do what ever you want i save you soo after that is you choice

she look at him and look back an the shades

kotachi:i not sure where to go i was an assasin i have no home i lost it..

jason:i see...well you can still be one

kotachi:to who?


kotachi:you recluit me

jason:if you want that is after all is you choice we not force you

kotachi:.......i join because you save me and i want some pack 

jason:welcome to shadow garden...epsilon

she nod as she take his hand as slime cover her as it take shape of her outfit with the color of the shadows

miying:huh? more soft than my odd clothes

jason:yeah just one thing wear underwear under it


jason:to avoid accidents

the shades blush hard as they know what he mean and jason was withness of it

jason:olso question


jason:are you chest real

epsilon:what kind of question is that of course they are!

jason:{good i don't need to deal with an person who use the slime for such silly way}

he trough remeber his mother epsilon use the slime to make fake breast she doesn't use since ragna adjust her body to have big breast and she sure didn't waste time to use it

flasback end

next was zeta

this one was another interesting one jason meet her as he find an series of odd symbols appear an tv's it didn't take him long it was coordinates as he arrive to an area with empty area with bench


he take an sit and look aroud

jason:{this should be the place and an abadont place because of war..fitting}

he hear the sounds of heels hit the ground thanks to his super ears but didn't move yet as he wait as the footsteps finally reach him and someone sit next to him

???:sooo you figure out my message

jason:quiet clever use the tv because only i figure out and just by that moment i can tell you an high caliber spy

he turn to see the woman

???:well you sure an eyesore and yes you hit the spot i am spy



jason:know you type won't spill the beams

???:ara getting bold do you an least invited me an date

jason:je too soo lady trough the dinner will be nice..but let's go straight to the point

???:well enough i kafka by the way

jason:you already know my name right

kafka:clever yes the name abyss..intersing name..and..the thing is..there is zero info about you..none how is that posible?

she got close to him

jason:i simply erase all info

kafka:i think is more than that is like you never exist

jason:who knows maybe i am ghost an spirit of vengeaces many things


jason:soo what you did offert

kafka:well i want to join you group

jason:i presume something have to do with you job

kafka:yeah as you tell before i know things and i know things from the empire witc want an oportunity to use it agaist then..and you are what i need

jason:soo persona reasons?

kafka:you can said that

jason:{mysterious and shady that sounds like mom zeta}

he trough about the golden pathner beast skin who join shadow garden and do things or her own among then plan to ressurect the demon diablos .an the cost of claire luckly cid convice was the worst idea as she became an cult he was glad cid was the only things his act was the saving glace of what jason could describe as"the worst treason ever"

jason:well you want to join but you have to follow my orders and show me anything you know

kafka:fair enough

he extend his hand as kafka take as slime cover her body and take her shape of her clothes with shadow colors

kafka:well this is interesting

jason:you will learn more olso you name zeta for now own

kafka:very well

jason:olso another fake name

zeta giggle and got close to him

kafka:maybe later on i tell you~

jason:{oh great an friirtous one}

he trough know is gonna be an problem among the shades...mosty jealousy

flasback end

the last shade is ..eta

it was another interesting encounter the group meet her an base with an lap as zeta give the info as they head there to destroy the base and take the tech there


the group walk trough the halls leave behild an trail of bodies

zeta:more foward should be the main room with all the info 

jason:good we take the data and use for oursefts

beta:clever use they own tool agaist then

jason:and upgrade then 

beta:of course

she take notes

gamma:you take soo much notes

beta:is vital after all

alpha:she is right for us

the group arrive but see an big and reforce door

jason:well looks like is ther right behild this heavin door

zeta:i know the person create the door put an deep security system to stop any hacking

delta:no problem let me handle it boss

she use the slime to summor an giant hammer

delta:i break it with one swing


the metion flich see her glare

jason:{wow just like mom}

he trough remeber the glare witch make delta flich

alpha:what is you call lord abyss?

jason look the panel

jason:you say the security is agaist an hacking level?


jason summor an slime dagger and cover an red lighting

jason:let's see how it handle this

he touch the pannel with the knife as the slime cover the panel as there was red eletricity and after 5 seconds


they hear the doors locks begin to unlock

beta:i would normally ask how but after see the magic and ars magus i won't question

zeta:i still suprise about that and how the empire doesn't even know

jason:because i good keep secrets

beta:and still trust use with you knowedge?

jason:i know you girls will use for the right reason i trust you

he smile as the shades smile back as the door is finally unlock as they enter and see the scientist an pure shock see then

scientist:what!? how?!

