chapter 4

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he was an lake of blood as the moon with an tone of red shine upon him

he walk but he feel something and look down to see an death n.o.l office as it look like it was stab an the heart


he walk but feel something and see another body an britania soldier and it was cut an haft as jason look aroud and the lake is full of death bodies...thoses are the people he kill..

jason:...i kill..all then

he remeber when he was battle agaist the n.o.l and now the britanias it leave an trace of bodies as he look his hands cover of blood this my mild...tell me...i was made to be soldier...

he said...remeber..all his life childhood was train to fight..and he did it...but an the end..what left.....nothing won't stop me...if i ever become an soldier with no return i use the skill for the good...even if others see me as an monster

he trough as he walk foward but he could't and look down as it see hands ..cut hands grab his legs and begin to drag him down to the lake of blood

jason:i..not...afraid....i not

he said as the haft his body was surgeme and look all the death bodies look at him

jason:i have no all you want...i mild be an monster..but i not someone else's

he finally his body was under as he can feel be drag to the deeps of the buttonless pit

real world

jason open his eyes

jason:{an dream...guess my soldier sydrome is kick...and confrict with my mild}

???:abyss sama

he look to the side to see beta next to him

jason:beta..what is it

beta:you are sweeting

he touch his forehead and feel the sweat


beta:did something happen

jason:just an dream

beta:it was more than an dream

jason:..i tell you later..okay

beta was quiet but nod as jason rub her head 

jason:look i be fine if i have an serious issue i tell you


she said stand up an the bed

beta:i just let you know we close to arrive to japan you should meet with the rest they have reports


beta:olso beta is been work no stop..thoses mechs since like is getting happy...odd to see her that much happy

jason:yeah{like mom eta}

he remeber been stotic all the time only when ragna propose her or when he show her ars magus she show true bright happyness

jason:i go to see when i can

beta:all right..and jason


beta:remeber you not alone and we always be there to help you

jason:thanks beta .i apriciate that

beta smile and leave the room as jason laid on the bed

jason:{...i can't show weakness...but..many things can't done alone...but .i don't want to worry the keep it alpha teach you to be can handle it...}

he said sit up and finally stand up an front of the mirror and look his hand

jason:i not an saint and not an hero..i just someone from the shadows ...and i do what ever takes to put to end the empire...they won't drag me down i will come back stronger

he said as he know no one will see shadow garden as heroes either for they actions or the lieds of the empire..but he doesn't care his goal is put to end to the empire and the emperor and thoses who know the geass as jason look his refletion

jason:...i mild try an new outfit i still have master cid shadow outfit

he remeber cid gave him his odd shadow outfit he didn't use since..well he is fuse with ragna and the later didn't like much 

jason:i do it later

he said and leave the room as he walk the halls as he walk he see the door of i+d open as an can of energy roll out


he enter and see eta along with the rest work no stop as they drink the energy drink as there was an giant pile of empty drinks


eta notice him and look like she didn't sleep at all


she said with an tired tone as she yawn but drink another energy drink

jason:eta..since when you been working?

eta:since you give me the idea of the mechs we been work no stop

jason:{oh my she is like mom eta an workalholic when comes to investions}

he trough as he remeber when eta learn about ars magus and sorcery she work no stop for weeks it take ragna to litelally knock her out soo she can sleep due to the overdose of energy drinks

jason walk toward her as he put his hand on her shoulder

jason:all right eta take an break master give me an great chance and i don't want to waste it and dissapoint you

jason:eta you not..i honest i don't want to work over time i mean you look like you hit the bucket and i don't like see you like that

he turn the rest

jason:neither the rest..i adminre you work and effort for me..but..don't overstent youseft..i got worried

eta and the rest were suprise

jason:soo can you take an rest and then you can work back to work when you feel better


she nod and smile

eta:okay we will olso we finish some of the models and testing

jason:i sure the numbers will like it along with the shades

eta:yeah but i want to build one for you

jason:do it after the break okay

eta nod

jason:all right all you head to you headquater and take an break you all learn it

the numbers and eta leave as the later hug him

eta:thanks...master for anything

jason smile and rub her head

jason:no problem

eta nod and leave the room as jason sight

jason:i glad they effort and loyalty but i can't let then overwork theysefts for me

he trough as it was one of the lessons ragna and cid gave both remeber how loyal the shades and numbers were to the point they do anyhthing for then..and even overwork theysefts to the point of fatige

jason:{this is resposablity i have to carried..but i willing to do it}

he said and leave the room not before look the finish models

jason:je not bad eta.. i sure you enjoy you dream

he said with an smile and leave the room and keep walk trough the halls as he arrive to the command center as there was alpha,beta,gamma,epsilon and the numbers

