chapter 3

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after the revelation of the gate and the what is really goin on jason and the shades leave the mine and see destroyed mechs of the empire as other mechs appear thoses are the armore cores an creation jason did it fits better.. call that than knightmare

as the mechs head toward the group and knee

mech:lord abyss we glad you return

jason:thanks i see you were ..busy with the guest

mech 2:they try to breaktrough but we stop all then

jason:yeah thanks for the help all you along an the city assault

the shades while smile some have tears than jason was thankful of then as jason look the name numbers

jason:as you 4 great job as well keep goin and you be an key part to shadow garden

omega and kai:yes sir!

theta and sigma:of course

lambda:soo what exalty find

jason:the empire's true intetions of to be clear the emperor and believe that ..change anything


the numbers were curious and scare about what they found

beta:what we do with the gate

eta:we can take it and

jason:no..besides that thing is like an portal i sure bet the emperor use that to move aroud soo unless we want an battation inside the dark hyperio is no


jason:blow the cave that way the empire won't get they hands of it.

delta:YES! what kind of explosive,big,,super big...or extra big know use all then

delta smirk as she speed toward the cave and look the numbers

jason:send explosive squads with her...and to make sure doesn't slip up

the numbers nod as some follow delta

alpha:what now

jason:we have to inform it all numbers now the stakes are high



after delta blow up the mine buried the gate and send up an secuirty facility jason and shades along with name numbers were back an the dark hyperion as jason and the shades were an meeting room

jason:okay clear as water doesn't have not freaking clue about what they really after

alpha:of course not like you said the army is the tool for the polititians

gamma:heck even politias are tools as well for the emperor

delta:who aparenty want to become god to control all us and .even the sure reach the deep of the iceberg

beta:we olso have to remeber about the geass

epsilon:right the people who can give power base of the person's desire...we need to find then

zeta:question is how?

jason:the empire sure knows if they know of the gate then they about the geass location probaly contained an a facility

alpha:soo this change our plan?

jason:yeah know we know the reason the empire attack is to emperor obtain all the gates..we knee to stop it

alpha:we could destroy the gate

eta:no the materias are made something far behold i even get readings of the gate after the explosion

jason:soo the only option is to obtain the sword

beta:but you need to get the geass first

jason:true but we delay the empero's plan we know what countries attack soo we can aleast assault the gates and seal then shut an least for an while until we get the geass and then the sword

eta:i have info when i hack the base it tells more about the gate is call Thought Elevator

jason:that is an odd name what you find

eta:nothing relevant for you told us but i find an thing Code R Research Team

jason:i presume they behild the project of investigation

eta:yes master they are looks are the ones investigate under the emperors orders

jason:well that is big shot if we find then then we can find the geass and the rest of the elevadors

the shades nod

jason:all right let's inform the numbers and wrap things up continue the investigation but now focus an code r search team



jason was sleep as he wake up and look the bed empty as he trough one the shades was there

jason:great now i have the habit because of it..does even dad or master shadow deal with what i thiking the later was soo dense and focus on his fantasy to even see love an capital leeter on an they shirts

he said an the last part as he remeber cid wasn't aware ..more like didn't care as he was too focuse on his chibuyu fantasies heck jason even wonder how he earn the girls heart as he was total pathetic npc act..the shades was undestable because he they lives..but alexia..was total bitch and he someshow make her fell an love with him and there is sherry then again..cid was her friend..but the idiot didn't attetion and say aloud and there is rose...trough he save her live back then but out of act of npc died an main event{witch he find stupid to this day}

jason:{the more things i dig up about my master past the more dispide him and wonder what the heck is even thinking}

now jason doesn't hate the point to murden but olso scold him for his actions as he didn't considere the consequeces of make iris her enemy,zeta almost betray shadow garden to ressurect diablos and more...but then again..cid admint he regret his actions besides he guide ragna to not do the same...well an the matter of not do bad choices like him..soo that is good side of cid that make him and jason relationship an neutra ground but still jason see him as an guy who never leave wonderland until reality strike him and shatter his pespetive

jason:..i can be better..i have too

he said yeah he feel the weight now the leader to stop an massive plot to change the fate of the world..cid did it agaist the cult ragna did it agaist susanoo and the n.o.l now is his turn

jason:yeah i guess nothing change trough my side i have giant mechas out of anime...wait..anime...mechas...

jason have an idea and pull out his table and search the internet

jason:i mean is an wild and stupid shot but i got for it

he search about anime theme merchs and he find then as he check info mosty about one call gundam and the super robot series

jason:okay way outdate from my world but still some of then can be powerful...and now i have the material and the magic..i could recreate...

