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an boy was walking the halls of an castle

his name is jason olso is alias is abyss he is the son of ragna the bloodedge the leader of shadow garden and alpha an eft who became the first shade finally over

he said talking about the central fiction an infinite loop cause by amaterasu who the main point was ragna as the exitence was base an the loop after the ultimate defeat of susanoo aka yuuki terumi ragna use the azure to wake up the godess as the world is not longer an loop

but there was more about ragna well  more like shadow garden it wasn't the first time it was made

this is the second time shadow garden was create aparenty the first time was another world by an boy name cid cagerou an kid an jason's world"an guy who was soo into his fantasies he deny the reality an front of him"due to the fact the reason he create shadow garden was to fit his fantasies of shibiyu aka an guy who think is the big deal on the shadows while keep the facade of avarage joe,even the guy fake out the story of the cult of diablos to the people he rescuer ...but turns out the lie was actually an true..he didn't realise it until much later on..and by that he cause some one member try to resurect an demon an cost of his sister lucky it was avoid"even trough the guy mild think it was made up"make two women be obessive to make revenge on him one for hulminate her an front of public as that woman was considere the strongest...until he defeat her 2 times ..while mock her..the second murden her father who was the murden of her mother but never tell her true as the girl have an total hate agaist him

that and among many mistakes cid did..sometimes jason wonder how someone can be that naive...well back to cid his life he reicante again...but as the freaking black beast..the beast who almost bring the armagedom to the world{again by terumi}well cid was aware and use the knowedge to try to the reduce the damage and during that time he find out about the timeloops and the main cause of it...ragna the bloodedge...thinking this is an fact an chance to redeem himseft as cid admint he really want to change things after find out the lieds were true about the cult..soo he make an plan to attract ragna to one spot to meet him after he was defeat by the 6 work as cid meet ragna and explain..and after an talk and deal..ragna accept the offert and became the next shadow and begin his quest to be an eminece in the shadows and actually did well better job that cid..with the latter guide him to avoid the same mistakes as him{witch is almost none as ragna was way diferent from cid}but during the as shadow ragna and cid find out something shocking

some of the poeple of cid's past life reicarnate as well among then are,the seven shades,the princess{two from midgar and one from oriana kingdom},some of the numbers{nu,omega,kai,victoria and others}yukine an allied of shadow garde,even an vampire{much to ragna's bad luck but get along way better than rachel}and the diablos herseft..aurora..well the good side of aurora

cid was suprise they reircante as well and more with the memories as cid tell ragna he must reclut then..he did..the biggest issues were iris midgar and sherry for the previous metion but ragna manage to convice then{and add some evidence of the corrupt n.o.l by izanami}they join

later on ragna and alpha have an child witch...well cause an massive uproar among the females as ragna find out later the girls have love feelings for him..more the shadow girls due to an obsseive levels{less delta,gamma and nu}it take an lot...literally an lot to calm the situalation that child is jason and from childhood he was train to be prepare to face terumi and others it was intense but an the end was worth it as jason became strong just like his father ...and after an long run..ragna manage to destroy terumi and free from the loop

jason:...yeah no timeloop or anything..just..calm

he said feel out of place he spend most his entire childhood and lifetime fighting agaist the n..o.l izanami,terumi,azreal and many others he didn't even have an break hell he was the most devote to the point he didn't sleep an days to the point he pass out from exaustion sometimes..but now that is was over...he feel ...odd

jason:i better go to pratice

he said as he walk down the stairs as he walk down he hear an voice


he turn to see

jason:hey koneko

koneko was one his see after the end of central fiction have to keep an promise to the girls after find out alpha was pregant..the promise was to leave the girls pregants as well olso married then{idea from delta}soo ragna did that jason pretty much have to live an another castle for the rest of months as he can't bear the noices soo yeah koneko is one of many siblings jason even wonder how his father keep walking let out have more staminad for more

jason:what is it

koneko:well mom rose invited us to an party on her castle soo will you come?