alpha:lord abyss

jason:beta have info about japan sooo

alpha:we close to reach the border between russian and japan it should be an few minutes we have numbers an stand by to attack the boulder

jason:okay..what else

gamma:i have contacts an japan lucky some of then have resources we can use

jason:good talk to then as soon you can and have info we need info once we pass the boulder

gamma:of course

epsilon:we have confirmation the person an charge an japan is viceroy clovis britania another of the children of the emperor

jason:good now we know the snake head to rip off and burn it to ash


beta:we have reports there is resistances an japan right now we try to find 

jason:good if we meet then they can tell the info of what they need 


jason:i presume zeta is busy

???:no more

the group turn to see zeta with delta

zeta:we just finish our task

jason:i presume destrution if you bring delta

zeta:it was she have her uses

delta:i here you know?

zeta:i know

jason:what you find

zeta:well remeber that project about gears?


zeta:well me and delta hit one they facilities and find more info and there is more


zeta:looks like the main branch is japan and olso they just instant an russian before our arrival..and well looks like the last remmains are run away to japan as we speak

jason:how conviniet we just an the bourder when they need to long

zeta smile

zeta:4 hours

jason:good enough

look the geo map

jason:speed up to the boulder we attack as soon we can and take control

delta:can i go?



alpha:what about eta?

jason:she won't be an this one she is an break

alpha:her an break?

jason:i tell her too she deserb it

beta:{abyss sama is diferent}

she trough an the change as back then didn't mild eta overwork but now change

beta:{could be because of the dream?}

she trough 

jason:all right lambda are the hyperion weapons ready?

lambda:ready to fire what you plan to shoot?

jason:i have an idea


the dark hyperion were above the frontier and the boulder between russian and japan as they see guards and knightmares

jason:all right..activate it

lambda:you hear him activate the jammer!

number:yes mam!

she press an button as the hyperion unleash an frecuecy jamming the comunications

lambda:they can't use the comunations they are deaf

jason:good prepare the emp bomb while we set up

jason said as the and the shades leave the commnad room less delta who have to stay

delta:ahh why they all the fun?

lambda:delta i don't think you fit for this one 

delta pout and look away as lambda sweetdrop

meawhile jason and the shades were an the armore cores along with the numbers who will tag along some of then were an the new models eta did

beta:are thoses new?

jason:eta just made that is why

epsilon:i think i see thoses an tv

jason:well the fiction became reality

the shades were suprise

alpha:guess not suprise with you lord abyss

jason:yeah eta sure give an good use and you girls will do the same on they own way

the shades and numbers nod as then speaker activate

lambda:the bomb is ready to drop

jason:do it

lambad nod and order an number to lauch as the number press the button and from the hyperion an bomb begin to fall toward the frontier

jason:the emp bomb should deactivate the security and knightmare long enough to take then remeber destrution but with discretion

the shades and numbers nod

number:uhh lord abyss are the hyperion will be affect as well?

jason:don't worry we are outside of ranger besides it have shields to protect the pulse

number:oh my bad

jason:is okay is god to ask questions 

the number nod with smile and blush 

jason:now it should be happen


they hear the boom as the ramp open and see the frontier and total darkness

jason:okay is time let's go!

jason use the mech and get out by use the ramp follow up by the shades and numbers as they begin an free fall toward the frontier base

jason:they won't see us coming once we close we fire from above and land we continue ..remeber what i say

the shades and numbers nod as they keep fall and once close enough all then pull out they guns and begin to fire as the soldiers from below got shock as some got kill as some try to fire back but due to the knightmares out of comission and it was total black an new moon they cound't see good only the flash of the mussles of the guns be fire as the shadow team keep fire until they finally land

jason:let's go, quick and clean

the shades and numbers nod as begin to take out the soldiers all while avoid to cause too much damage an the frontiers it was easy due to the knightmares and some of the defences been out of the comission 

it take an hour to finish all soldiers

alpha:all then death we make an double check

jason:good, time?

zeta:an hour and haft

jason:that is good enough everyone know what to do..clean and prepare the set up

the shades and numbers nod as begin to hide the bodies and clean the blood use magic as well use the slime suit to take the shape of the soldiers and later on use the generators to bring the lights back up as everyone take guard post 

zeta:nice plan abyss

jason:thanks i sure they desperation they won't see the trap we set


the group wait until see light on the road

jason:is an convoy are they the ones

zeta use an pair binaculars

zeta:yep they are

jason:good everyone what to do

the shades and nod as the convoy arrive

jason:halt what is you buisness and id

man:we need to get trough we from the britannia empire 

jason:hang on let me see the id

he goes to the pilot seat as the man give the id anyone else an the vehicule?

man:my colleages listen we need to enter we work for clovis soo we need to cross

jason:all right just we need to check the vehicule an case there is something like ilegal material or bombs

men:you can't be serious?!

