Chapter Twenty One

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Chapter Twenty One: Not Edited

All of sudden the door slammed and I heard a voice that sounded so familiar. "I'm surprised you haven't figured out everything Calum." I turned around to see a figure that was dressed in all black and had a red mask on his face. It was him. The person who I have been trying to figure out my whole year in high school.

"Figured out what?" I asked as the figure kept approaching me. I heard Ashton making some noises and the figure in front of me hit him with his hand in attempt to quieten him. "Do not touch him." I gritted my teeth as I tried to remain calm. I didn't know who this guy was or what he was capable of so I needed to stay calm in attempt to save both of our lives.

"Feisty. That was something I always loved about you." The guy murmured to himself before a evil grin appeared on his face. "I'm sure you're wondering who I am, right?" I glared at him and he started to chuckle. "Who are you?" I asked and the figure didn't answer, but I saw him moving his mask off and he came into the light and my world came crashing down.

It was Luke.

"It feels so good to show you my true self."

I watched Luke grinned and it made me bubble up with so different many emotions in myself. I watched to punch that grin right off his face but I know that the blue dyed boy would probably have a weapon on him, so I decided to stay put and glare at him. "Aww, don't look so down love. I know meeting like this is bad, but hey at least you know who I am now."

I couldn't believe this. Luke was Code Red? My old friend who used to hang out with me all the time. I was right, he seriously did change and not in a good way either. I heard Ashton mumble some incoherent words and I knew Luke was about to slap him because I saw the tall boy stalk over to him with a small knife. "Please, don't hurt him. Please don't." I cried when I saw him stop behind my friend.

"He is adorable, isn't he?" Luke said, ruffling up the dirty's blonde hair with a grin that I hate so much. "To bad that I have to do this, or you can be mine. Either way the choice is yours." I heard Ashton start to whimper when Luke touched the cold blade to his tan neck, which made me beg even more for the blue dyed hair to stop.

"What is your choice?" Luke removed the knife from Ashton's neck and turned to look at me with one of eyebrows raised. "His life or yours? It shouldn't be hard to choose." I was having a inner battle with myself and I didn't know what to choose. "Why are you doing this?" I whispered but the boy heard what I said and just smiled creepily.

"My dear Calum. The question is why not?" Luke said as he walked toward me and when he stopped in front of me, I couldn't help but cower in fear because of how tall he is. "Don't be afraid of me." I felt his hand caressing my pale face and I knew he could see the dried tear stains lining my cheeks. "I don't want to hurt you."

"Then why are you threatening my friend's life." I asked as I looked up in his ocean blue eyes that shown no emotion whatsoever. "If you really want me to be with you then leave Ashton and everyone out of this."

"I can't. You need to understand that." I shook my head because he needs to understand that my friend's life means everything to me. I heard shouting coming from somewhere outside and I could saw Luke stiffen and his eyes looked at Ashton the back at me. "Choose now!" He growled, a sudden change in emotion came out of nowhere and I cringed backward and no words could be formed. More voices came from outside and I could detect Ryder's and Michael's out all of them.

"Calum, where are you?!?" Michael shouted and I could see a shadow from outside of the room that we where in. "I see a light on, I think there in here!" I backed away slowly when Luke lifted his knife again and all of sudden Luke grabbed his mask and put it back on his face as the door barged open, revealing Ryder, Michael, Ivy and Harry with determined looks on their faces.

"Michael!" I was about to run to him when I felt someone grab my arm and pull me back. I saw Michael flash a look of fear when Luke held me close to him, holding the cold metal against my neck. "You littl-." Ryder slammed his hand in front of Michael's mouth and all I could hear was him mumbling words that I couldn't understand. When Michael was finally calm the tan boy removed his hand from the redhead's mouth and glared in Luke's direction.

"Who are you?" I saw Michael glare hatefully in Luke's direction. "So many questions and so little time." I watched Luke grab his mask and removed it from his face as he did for me before and I rolled my eyes in annoyance when I saw that same smirk on his face.



The book is almost done, should I update more today?

- Kirsten & Claire

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