jason:sorry i busy with other stuff go without me

koneko:brother you always busy with other stuff as i never see something else

she said remeber jason either train,sleep or go to the entropy zone nothing else or sometimes spar with some of the numbers

jason:again sorry

koneko:brother are you are diferent

jason:i fine koneko i just need time for myseft

koneko sight

koneko:fine i believe you 

she said and walk away as jason keep goin down the stairs

koneko:{something is wrong with him is like he out of the place for some reason}

she trough it was odd even since the end of central fiction jason was always anywhere else traning,and when the times goin places he is mosty quiet he have small talks but nothing else even some of his siblings try to encorage to have fun but he always said no and leave

???:you want to know what is wrong?

koneko turn to see saber

she is an creation from ragna using seither to give an body and personality as she is jason's protector always be on his side and she still does sometimes

koneko:did you know

saber:well the thing is..he have the warrior sydrome

is an sydrome jason got diagnosed by litchi as it an condition for people who spend too much an battle and fights or things relate to it..the effect make people feel out the place due to spend most of they lifes an battles or fights as the his body and mild got mold into be always be ready to fight soo things like peace and calm is alien concept to then and make then hard to adapt jason suffer that due to spend all his life training and combat agaist the n.o.l later on izanami and susanoo

koneko was suprise about that

koneko:how long

saber:i was with him when he got diagnozed

koneko:who knows

saber:his parents 

koneko:is anything i can do

saber:just let then be he will adjust

koneko:if he doesn't it

koneko:i sure you father have plan something


saber:just don't tell the rest all right i know you deepy worry but don't spread panic


she leave as saber look an the ladder

saber:{hope you can handle it}

she trough it was hard for jason to adapt an normal life as the progress was very slow but it was something

with jason he arrive to an door

jason:...maybe..i should least...

he trough it was hard to get the normal life style for him but then again he see the efforts of his parents he should do soo as well

jason:one section and that is all

he said enter the door as anything was black as he the door close as an screen appear

"welcome to the entropy zone please select the area for the battle simulation"

an couple of options appear as jason choose the last one

"please add the modifieds"

he choose all then

"ready to begin?"

he press yes as a blick he was an unknow city with dark blue cky as he look up to see an projection of susanoo

susanoo:face the might of an god!

jason summor is sword

jason:.....let's go

jason make his sword dissapear

jason:well i feel more relief

he said but he notice something he was still an the battefield

jason:huh?...i should be back an the void after the fight is over

jason look aroud and see nothing

jason:nothing..this is..odd

but jason notice the sky glitch and change into color red

jason:that...can't be good

he said as he hear an sound and look behild as his eyes widen to see the area behild him begin to dissapear leave an infinite fall...and it was head toward him


he begin to run fast troug an highway as he keep running an his best as the area behild him begin to dissapear leave the long far and it was getting close


he try to use his wings to fly but an seconds he was back an the ground

jason:what?! why i can't fly!? is like something is push me down

he use magic to increase his speed as he get edge the the glitch begin to catch up


he look foward and see an big gap an infinite fall

jason:oh for the love of god!! choice

he begin to run an high speed as he close as he make an big jump he was getting close to the other side as he extend his arm but ...he didn't reach it and fall


he fall into the infinite fall and anything turn black



sounds...there was some muffen sounds


he have his eyes close as the noises became more clear as jason open his eyes anything was white as he cover his eyes with his hands after an while his eyes adjusted and look to see he was an a forest as the noise was from animals as jason sit up

jason:what the?....

he look aroud the area wasn't familia for him at all but notice something

jason:wait i can't sense seither.

he check his clothes it was actually an upgrade version of the slime bodysuit call seither body suit it was enhaced by seither and magic and slimes it was an huge upgrade but he check his was weaked not too much but diferent

jason:great no seither soo i can't use the full pontecial of the bodysuit but still it should be good enough for me

he said and stand up

jason:now i need to know where the heck i am..and better go before the rest got worried

he said but he hear an gunshots mutiple as his encaed hearing could hear running and something drop

jason:something tells me is not an hunting..the steps are from two legs istead of four

he focus as he make his shadow outfit appear

jason:well time an shadow of the wild....dammit looks like i got the cheesy lines of master cid