jason:do i have to remind you came from russian who just lost control by the russian?

the men gulp

jason:that is what i trough

he order the number to open the gate as the vehicules pass and park

jason:all right out the vehicules

the men along with the other scientists get up

jason:head to the wall over there

they go to the walls and stand

man:now what i hope is fast

jason:depends if you answer the question right

the scientist notice the soldiers aim the weapons at then

man:wait what is this?

jason:you soo guillible

the soldiers? melt to show shadow garden as the members either have mask,hood or both as the scientist were an shock


jason:you guess it...oh as for where the real guard well...

he point to an door as the number open to reveal the death bodies as the scientist were now deep scare

jason:now if you don't want end up death like thoses people you will tell anything about the code r

the scientist were an shock

man:how you!


an bullet glase his head

jason:i do the questions you answe..try to be an smartass and i shoot you an the knee

men:you can't be



it was shot an the leg

jason:everyone else the next one is the neck!

the scientist were quiet

jason:now the research 

woman:we can't clovis will kill us if we talk

jason:he will kill quick..we..will kill slowing...soo

men 3:we..wont'


it show a the neck as it was shock an the neck

jason:i run out of pancieces soo..i gonnad use tortute..who ever tell useful information lives


men:don't you dare! it

alpha and beta hold the men as jason break an glass and put the pieces inside the men mouth and punch the face make the shards cut touge and cheeks as the guy let out an scream

jason:soo want to say something more

he let out an whale and muffen

jason:that is what i you talk

he point the woman

woman:okay we just an new branch of the project to reseach the geass

jason:what else

woman:the branch of japan have an investigation about the theme and how obtain the powers


woman:i don't know the details but i know something about the name c.c is key part i don't know about it besides that

jason:soo the branch an japan is try to investigate the geass trough this ..c.c?

woman:y yeah

jason:what is c.c?

woman:i don't know i never have priviligies to know neither of us 

jason look the woman and see she tell the true

jason:fine you tell the true

woman:i am spare

jason:well you say you tell info if clovis find out you are death


jason:but since you cooparate we can give you an new place to stay..but if you try to trick us you are death

woman:d deal

woman 2:traitor, clovis is gonnad kill all us

jason:wrong you all goin to die...but not by us

an that moment an truck arrive and russian soldiers appear among then reznov

reznov:we are here


point the scientist

jason:there are you britannia bastard as i promice and the frontier is yours 

reznov:and her?

point the woman

jason:we deal with her

reznov:good is was an pleasure work for you..пропасть

jason:like wise мститель

reznov nod and order his men to take the rest of the scientist

jason:soo how you gonnad kill then hang then..or shooting then

reznov:jaja we just got creative ways to do it

jason:right..of course russians are unique

reznov:yeah take care...the rest of my men should be arrive


reznov and his men leave an the truck


look the woman

jason:as i say you talk soo we spare you and give you an new life..but try to betray us and you regret


she was take by two numbers

alpha:how we garante that

jason:don't worry i have an spell to wipe the memory and alter it she won't remeber what happen only get kindappd and considere be an traitor to the empirer and we fake her deal for extra meassure

gamma:always one step ahead 

jason:sometimes you have to prepare youseft to the point just one glance and you can win an battle

beta:i keep that wisdom an mild

jason:all right we done here..let's go back to the hyperion

the shades and numbers nod


jason was an the top of the hyperion laid down as he look the nightsky

jason:even trough there is no moon it have his own look an galaxy

he said while remeber the times he watch the night an his odd home

jason sight

jason:{i guess is true you never know what you have until you miss it...the question is posible to reach home?...maybe..but for now i need to save this world ..then i focus an home}

???:lovely night is it

he turn to see alpha

jason:yeah it is

alpha:mild if i join

jason:i okay

she laid next to jason as both look at the night you feel

jason:relax see the stars and the night sky is...relaxing make you forget things aroud make feel anything is okay

alpha:yeah true...

jason:what is it?


jason:....did she metion it

alpha:make her talk


alpha:abyss what is wrong an that dream

jason:..i guess i tell you

he explain the dream without metion the n.o.l

jason:i know the dream meaning is my mild tell the sins i carried either one way or another i am murder even if is i save the world the weight of they deaths carried me..and the funny part i don't care


jason:because..well i was train to be like this an soldier..who no hesisate no person..raise and learn an war..nothing the violence and killing..people like they home...but..after place for me...i guess my mild tell me once the war is over i have no place to go wrong

jason feel alpha's hands hold his as he look at her

alpha:just because you raise to be an soldier and fight doesn't mean you don't have an home..i mean you help us..raise us..train us..soo we can live an new tomorrow and have hope...without you none of us will be here

jason:...but what if is over where you goin

alpha:we have our home..shadow said an place people like us..can go...our was thanks to you we got an home..and even after the war is over..this is still our home

jason was suprise by her worlds and point of view

jason:i..never trough i make such impact..i know you grateful i help you..but never this deep

alpha:well we give our best to show do we

jason:too much an fact with eta

alpha:well sure..we want to give our best abyss

jason:thanks but don't overwork youseft is not heathy

alpha:you plan to care all things by youseft and without our help

jason:no..that is ..not...