jason:okay listen idiots nobody move or do anything stupid if you do we


jason's head move back as an scientist with an pistol shoot him but to the foward jason head move foward to see the bullet on his teeth as he caught it 


he spill the bullet give the scientist an headshot as it fell to the floor death as the other scientist were an shock as jason use the dagger to lauch it to another scientist who try to press the alarm buttom as another scientist grab the gun and try to shoot him....try


but it was shootdown by kafka who use her slime pistol

jason:after thoses attemps you not worth the spill...kill then

an blick the shades kll the scientist leave the room red

beta:they total fools thinking they can get away

delta:yeah they just cowards

alpha:we should start to upload


delta:olso boss where you learn that

jason:is not the first time someone suprise me with an suprise shoot ant he face soo i learn it

delta:now i want to learn it

zeta:oh i don't mild shoot you at all

delta:jajaja very funny old lady

zeta:what you said

both glare an each other

jason:enough! just begin to guard the metion nod as jason goes to the monitor ready to extract the info

delta:uhhh boss

jason:what is it

delta:there is one alive

jason look to see delta point to one scintist girl cover an blood but jason can see the breather as he walk toward her and look


jason:she is..sleeping?

delta:how she is alive

jason:better question how you girls miss an sleeping girl?

the shades have no idea and feel embarrased

delta:should i kill her


he poke her cheek



jason:hey wake up

scientist:shut up

delta was about to smach her but jason glare her make her flich as jason poke the girl cheek as the alter begin to wake up

scientist:i say i sleeping do you...

she realise as she see then and then the shades and then the room and the bodies

scientist:did i die?

jason:no by miracle

scientist:you are..the ones i hear one..dark garden?

jason:shadow garden

scientist:oh...i gonnad die do i really is not like you did anything while sleep you enter

jason:we hack the door

the scientist eyes widen

scientist:imposible i made that door to make imposible to any hacking method know 

jason:soo you are the one who made it..gonnad say it look good just not good enough

scientist:how you enter..what was you method


he open his hand to show red particules

jason:we have methods far above tech

scientist:i don't believe it

jason:okay give me something to test

the scientist point the computer an front of her

scientist:this is my persona computer hack this an less of minute and i believe you


he extend his hand as slime and came out and goes to the keyboard as there was red sparks as the computer glitch and then 


it was 5 seconds the scientist jawdrop

jason:good enough woah!

he suddely got grab by the scientist look at him deepy an the eyes

scientist:please teach me you ways master

jason:{....looks like i find mom eta lost sister}

he trough remeber the sleeping shade obsseive with tech he remeber the times he analize the ars magus like no tomorrow while leave an giant pile of energy drinks

jason look back an the scientist

jason:if i do what i get

scientist:all info of the projects i work for as well all acess to the data of the investigation..and my loyalty

jason:......good enough

he extend his hand as slime cover her as she have the bodysuit ironic is the same desing as eta 

jason:you name is eta from now on

eta check the bodysuit okay

eta:i need details and composition

jason:{god she is worst}

he trough

flasback end

with that the seven shades were form by jason as the group make an huge impact as the britannia forces begin to lose more control of the country to the point the britannia were on they last stand

jason and the shades look the last bastion of the britannias

jason:soo what is the report

alpha:the britannia have set off the defenses ready to fight

beta:the rebels are coming it will arrive an hour

jason:..well then is time location of the target

eta:main buiding heaving guarded with along with other high ranks

jason:all know what to do

gamma:sabotage the defences and hack then to use agaist then

delta:take out big treats to easy the rebels attack

epsilon:we start by cut the lights just as the battle comence

jason:is the tip send

zeta:yes the rebels have nightvision 

jason nod

jason:good go

the shades dissapear begin to do they task as jason became invisible again and begin to sneak trough the base

it didn't take long to find the command center and see the general along with high ranks

general:what is the report

commader:we expect the enemy arrive an few minutes we have the artellary and knightmares on stand by ready to attack then

general:we better not fail this if we do our head will be cut

commader 2:we have anything set 

general:good what about thoses people

commader:nothing sir everytime they strike they dissapear we don't know who they are we only know they leader is posible the same one who take out the the outpost echo

general:how one person and small group can take an army like that!?

everyone an the room flich on the outburst

general:do we know who they are?

commader:they wear either mask or hood soo

general:don't matter once we masacre those rebels they are next

jason:{ja you wrong}

everyone see the rebels begin they charge

general:fools they run to they death now begin!!...

the light got cut off as there was panic

general:what the?!


there was the sound of two guns load up

{start an 1:28}

there was silence as the emergecy lights were back on to show everyone less the general death an jason an front of him

jason:begin exalty what general? how you enter

jason:i think the issue is how you get out of this

general:bastard you think kill me will make an diference we still gonnad won this

jason:are you sure about that..

general:what you mean?

jason:as far as i know the defences should not attack you own men right?

