Chapter Twenty

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This book isn't finished, it has about 10 more chapters left.

Chapter Twenty; Not Edited

I rushed through the double doors to the main hallway of the school in attempt to find Ashton who was somewhere in the school. I should've known that Louis had something to do with this. I was so oblivious to my surroundings and now Michael and I were in trouble. Code Red said something on the lines of that the dirty blonde's life was on the line if I didn't show up alone.

So many people have been affected by this mysterious persons actions and I knew if I didn't act quick a life would be lost because of me. My eyes skimmed every detail of the hallway to see if their was any proof that the blonde was inside. The darkness in the hallway was overwhelming as I tried to squint to see where I was going. I pulled my sleeve to my suit up to my shoulders as I walked through the narrow hallway and the only thing I could hear was the noise from my shoes when they hit the hard floor.

A ringing noise came from my bag and I opened it up to see my phone lighting up. Michael was calling me so I swiped my finger across the green button and answered the class. I could hear breathing from the other end and Michael's panic voice filled my ear. "Calum! Did you find him?"

"No, I hav-" I was about to finish my sentence but someone was calling on the other line and I saw it was Ashton. I quickly hung up the call with the redhead and connected the line to the dirty blondes. "Ashton!! Where are you?" I screamed through the phone.

"C-Calum. I don't have much time but please do not come for me." I heard him begging in his voice and I could tell he has been crying. "Ashton! I don't care. Tell me where you are!"

"In the m-" I heard the call end and I heard footsteps coming from behind me and I saw Harry and Ivy running towards me. "Calum, what's wrong?" The blue dyed hair girl asked me and I felt the tears coming in my eyes. "It's Ashton. He is in trouble and I think Code Red has something to do with it."

"He just called me and told me not to find him." I wiped the tears off my face and faced my friends who looked skeptical. "You don't have to come with me but my friend's life is on the line." I didn't wait for a response and started to walk off when Ivy stopped me. "I will come with you." She smiled and looked in the curly haired boy's direction. "Go find Michael and his crew. We will need all the help we can get."

"Got it." Harry nodded and was about to walk off again when he turned around and spoke again. "Be safe please." Ivy and I nodded and ran to the rooms where we thought Ashton would be located at. My phone started to ring again and I saw it was a text from Ashton, so I quickly opened the text and my heart dropped.

From Ashton.

'If you want to see your friend alive then come alone. You have five minutes. The choice is yours. His life or you will be mine.


"I was right. Code Red has him and he just requested me to come alone." I said, looking out of the corner of my eye at Ivy who frowned. "Ivy listen to me. I need to do this alone so please go find help." I pleaded to her when she was about to open her mouth to protest.

"Alright but you know I can't stop Michael from helping." Ivy warned and with one last look she nodded in my direction and ran off to go find Harry and my boyfriend who I hoped would understand why I'm doing this. This wasn't just about me anymore. It was about everyone who Code Red harmed and I know he won't stop until he has me, which won't happen.

I saw in front of me that a light was on and I knew this was it. I grabbed the silver doorknob and twisted it and opened the door slightly to reveal a empty room. "Ashton?" I called out and I heard some groans, making me walk more in the room to see a figure tied up in the chair and had silver tape across his mouth. "Oh my god!" I placed my hand in front of my mouth when I saw the familiar dirty blonde curls that belonged to Ashton Irwin.

All of sudden the door slammed and I heard a voice that sounded so familiar. "I'm surprised you haven't figured out everything Calum." I turned around to see a figure that was dressed in all black and had a red mask on his face. It was him. The person who I have been trying to figure out my whole year in high school.

"Figured out what?" I asked as the figure kept approaching me. I heard Ashton making some noises and the figure in front of me hit him with his hand in attempt to quieten him. "Do not touch him." I gritted my teeth as I tried to remain calm. I didn't know who this guy was or what he was capable of so I needed to stay calm in attempt to save both of our lives.

"Feisty. That was something I always loved about you." The guy murmured to himself before a evil grin appeared on his face. "I'm sure you're wondering who I am, right?" I glared at him and he started to chuckle. "Who are you?" I asked and the figure didn't answer, but I saw him moving his mask off and he came into the light and my world came crashing down.

It was Luke.


10 more chapters of the book left, sadly. I'm sad to see this end.

- Kirsten & Claire.

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