alpha:i know what you mean don't worry


he hold her hands with his as alpha look and look back on his face as jason was stare on her's



both they faces got close as they about to kiss


they stop as they look down to see delta looking for then

jason:up here

delta look up 

delta:oh hey boss 

jason:what is it?

delta:oh gamma got contact she metion and she have info soo

jason:okay i coming

delta:okay{oh my good thing i arrive here fast}

she trough as she see after and head back inside

jason:let's go

alpha:right{dammit delta i gonnad beat her up bad an the next spar}

she trough upset as both came down

jason:olso alpha



he smile as she smile

alpha:no problem


the duo arrive to the command center

jason:okay gamma what is it

gamma:well i call my contact and aparenty she want to meet you an person

jason:meet me? she even know

gamma:well aparenty she hear about the suprise victories and she link it to us..and considere the fact i manage to talk to her must hit the nail 

jason:how much you tell

gamma:only i work with an good allied of the shadows

jason:good enough soo she want to see me?

gamma:yeah she have an meeting spot i already mark it

jason look the spot

jason:that is nearl mount fuji...what can you tell

gamma:that is the biggest source of sakuralite that mineral use for the late gen mechs

gamma:correct is what the people presume japan invade the country..but we all know is an cover i think about...i have an idea

zeta:what is it

jason:that sakuralite could be an good conductor for the ars magus to enhaced it...soo

beta:i see you plan to steal soo we can use an our favor


eta appear fulling recover

eta:i can make preparation once you obtain the mineral

jason:hey eta i see you fine

eta:yeah after days of rest i ready to work

jason:good keep the thing an stand by..

eta nod and toward the lab

jason:okay gamma tell her we gonad meet her

gamma nod

beta:should we take you escort

jason:well yeah the shades will go the rest on stand by

everyone nod


the group were an forest

delta:ahh how far

jason:delta ask that again and i swear i cut you head off

delta gulp and keep

gamma:we should be close

the group arrive to an acient japense house

jason:someone is inside

alpha:everyone else

jason:guards an the forest ready to attack soo no suddle movements..and more with you delta

delta:fine fine

the group enter the house and see the figure behild the curtains

???:ahh been long

gamma:like wise..odd friend

???:i trough something happen to you after you went silent

gamma:i deal with an traitor who sell me out

???:i see you deal with him 

gamma:with help

???:of course..thoses who help the other armies

jason:you are clever girl to figure out that

???:yeah i am..oh forgot my matters

she open the curtains to reveal an young girl

jason:{that girl could aroud either sherry or alexia's age}

he trough see the age of the girl

kaguya:i kaguya sumeragi i one of the leaders of kyoto house

jason:the one who are under the alias company call nac one of the big industries of britannia mosty relate with sakuralite 

kaguya:wow you already know that?

jason:i have my sources.olso the name is abyss

kaguya:abyss an intimate name 

jason:i am from the shadows who are my allieds 

kaguya:interesting soo who are you group

jason:we are shadow garden..we lurk an the shadows

shade:we hunt an the shadows

kaguya was suprise by the intro

kaguya:interesting soo you work undercover

jason:yeah with do covert operations as the war mild be an the front lines we focus thoses who hide an the shadows 

kaguya:i can see you effetiness

she look at gamma

kaguya:i can see why you join then ningguang

gamma:the name is gamma ..i leave my odd name after join

kaguya:oh you were that loyal

gamma:it was thanks to him i was save and have my revenge..and he show me new ways i never see

kaguya:oh i see

jason:soo kaguya what is the meaning about

kaguya:well want to meet the group and olso the person and well i can see for an leader you are quiet young

jason:i have 27

kaguya:jejej i can see that and you look handsome

jason was suprise as the shades were jealous

jason:is that all?

kaguya:olso to see how strong you group are..i sure you aware we close to mount fuji

jason:yes we see it

kaguya:well the thing is back then as an natural momunet but

jason:britannia turn it into mine facility and district


jason:you want us to deal with soo?

kaguya:well you see since the conquest of russian the empire an britannia increase the security one to the key points be mount fuji now is problem since our job to give the resources to the rebels groups became harder with the strict security

jason:soo is up to us to release the death weight

kaguya:that is right

jason:okay we do it

kaguya:you sound cofident have to remind you japan is the place the last generaton of knightmares have soo they have good gear

jason:that is true but we have something under our sleeve

kaguya:that would be?