he smirk he cant deny use one of thoses mechs from animes he watch with eta and kokonoe that is an thing he wish to do..and now he can

jason:hmm maybe i should teach sorcery as well...okay i tell eta she sure eager to do soo

he stand up and leave his room as he walk the halls and find zeta

zeta:oh hey abyss

jason:hey i presume you have something

zeta:well i begin to dig up about Code R Research Team


zeta:still dig up theses people make sure to keep hide

jason:not for long thoses who hide secrets an the shadows fell to our hands to claim

zeta:jejej no douth

jason:now is another thing you want to talk about?

zeta:about the capable to kill gods right?


zeta:soo the gods exist

jason:yes but i sure it won't shape as history tell and the emperor will kill then to become the god and control all us even the death

zeta:soo you plan is to destroy it right?

jason:of course it is what other reason could be

zeta:well yeah but you could use the sword istead i mean it control anything and even the living soo you can use it to wipe the empire out the earth


jason:i not became better than then i not an god who decide who live or die i fight as an human i don't plan to become god i prove then an mortal can destroy gods..besides that goal is like they's ..soo i plan to destroy the sword..besides as long that thing exist..others who know about it will be chase soo is better this world have no gods soo everyone can make they own choice

zeta was suprise by his worlds like he know the feeling ahd have an lot of wisdom as she smile

zeta:je you more interesting than i trough you sure diferent

jason:i guess you make an right call with me

zeta:you can say that

she walk toward him and kiss his cheek as jason was suprise as he look at her as she whisper to his ear

zeta:but you gonnad need more to impressed me~

she wink and walk away while swing her hips

jason:that woman is an have guts

jason let out an smile

jason:i give her credit for that she is sure an daredevil

he said while walk away with an smile but unknow to him someone watch and it was delta who have an upset look

delta:{that woman....}

with jason

he arrive to the lab to see eta work with numbers under her guiedece as she notice him

eta:oh master is any occasion to come


he show the desings of the mechs from the animes he find mosty the gundam and the mechs from super robot wars as eta eyes widen and shake know..about my love for anime mechs

jason raise an eyebrown as eta notice it

eta:i i..sorry i just love it..the idea to create mechs like thoses but i coudn't because they won't allow me to back an the empire..soo it was an dream..soo.

jason:is that soo

eta:i..i will forgot about the theme

jason:actually don't


jason:eta what you think i give you the desings along with accurate information

eta look back the desing and see all the accurate information of the mechs like it was an real life as eta eyes widen and shake and look back at jason

eta:m....m...master...this mean

jason:eta you have the methods and the about turn that dream into reality

eta gasp as jason can see the spark full of life...supmething very shocking from him he only see that back he show the slime but this is an new level as then eta hug him very tigh

eta:thank you,thank you,thank you..master thanks you for give me this awesone chance....

jason:{damm she is more hype than my mom eta when ragna ask her to married her}

he trough eta get an way hype to the point she stop all investigation she was work for and plan the wedding

jason:yeah olso i plan to teach you and the shades sorcery

eta:that is the advaced level of magic

jason:yeah you 7 are ready..and with sorcery

eta:i can make strong mechs.... i begin to work right away

she run to her numbers

eta:we gottan work on this thing like right now!

number:wait is that the mechs from the animes gundman and super robot wars

eta:yes master task us with this..and we have the means to do soo.

just hear that name of jason the numbers begin to work have even one bough an pile of energy drinks as jason have an massive sweatdrop

jason:{oh my god what did eta do to the numbers now they act like her when comes to experiment}

he trough an little scare for the future to handle more than once mad scientist as he simply leave the room as he walk he meet with alpha

alpha:lord abyss is all set for the broadcast with all the shades an the bases

jason:good to know olso eta is gonnad be busy

alpha:reason why?

jason:well expect big upgrades to the armore cores

alpha:je one step ahead huh

jason:yeah believe the upgrade will worth now we know the true be better get up to gear


both begin to walk the hall

alpha:soo what kind of upgrade we talking about

jason:well only thing i can say once eta is done..all armore cores will be capable to destroy the minimul level

alpha was suprise as jason smile

alpha:you sure think big huh lord abyss

jason:well an this point is either go big and we die..soo are you ready alpha i know this is an big pill to swallo considere how you previous trough

alpha:i ready lord abyss..after all thanks to you i know what is really stake and allow to me to give my best...even trough people mild see us as enemies we still carried our goal to stop the empire for once all

jason:we mild be the heroes of the tales but as we are shadow heros who make the change for th batter

he touch her shoulder as she look back at jason suprise as the latter smile

jason:as long we have the will to fight for an better tomorrow we can do it..after all we all shadows and the shadows is our allied