he said remeber cid is in ragna as both are one of the same as cid soul is an ragna's sword as he have mental training or use the entropy zone to train as well

jason begin to move trough the forest as he move on top of the trees jumping aroud until reach the area of the sounds

jason:{i should right behild then}

he said and look the sources as he see soldiers with armor and helments move aroud an search formation as olso shooting people who either hide or attack the soldiers

jason:{they hunting thoses people}

he jump to another tree as he was close enough to listen to talk

soldier:how is the progress

soldier 2:we have an big bodycount of 40 jejeje that is an record for us

soldier 3:yeah hunting thoses rebels scums is soo son they think they can stop the britannia empire

jason:{soo that is the name of the empire...i got the cult of diablos vibes..not good}

soldier 4:yeah i hear hq are ready set up the base with the commander is just an matter of time we sweep the whole area and take out the rebels

jason:{well there is my goal}



he hear the sound ready to find and he knows where is came from and where to aim and

soldier i find one!


he fire at jason but an blick he dissapear as the soldiers got alert

soldier 2:where!?

soldier:he he was an top of the tree..but he dissapear of the blick

soldier 3:are you just mess with us?

soldier:no i swear i see and then dissapear

soldier 4:oh what really what is next the smell of rotten death

an blick jason was behild the soldier

jason:that is accurate descrition of you death omen

the soldier was paralize of fear as the soldiers turn aroud to see jason 


as he already stab the soldier chest pierce the heart and kill him as the soldiers fire as jason dissapear an blick

soldier 2:what the!?

soldier:that is the shit i see..what the hell was that!?

soldier 3:shoot up and keep locking he must be some...


the soldier recibe an headshot and fell to the ground as the two soldiers panic

soldier 2:call hq call it!!

soldier 1 use the radio

soldier 1:hq send back up send back up we under attack


soldier 1:no an fucking monster..he take two of us..send someone!!

hq:what you talking about

soldier 1:i mean an thing it looks person and


the soldier look to see his pathner gone

hq:what is goin on

soldier:oh god...oh god...oh god

hq:what is goin on!!!??

soldier:i ..i am...alone

hq:hold on....we send back up

the soldier look aroud the forest...he notice was quiet..dead..silent no wild nature noice..nothing..

soldier:what the hell

he turn aroud and then scream

he see the other soldier hanging on the tree without legs


he run he just run as he fell down and hide behild an tree

soldier:what heck is wendigo!?!?

he said panting hard as then

????:i mild something worst

the soldier froze an fear hearing the voice and look to see jason stare down on him the hood cover the face...but show the shining purple and red eyes on it look down

jason:jejeje guess you have no place to hide an the forest

the soldier act and grab his gun and aim at jason but an the moment he look an the gun and look back at jason e was gone

soldier:where he go!?!?



the soldiers arms were cut off and fell to the ground and look back to see jason with an sword

jason:now since you can't handing the it

the soldier was deep scare dispide were an helmet to cover the face his panting an fear show it it was scare

jason:now...this what you gonnad do...tell me about the britannia empire...if you fail ..welll..i sure you and you friend hanging on the tree will be an good decoration to the forest

soldier:o..o..ok what you want to know

jason:easy..tell me anything..about the empire..anything you know don't skip an beat

the soldier nod and explain what he know about the empire as jason hear every detail

jason:{damm like the cult but an military level..and have they own country..great i gonnad guess they plan to ressurect an god...}

he trough what he know about the cult from his mothers and master cid

jason:...okay that was good enough

soldier:will you let me go

jason:....okay i let you live

he said walk away 

jason:trough the predators won't say otherwise soo enjoy good luck

the soldiers eyes widen as he hear bear noices and turn to see an bear appear as he run toward him

next jason was screams of the man and him getting eat alive

jason:{i not gonnad remove thoses sounds for an good while}

he said have the issue of have super earing meaning he can hear the most minimal noices no other people can't

he keep move trough the forest an the direction to the hq while olso take out patrols left and right while leave bodies as he know the rebels will see as an signal to strike back as he keep goin


he exit the forest it was nightime and see the hq

jason:not bad..but i can sneak easly the commander must be inside take the head and the body fall

he said and use magic to turn invisible and enter the hq


jason was hide behild some creates and see guards

jason:{well then is go time}

jason finish the commander

jason:well that is easy i guess i got an rusty

he send strench his arms

jason:but more i need to do something

he enter the security room and cut the alarm

jason:damm i hear the ring an my head....huh?