jason smile as he open his palm as an red flame with dark lightin appear 

kaguya was an pure shock

kaguya:h h how?

jason:an mage never reveal his secrets

he said with an smile as he stand up

jason:now if you excuse us we need to do an renovation to an moutain

he leave along with the shades as kaguya was suprise for what she saw an total suprise...

she said and smile

kaguya:now sure pick my interest to marry him

she said with an blush

with the shadows

jason was use ars magus

jason:lambda send our armore cores

lambda:already done

the mechs land

jason:let's go an moutain is gonnad have an renovation

delta:jejej i like that way

the group enter on they respetive mech and fly off

alpha:soo what is the plan

jason:well take out the security and then

delta:make the moutain explode!



jason:only the metallic part

delta:good enough for me

zeta:i still worry bring delta i mean

delta:hey i got better..and more alpha force me an lot

alpha:you bet to avoid an accident{and olso let out some steam after she ruin the moment}

she remeber how she interupt the kiss

beta:yeah alpha beat delta very bad you were angry than usual

alpha:i wasn't

epsilon:you sure?

jason:i sure she is fine she tell me

zeta:ohh is something between you two?

both blush luckyly they can't see they faces

jason:nothing particular..back to the matter kaguya was...interesting


jason:what is it?

gamma:i could see she got interest an you

jason:be more clear

gamma:romatic type

the shades were suprise

jason:you sure?

gamma:i know her long enough and i can see it

jason:soo you are jealous?

gamma:i i not jealous 

jason:then why you sound upset then?

gamma:i mean..i kinda worry you mild fell to her charms

jason:gamma if that was the case i will fell on delta since that one is shameless woman

delta:hey i have decency you know!

jason:and when you show to me?


jason have an deadpannel look

eta:target on sight

the group look to see mt fuji

jason:now i can see why the japense are angry

gamma:no douth

alpha:soo we destroy the moutain

jason:we deal with the security and damage the mining equipment we cripped then besides that thing is an disctrict soo we have to be careful

zeta:i mean i sure with our appearance will bring the attetion

jason:yeah it make things easy..all right let's go

the shades nod as the group begin they attack by take out the guards and cause damage to the infrastature as well the mining equipment it didn't take long for the all the mechs and back up respond to deal with the shadows

beta:we kick the hornest nest

jason:good for us we destroy the mining equipment and olso remove the metalic part

delta:i goin fo that

she fly off 

epsilon:i make sure she doesn't go too crazy

she follow her

jason:all right the rest with deal with the reinforcements

the shades nod and face off the back up it was easy dispide the numbers the armore cores armanent and high speed was the diference as it take out the the reinforcements an mattter of minutes

jason:take this

he make an gaint slash take out mechs,tanks anything on his path

zeta:you sure have an lot of power of you swings


zeta without look fire her gun take out an knightmare

jason:you got better

zeta:learn from the best

they look back to see the rest of the shades deal with the back

alpha:that should be all then

jason:good now we wait for


jason:never mild

they turn to see big explosions as the metalic parts witch cover the moutain begin to fall and hit the ground

gamma:well an least it looks better now


they see delta and epsilon land

delta:soo what you think boss

jason:i give an 8 was good but too much boom

delta:what that is the point big boom!

epsilon:you will blow the entire moutain

delta:i wont'..

epsilon:you sure?

delta was quier

jason:well anyways we should

lambda:"lord abyss i have news"

jason:"what is it?!

lambda:"clovis find out about the attack and send big reinfocements towards you and send an special mech to take you out"

jason:"send the feed"

the shades look an they screen the back up as they are suprise

beta:oh my we bring the battalon to us

zeta:yeah we sure kick they balls hard and want playback

delta:oh my how many are

beta:they supass out 40 to 8


the shades look at him

jason:then is an fair fight

the shades were suprise by smile know he is was an fair fight

jason:"thanks for the tip lambda"

lambda:"not problem i sure you handle just fine"

jason:"you bet"

alpha:what is the plan

jason:well i face that special mech you deal with the escort..

the shades nod

jason:let's go we face then outside here to avoid unnasacery damage

the shades nod as the shadows fly off toward the back up


they fly until

eta:contact up front

they see the back up along with the special mech

jason:you know what to do

the shades nod and spread up and face the escort while jason was an front of the mech

jason:soo brtinnia's new toy huh?


jason:ja nice joke..and the answer is no..dumbass

pilot:who are you are you with the rebels of thoses elevens!?

jason:nope at all but i am abyss the one who luck an the shadows and hunt an the shadows and guess are my next prey

pilot:you will die here

jason:give you best shot

jason was look an now damage and out of combat mech

jason:fancy toy but not good enough


kill the pilot with one shot an the cockpit

jason:jeez say something diferent i hear that line too many times

he said bored as he turn aroud to see the rest of the shades

jason:i presume you done


beta:it was fair easy sure have the numbers but...well quantity doesn't mean quality

jason:that i agreed one soldier can take out 20 people who never use an gun on they life

beta:nice wisdom

jason:i know{i guess i have some}

he look back to the mech


jason:you want grab it do you?