the general turn and to his horror the defences were take out the britannias istead of the rebels it was thanks to eta who hack into the sytem


jason:oh you must think "i still have the knightmares"..but the don't an seconds

the general look to see the knightmares take out by other ones pilot by delta and zeta

jason:olso you snipers and rocket lauches are already out of comission

beta end up finish the last sniper

jason:olso the place is dark as would be an shame if the gates and security are turn off

an that moment the lights outside were off along with the security as zeta finish hack the gates to let the army pass

jason:i sure you soldiers can't see the dark but olso the rebels..unless they have nightvision..oh i remeber they have

general was an full dispair knowing he lost the battle before even begin

general:who are you

jason:is not who i am is what we are....we are shadow garden we lurk an the shadows,and hunt in the shadows..and you empire will fall into the darkness

he walk toward the general and pull out his sword

jason:and you will won't the last to send to the abyss

he cut the general head off as he look to see the rebels quicky overun the base meaning the country is free from britannia occupation

jason:..i .this is just the begining

he said and leave the command center not before hack the info from the computers


the shadows watch the rebels claim victory

alpha:we actually did it an just an few weeks

jason:yeah we are capable to make the change..but this is just the begining this was an test if we all ready for the big step

alpha:and we succent?

jason:i say we got an S


eta:what now

jason:is time for the next girls need more training with magic soo you can learn ars magus

beta:what is that?

jason:magic and science together

he feel be hold and look to see eta

eta:i want it

jason:until you master you magic



weeks pass by as jason train his shades olso the shades and jason prepare another part is to get recluts as the shades spread about shadow garden..and they got recluts..but for some reason all then are women

now the thing back then was because the females back then suffer an curse from the diablos who turn then into mass of flesh soo cid and his shades heal then..that make the members join 

but here there is none of that even jason was confuse as well..but decide to not paid too much attetion they need men....i mean people to expand shadow garden soo he let it pass olso thanks to the numbers who are designaed names for recluits they join jason give eta an special project to work as eta got exalty to the point she very giants stocks of energy drink take many recruits who know about science and engeniring and begin to work....jason got actual worry why kind of mad creation she mild do but he continue

olso they got base an odd castle as they don't fix need much since is gonnad be an temporal base,olso they get an instrutor who train the numbers 

her name is chifuyu it was alpha's instrutor she find out about ethel treason but know something is wrong soo she investigate and find out about the odd group she hear later on she meet ethel again with jason as ethel explain what is goin on chifuru wasn't suprise about that as jason give an offert to be part of shadow garden..chifuru say will only accept if she was defeat by due

and both have an duel jason was really hold himseft back he know he can defeat her an seconds but decide to not side her shatter her ego like cid did with iris ..he actually dispide him due to that action iris was an puppet by the cult as it take an lot to convice her heck even an the new life she dispide shadow..well cid as shadow ragna was another case 

soo after an intense due jason chifuru accept defeat and join shadow garden take the name lambda and became instrutor to the numbers

olso they deal with some remmats of the britannias and counterattack but it was no problem for then thanks to jason's plans olso they collect an lot of info as they know the empire is bigger soo they need to make an big move..and jason was about to have an big chance

current time odd castle jason's room

the room was something simple with an bed, an desk nothing more it was the same as other rooms now jason was way diferent an cid..while the later always want to sorround and luxury as it was part of his vision as eminece jason didn't see such way he rather want to show everyone is equal and no one have special treatment..the only expection was eta..since she need an big room for her invetions and works but only her

jason was read the info as the door knock


the door open to reveal eta smiling

jason:by you smile i can tell is something big

eta:it is done...

jason:make an test?

eta:all green

jason:final check ups

eta:set and perfect..we are ready

jason smile

jason:well then call everyone and meet me outside

eta quicky nod and leave


everyone was outside as then look up on top of the castle to see jason next to eta

jason:all right..i mild not be good with talks like this soo i been direct

he cough

jason:okay as ally ou know we make an good jump and reclaim an country from britanias and keep hold from they counter attacks all you prove you are capabable

the shades and numbers

jason:but..this is just an mere test to see you ready for the big treat as some you mild or not know britannia is empire it extend as they own an third part of the world..soo they have more punches to pull soo if we want an chance to defeat then we have to be fast and deadly to strike considere we talking about an third of the grobal sounds like imposible..well not anymore because i been work something with is time to show it

jason look at eta as she nood and use ars magus to snap her fingers as the an giant hangar door appear on the ground and open as something begin to lift as everyone look as they eyes widen to see the big size of the thing as the shades even were an shock to see eta was totally hype as jason have an smirk as he his project is finally done

jason:meet the dark hyperion our air base with this we can move aroud the globe with that our plan to retake what the empire steal from us will be succend an much faster rate and this air base posess strong armament not even the most advaced knightmares can't supass  with this we can be unstotable and spread the world of shadow garden

the girls were an pure shock see such marvel but is real and look back and begin to chatter"lord abyss"as jason smile

jason:now is time to bring the shadow to the empire and let the darkness consume then!!

shadow garden:YEAH!!!!

this mark the big step of shadow strike

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