alpha smile and nod as he hold his shoulder

alpha:i follow you to the end of the world

jason:thanks alpha...i guess thanks to you shadow garden is form{even trough i could do it before but alpha was an big role}

alpha was suprise as she smile and hug him as jason was suprise

alpha:don't worry anything to help after all you help me back then..soo promise to live until the end

jason smile and hug her back as both stop as jason hold her hand

jason:i promise alpha..i live until the end..and you do the same

alpha smile and nod but look jason hold her hand and blush an little

alpha:{is like he ask me for marriage}

jason notice the blush

jason:je you cute when you blush

alpha blush more as she giggle

alpha:i.guess soo..we should move on


both keep walk as alpha keep blush an little

alpha:{i mild fell an love with him..but i don't mild..i just need time}

both arrive to the command center

beta:oh abyss sama all bases are link to listen

jason look the screens to see the elite numbers who are an charge of the countries they liberate under control

jason:is good to see you

elite numbers:like wise abyss sama

jason:yeah listen are all the numbers listeny

the elite numbers nod and show the numbers with then

jason:good..gamma activate the speaking an the ship as well eta is busy soo

gamma nod and activate the speaking

jason:now listen..we.....just find out britannia's darkest secret..and it change our goal..and put more things an stake

the numbers were worried as to what it is

jason:{is gonnad an long i is everyoe back at home i know they notice i missing}

back an the blazblue world an the masion

saber was run the halls

saber:oh god...i should know something was wrong

she say is been an day jason was missing now it was an big deal the problem begin when jason didn't appear to spar with the numbers...and he never miss thoses aside there was asnswer on his calls it was the moment the shades reailise something was wrong as they send saber to investigate she finish check his room empty without note now jason will leave an note if he have to go somewhere but there was none as she know there is she remeber the last place jason went..the entropy zone

saber:please be there

she arrive the stairs and begin to run down stairs as she reach the button and her eyes widen

saber:oh god

the door wasn't it was sorround by red tone as the texture was glitching

saber:oh god.

she walk and try to grab but an feel an intense pain as she was push back into the stairs


she stand up and look the door and look her had

saber:seither?...oh god jason

she decide to make an call

???:saber did you find jason?!

saber:i...i ..i find an clue

???:.....what you mean an clue?

saber:is better come for youseft..

???:what you mean saber

saber:i think jason is trap an the entropy zone

she can hear an gasp and silence and then

???:i send eta right away!!

the call end as saber sight and look back an the corrupt door

saber:jason i hope you right


she wait until she hear sound upstairs and turn aroud to see


eta og:where is it?

saber point an the glitch as she and ragna were suprise

ragna:god..that is not good at all

eta og:i begin to analize

she use her ars magus and sorcery to analize the door

saber:careful to touch it give an nasty shock

ragna:you okay

saber:yeah i things back home


saber:sorry i

ragna:is not you fault saber

saber:but i was suppose to protect him..and..

ragna:look jason pretty much do it himseft and you can't keep eye on him 24-7 he need his space sometimes

saber:yeah right..still..the guilt is eat me

ragna:yeah me too

saber:how is handle it...

ragna:try her best{trough she blame her herseft}


ragna:alpha calm down


ragna:alpha is not you fault!

alpha og:of course it is i didn't treat my son like one and istead like an soldier and now after the war is over he is just...just......

she have tear on her eyes while sniff

alpha og:lost...even the shades and the other girls treat him more than an son than my fault

she cry while cover her face as ragna hug her

ragna:alpha is not you fault i olso resposible as well i should see the signals as well..besides you train him soo he can protect himseft an case someone goes after him

alpha og:and for what cost ragna ..lost an childhood and became an missing piece an a world without war... you hear litching he can't live an normal life after been an war for soo long

ragna:she said there is an chance....besides..i know you deepy care for him

alpha og:.....

ragna:look i know jason is strong and i sure is try his best to hold on you taught him that to never give up

alpha og:.r..right..but ragna what if

ragna:alpha if you think an bad things it won't get futher..soo think positivy

alpha clean her tears and nod

ragna:anything is gonnad okay

eta arrive

eta og:i ready master

ragna:all right let's go

both leave as they leave ragna look to the side and see beatrix alpha's aunt

ragna:stay with her she need help

beatrix nod and goes to alfa as ragna and eta head towards the masion

flasback end

saber:i don't blame her she feel resposible for the change

ragna:i know but i olso an fault

eta og:......

ragna:something eta

eta og:i think soo i need more time

she keep analize and find out

eta og:oh...gods

ragna:what is it

eta og:i analize the data it was corrupt but i manage to collect the last use by jason he face an enhaced version of susanoo with all modifieds

ragna:what all then?!