jason:go ahead it could be useful

eta:i will order numbers to pick it up

gamma:now what

jason:we just have to wait for


they look and see an series of explosions ..big ones

alpha:oh my god what she done

jason:...i ..not surprise

after an while epsilon and delta return with they armore cores dust but mosty fine

beta:what happen!?

delta:uhhh..i guess..i got an little carried away and find out something


delta:that sakuralite is very explosive

epsilon:you trhow mutiple explosives and then the sakuralite you carried because for some reason you have an you explosive slots and cause an chain reaction!!

delta:i sorry okay i didn't know!

jason:well now you know

delta:sorry boss i swear

alpha:i gonnad punish you for that

delta:w w wait i got something 

jason:that is?

she show an mutiple blocks of sakualite

delta:i manage to save what you want right?

jason:....good enough that make it even

delta sight of relief


delta flich

jason:nah you won't have an spar with alfa

delta:thank god

jason:you will spar with me

delta colors dissapear hear that...jason...was way worst than alpha

delta:have mercy please


delta look down

epsilon:you ask that one delta

delta:shut up

jason:all right let's return

eta:help me take the mech 

jason:fine let's go

the shadows pick the mech and leave the moutain


they return as they drop drown the mech

delta:ugh remind me again why pick this thing?

eta:soo the empire can't take it and repair while us can

zeta:and can you i mean the condition of that thing

she look the very damage mech and kick as there was some sparks

zeta:is not the best..and you mild need miracle

eta:mild...but with master teaching fix it should be no problem and i plan to upgrade the desing

zeta:oh yeah right ars magus 

eta:and archemy

delta:soo i can creat my own big cannon?!


delta:all right!

the group dropoff they armore cores and return to the house as the door open to reveal kaguya who have an look of shock


jason:unique? i guess you got the voice of what happen

kaguya:yeah i did and i suprise just 8 of you are capable and even

see the damage mech witch eta was checking

kaguya:one of the prototives the empire was working for 

jason:oh i see sure was unique but not good enough

kaguya:well i can see and you group are strong no douth along with thoses knightmares

jason:they not knightmares


jason:is armore cores our own mechs we build

kaguya was totally suprise

kaguya:you build then?

eta:mosty from master who create the desings

kaguya:master.....oh i never know you have such servant

jason eyes widen an the inplication

jason:no wait you got it wrong she mean as an mentor not..that..way

kaguya:oh i see...excuse for the misundestanding

jason:is..fine{like jump the gun into that}well we did our job..done

kaguya:yeah i inform the rest of kyoto as you have support from us

jason:all right i make the arragenments for futher details

kaguya:of course i hope to see future husband

jason and the shades eyes widen hear the last part

jason:f future husband what you mean!?

he said an blush was the only thing it caugh off his guard...i mean who the right mild even say something like that?

jason:{but then again...}

he remeber the shades and rose orianna the women who "fell an love" of cid after an pathetic attemp of "save her" witch end up an fake kill...but later on it was enough to make rose orianna fell an love with him

jason:{i mean that is most ridicilous way to fell an love..more ridicilous than see someone underwear}

he remeber thoses romcom was silly heck he can pretty much high up cid life as stupid no sense romcom

jason:{my god thank god he got better that is something}

he trough as cid change after the true was reveal yeah must but an massive pill to swallow know all things he said was real..he admint he would paid to see his despair 

but back to the husband thing

kagura:Once you have won this war, you will need a wife someday, right? For you to have a life where you cannot reveal your identity to the world, I believe that there will be someone who can calm your soul.

jason:i get by for what i am think you could fit for me an person who goes an the for my soul..well you pray to not stare for too long because it will stare you back 10 fond

the girls were suprise is like he have to live an giant burden all by himseft and didn't want other to support but alpha know why

alpha:{he doesn't want others to get worry about him be..vunebable and depedant}

she trough unknow to her the shades think the same even delta can tell what he said was bullshit


she look the shades

kaguya:maybe they will..after all they will with you right?

jason:..i mean..ever since the begining ....wait what you implied?

kaguya smile

kaguya:Heroes are always ladies' men,after all


kaguya:you girls support master abyss just as i am That makes us his  court ladies,right?

the shades and jason blush 

jason:{oh come on what the odds?!}

yep that just happen an girl just give the idea to have an happen to cid...well very late..ragna as well..and now him


the shades were taking about the situalation with the princess,sherry,yukine,aurora,olivier and beatrix until


ragna:hey you girls okay?