he look the cameras and outside see big mechas outside the hq

jason:that must be the knightmare flames i hear about..i could take then easily

he said as he leave the security the room as he walking toward the exit he pass the garage and see an knightmare frame

jason:...that could make things easy

he jump into the cockpit and enter and try to activate

jason:fuck no i gonnad turn this up...wait

he check his hand as slime like sustancce came out

jason:..seither can affect the systems soo

he put some of the slime on the computer and soon the knightmare was activate as the screens glitch but soo back to normal fulling operational

jason:wow..i should give credit to dad and mom eta they  sure hit an homerum with the upgrade

he said remeber ragna and eta were the ones who made the upgrade

jason:but maybe..i could..i mild have time before knock the door

he use more slime as it cover the knightmare as it have red lightner on it before the slime take shape of the knightmare fully black with red lines as jason look an the screen

"energy above 500% of capacility"


jason hear the main doors open as he control the mech and move toward it as he see mutiple knightmare flames

knightmare:hold idetifield youseft

jason:you don't see the model you idiot

knightmare:i never that model before

jason:is an new one the scientist work for

the other knightmares look each other

knightmare:where is the intruder

jason:{they actually brough it they are stupid}escape the commander is death

knightmare:you come with us


knightmare:because you must know something

jason:if i say no

knightmare:we shoot soo drop you weapons

jason:you mean theses ones

he said point an the knightmares



he fire the guns take out the knightmare let and right as the bullets were seither slime bullets soo it pierce the iron and flesh like wet paper as he keep fire take out knightmares left and right the cool thing about slime bullets...they are infinite as he keep fire take out knightmares left and right as well dodge the shoots with easy even be an little stylish do soo by give an few flips

jason:{i not is not but i don't mild}

he said as he stop fire and look the destroyed mechs

jason:well that was easy

an that moment more knightmares appear aim they weapons at him

jason:...i should stop speaking too soo

knightmare:drop you weapons you are sorrounded


he raise his weapons an the air


he spin and fire

jason:now that is what an final shot

he said and look all the destroy mechs

jason:well i need data soo

the slime move out the knightmare he was on and got into the mechs and absorb the data and trasfer to his knightmare as he see the loading progress

jason:mild take an while


the dowload was complete as he see

he see it was an lot information aside the britannia was an conquest as they take an third of the grobal and take out some of the big countries

jason:yeah this is deeper than i trough..but if thoses guys are like the cult they i know one thing they are soo overcofident soo i take chance..well then..looks is my turn my master stop an cult,my father stop an god from cause the ultimate dispair...and stop an entire country who is an conquest..guess that is the shadow path..

he open his eyes as they shine red

jason:i will take it...i will become the eminece in the shadows

he said and use the knightmare to fly off

this mark the begining of the new will be up to the challenge?

future chapter

jason:soo spot huh

he said while look down the city from his air base..shadow hyperion

the ship have an cloak divice soo it can't be spot

jason:even we defeat the empire as long people know about the sword they fight anything they got to obtain it..the emperor will send thousands to they death to obtain the power of gods...pathetic..leave they humanity to became an god ..even humans can kill gods

???:always with you wisdom lord abyss

jason look behild him to see his seven shades








alpha:we become stronger the empire never trough we become and with you will put they end and destroy the sword

eta:the empire chances are zero

delta:if they try.jejejej well they gonnad need an entire stock of bodyguards

epsilon:and besides we have our numbers everywhere and ready for you command

the numbers were an every front deal with the empire from the shadows even numbers are an japan

jason:very well

he open his hand as an black and red flame appear

jason:this mark the begining of the end...the empire will think will control us with the power of god...well is time to prove then the mortal can slay gods..and olso...the world will know if you become like the empire the darkness will consume you..because we are shadow garden...we lurk an the shadows.....

shades:we hunt in the shadows

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