eta og:yes looks like when it end the entropy zone go control due to too much power it coudn't take and cause an glitch an the matrix inside it

ragna:witch cause

eta og:an rip between space and time and leave an emply place

ragna and saber eyes widen

saber:soo jason could be an another world or another dimesion

eta best hope is that

ragna:we stick with it..can you acess it

eta:hard for me and more with this amount of seither unleash on the door

ragna:i could help

eta:yes is posible ..but we need time

ragna:we do what ever takes

saber:what now

ragna:inform the rest..i just hope they can take it well

saber:..can i do something

ragna:stay an the door and inform us i bring the rest to help you guard


ragna:better have help..they olso want too


ragna and eta leave

eta og:master


eta og:will be okay

ragna rub eta head

ragna:i know my son..i sure of it..i mean he survive to the very end to face an god over the thing mild destroy all realities soo..i sure of it..besides he have mad scientist side i sure he be fine

eta og:i don't know i should feel relief or glad on that


eta og:i admint...i did..some..questione choices with my experiments.

ragna:true but i sure jason learn better right

eta og nod

ragna:{hey you there}

???:{i didn't want to interupt}

ragna:{is about the thing right cid?}

cid:{i mean i kinda feel resposible because i am the create of the entropy zone}

ragna:{you never guess it how far the limit is neither did i}


ragna:{what is it cid}

cid:{is...alpha..see her like hurt me}

ragna:{is because the time she believe you betray her by the john smith act and she could reveal to the rest and hurt then more?}

cid:{the former...i remind me my stupid mistakes...all because i want to leave an fantasy when i already have that a front of me..i just...

ragna:{stupid careless asshole ungrateful dense seflish prick?}

cid:{je yeah all that..dammit my two previous lifes was an mess up because of my actions}

ragna:{but then did some good like save akane}

cid:{yeah true..}

ragna:{and olso thanks to you lied the cult was stop an the end..}

cid:{true but i make an lot damage to get it}

ragna:{but the big part is you help me get better and not do something worst..i mean pretty much without you none of the archiements we did never happen soo}

cid was suprise is true he see timelines when ragna was alone..many of then end up on his death due to the godess always bring him back to alive and reset the timeline but this one..the current one it chage for the better

cid:{i..never see that....thanks ragna i need that}

ragna:{no problem}


ragna was with the seven shades

as he finish explain

beta og:oh god..soo jason is an unknow world

ragna:pretty much that

gamma og:is anything we can do?

ragna:eta have an idea to use my azure to fix the entropy zone..the thing

eta:i plan to recreat the gitch since is cause an rip of space and time

epsilon og:NO! we already lost jason i don't want to lose you ragna!!

ragna:epsilon calm down is not like give my life just my azure power

zeta og:still an risky move

ragna:you talking to the guy who go to the boundary and survive

zeta og:well true still 

beta og:but we talking about an another world how exalty you gonnad find him?

eta og:if the condition are the same it should send the same place 

alpha og:what the chances

eta og:..50% but i will increase then as best as i can

alpha og:right..soo who is gonnad go

delta og:i go!


delta og:but boss man!

ragna:look is still too early i will need to think about who send..i mean we talking to new kinda dangerous

the shades nod

ragna:soo for now that is all

beta og:will jason be fine?

ragna:know him he is one 7 step ahead after all you teach him the best

the shades nod

ragna:okay that is all

the shades nod and leave less eta

ragna:something to say?

eta:well i was thinking to send saber and the rest of the creations after all they made of seither you and master shadow did.soo they are safe bet right i talk with then

meawhile zeta was walk with an sad look

zeta:i hope is good

as she walk she hear sniff as reconize it

zeta:is that

she walk toward an door haft open and see koneko her daugher cry


koneko look at her with tears

zeta walk toward her and hug her as she return the hug

koneko:is my brother coming back

zeta:i promise he will just have faith okay

koneko nod while keep hug zeta while sniff

zeta:{jason please be okay for you brother and sisters sake..and for us}

she said with an worried look and hope he is fine

back to jason

he finish about the findings as the shades were an pure shock

jason:yeah things an stake ..very much higher...soo i know you join but ask me this are you still want too

there was silence

beta:me too

delta:i in boss to the end of the world

gamma:i in too i won't allow the empire get away and became gods

eta:i with master to the end

zeta:je well i sure in 


jason was suprise by that as he smile 

jason:thanks everyone

the shades and numbers smile as jason look the holomap

jason:now is act..becase we are shadow garden..we lurk an the shadows!

shadow garden:we hunt an the shadows!!

now two sides have one final goal...but..who will reach it first?

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