alpha:i just the feeiling

beta:something big is happening

gamma:relate to..jason

delta:oh i wonder what could oh..maybe he already form an clain and get mates

ragna:oh god we already talk why he can't do that


aurora:but the thing is....what if mutiple women fell an love with him

alexia:no it can' him of all people no way

the women look at her

women:you end up fell an love with cid back then


she shut up

nu whisper to ragna

nu:should we be worried

ragna:...i think we shoudl tell the numbers who work with eta to work double fast with her plan

nu nod and run off

ragna:{oh god i hope you fine...both an normal and you virginity}

back to jason and company

jason:{sometimes i hate my genetics}

he trough as he decide to finish the talking before it escalate more

jason:look we need to go gamma will contact with you

kaguya:all right just keep it mild what i say

jason:{i hope to forget it}

he trough as he and the shades leave by the armore cores and fly off as there was silence besides the sounds of the engines


delta:hey boss...about ...

delta:you don't. even


delta:you s..sure

jason:delta ask about that and i swear i cut you an haft

delta gulp and keep quiet

zeta:well gamma you friend was....interesting

gamma:i..i guess soo{me with abyss as court lady..i mean..}

she blush and look at him

gamma:{i don't mild}

unknow to her the shades share the same trough one with eta interest an more....intimate stuff ..for science of course


jason arrive to bed and laid down

jason:men..what a night...kinda wish to forget what she said..i mean............oh god

he trough about the odds

let's see..cid got girls to fell an love without he even literally it wasn't his intetion but still do it anyways

then is ragna...well the only reasion the girls fell an love of him because it was the reicarnatio of cid...but then again he make the girls who dispide him{iris and sherry}fell an love

jason:{...yeah i think i be fine...who i am kidding i sure the universe is gonnad hit with an curve ball an the balls...but}

he trough of alpha

jason:{i guess...alpha option...oh my god i need to sleep}

he use magic and fell sleep


jason:okay now where the heck i'm i this time

he said an destroyed city

jason:i begin to have weird dreams

he said while look aroud besides the well alter destroyed city there was nothing else to see...aside the giant shadow creature

wait hold on!

jason:what the!?

jason:i can't be how you are here!?

???:relax child all with time

jason:bullshit how you here with me you suppose to be trap with dad you know the main host!


jason shut up

black beast:good as for you question is simple i got with you after the central fiction when you and you father use they powers to stop the loop as it cause an phenomal intervetion to seperate me from you father

jason:soo you are cid?

black beast:no


black beast:to put more simply i am the original soul before cid take place..i was laid dormain due to the strong magic that human have

jason:make sense

black beast:back to the topic i am the solid reason you can still use seither and the seither body suit still working

jason realise it

jason:yeah i notice i still have after use an ton..but still feel weak

black beast:keep it mild i mosty have the weak side while cid have the rest

jason:make sense soo what you here

black beast:just meet you right now i still recover but with time..we can go futher


black beast:look you want to take out the empire gonnad need some extra to speed things up

jason:soo what should i do

black beast:can get use to the seither..and that is all as more enemies you take out and my seither an other methods it works 

jason:i presume you got an good amount due to the fabrications by eta

black beast:yes that one...sure make an good progress..and some of her projects..i feel strong

jason:great..another reason to keep eye on her

black beast:now is time to wake up..we meet again when i recover

anything turn black

real world

jason open his eyes

jason:{....great..things just got}

he trouh and try to move but feel something

jason:{okay who is it this time}

he turn to see alpha on her uniform hug him

jason:{an least she is dress}

he said while look at her and can't help with smile

jason:{he kinda cute when she sleep...wait ..}

he shake his head of the trough

???:guess you are comfy are you

jason:well yeah and...wait

he look up to see epsilon

jason:epsilon how long you been here

epsilon:i didn't watch you sleep if that is what you ask

jason:then why you here?

epsilon:we got news..looks like our job last night got the empire attetion

jason:..what kind

epsilon:what type 

epsilon:on the news

jason:right i coming

epsilon nod and leave the room as jason shake alpha as she open her eyes


jason:is time wake up


both stand up

alpha:you not gonnad ask

jason:i have an guess the dream

alpha:did you have it.

jason:no..not at all

alpha:guess you fine

jason:yeah olso epsilon was here

alpha:did she

jason:he was next to the bed when i wake up


jason:..go ahead i need to do something quick head to the comand center

alpha nod and leave the room as jason check the mirror and look his outfit

jason:i guess i could do an change of style

he focus the siether as his clothes change

jason check on himseft

jason:i still fit i suprise master cid give me his odd outfit

he remeber the day he gave him the outfit as the reason was"well i trough mild suits you besides i can't even wear it anyways and i fully my purpose"

that is his worlds

he didn't want at first but accept and take an lot time to even wear the thing without feel odd but he get adjust to it and admint..cid have an good taste for the desing

he check the outfit and see the eyes shadow by the hood as he use his magic to make his eyes shine{image above}

jason:je now i look like someone ready to kill an the worst way posible..and that

he give an evil and sinister smile

jason:definity suits me...when the enemies see me as the last thing before i take they lifes

he said as walk away from the room

jason:{jeez that was creepy even myseft feel it..guess i have the great acting skills of master cid...actually i got too good to the point i even feel the act..}

he trough about it and arrive to the command room as the shades and numbers see him and see the diferent outfit and vibe..and of course the shine eyes

beta:a abyss sama?

jason:yes is me..i guess i make an impact huh?

zeta:yeah you did now you definity seems like death itseft

jason:je fitting for our enemies..because no even god can't stop death

he said with an smile as everyone can feel the dark aura...

jason:sorry i just carried away

he said make the aura dissapear

jason:now back to the point epsilon

epsilon:the news still goin 

he wach along the the girls and numbers

news:we have reports the mt fuji district were under attack by a unknow group,the attack happen later at night as reports show 8 unknow knightmares

jason:armore cores you stupid news woman

zeta:they don't know that


news:the group begin the attack on the mines as the empire an mt fujin send they knightmares to deal with the group but recibe casualities as back up arrive but still suffer heavy losses later there was mutiple big explosions as later it was discover the mines explode due to explosions inside of it damage the mine and block the acess

the shades look at delta who was eat popcorm

delta:try my best

lambda:lord abyss can i join you spar

jason:sure lambda

delta:aw come on an least let me eat my break feast


news:we still have no idea who they are as there is espucalation is the rebels but we don't have any confimation is the footage of the attack last night..warning is intense

next show the security footage of the attack

lambda:wow they sure want to cover the fact they lost every security

jason:what you expect is the media of the empire they will hide the bad stuff and reduce the damage

omega:sooner of later that won't work

kai:and people will know the true the empire is weak agaist us

theta:now i think about


theta:is that news pass trough all channels

jason:i guess soo

theta:does that mean the rebels know as well and mild steal the credit

gamma:oh if they do that they are death

jason:i douth they even do that heck i sure they can't even back up i mean how they gonnad explain how got high tech mechs

theta:good point

alpha:but they sure gonnad get into this

jason:i sure kaguya mild inform then about us

beta:should we trust then rebels can be...radical when comes to plans

jason:we we deal our fair share we pretty much know they way of thinking just as long they don't do anything crazy we can keep then an check and help then..but our mail goal is to find the is the situalation on the other countires

lambda:the numbers of russian keep hold of the mine ..nothing soo far..the numbers ont he other coutries are olso an check without incidents 


zeta:should we expand to get the other elevadors

jason:could but the problem if we do soo the emperor will see what we plan and we get things hard...soo we keep the show we just help the rebels without know we after the elevadors

zeta:yeah make sense

jason:and speaking of elevadors..we need to find that facility..if the informan is right the c.c must be the key

eta:what could be

jason:an artifact.,an weapon or best case the an priority to capture it alive

gamma:and then

jason:we see what we go for there..but hope it can assist up to give the geass

zeta:you plan to get the geass

jason:that is the plan 

zeta:if she deny

jason:we find another way...but for now we better scan the country to find anything time people this is where begins our path are you ready to take it

shades and numbers:yes lord abyss!!

jason smile


an the rebels base an one on the ghettos they hear the news suprise

ohgi:what mt fujin was under attack..but that is the most secure areas due to the mines..and only 8 knightmares was needed!?

tamaki:ja take that thoses britannia guess they are too tough huh?..i suprise only 8 was need heck i sure the viceroy is piss he lost to 8 knightmares

kallen:the biggest question is who they are..they part of the group

ohgi:for what i hear none not even the knightmares match us ..heck the knightmares itsefts look totally diferent..and from the feed clear as heck they have better gear than britannias

tamaki:yeah holy shit one of then shoot lazers and the other have mutiple arms with swords like what?! how we don't get the fancy toys

kallen:but the thing is who are they..are they allieds?

tamaki:what you mean if they are they attack the mt fuji and destroy the allieds of course they are our side

ohgi:kallen is right..we don't know they true agenda or what they really want


an person watch the news

lelouch:soo they are the ones resposible 

he said as he was talking about the attack but olso about suddle lost of britannia territory during the past months he know the rebel's couldn do such turn of leaf an the battle without help soo he investigate the attack trough the news as he find out most the damage and attack was done by someone else he know someone is helping the turn the tilde of the battle he know who

lelouch:intersting...i guess it could be useful....

he trough as he have an goal set...make britannia paid for the murder of his mother and find out the true of her assasination

unknow to can't control the shadows....the shadows control you 

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