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Later after class, Kibe would look outside and see the day was soon over. He looked over to see Mi talking to some of her classmates talking to her. The teacher was going through some papers before packing and leaving, Kibe watched him leave before he'd get up and check his phone. He saw the red-haired guy and his friends were still hanging out outside the school while other students walked past them and left. Kibe then saw the red-haired boy walk towards the school, he began to follow him through the cameras and saw him go to the boy's bathroom in building C. Kibe then closed his phone and walked over to Mi and her friends. She noticed Kibe walking over and it was almost like her whole body was ready to shoot out of her chair at the sight of him.

"KIBE! You actually are approaching me for once!" Mi said as she jumped up in her seat, though the other girls felt a bit eerie being near him, his face gave off a sort was hard to describe.

"Hello, Ouchie." Kibe said calmly.

"So what's up? Do you want to come with me and my friends today? We're going to do some karaoke." she asked.

"Unfortunately, not, but could I talk to you in private, in building C," Kibe asked calmly as Mi and her friends looked at each other.

"Oh, sure. I can talk to you. Just give me a few minutes to talk to my friends real quick, okay?" She answered, Kibe nodded and gave her thanks as he bowed and left the room. He then started making his way to building C, he looked at his phone and went to his camera app, he saw that the red-haired boy was still there. He was leaving the bathroom and just chilling out by it, Kibe continued to walk towards building C. It was where the auditorium connected with the school, the bathrooms were outside the building. Making it perfect for what Kibe had planned. He would arrive at it, standing at the front of it. He looked over and saw an assortment of trees lining the back of the building. He walked over towards them and then stood in front of a tree. Kibe looked at the back of the building and saw the red-haired boy standing outside the bathroom, he hadn't noticed Kibe at all. Kibe just stared at him.

From the boy's stance and the way he talked, he seemed to be someone who had something to prove. Maybe not to others, but perhaps to himself. The way he spoke and stood made him come off tough to others and even more intimidating to those who didn't go to this school. He thought about what exactly he was to do about the boy. He didn't even know his name after all. Perhaps there could be something that could have them see eye to eye, then again. He wasn't entirely sure. So he went ahead with his scheme either way. That's when he saw Mi approaching and coming to him. He looked at the boy one more time before he made his move.Kibe checked the cameras one last time on his phone, he checked every camera on campus, looking through them for any sign of any other students or teachers. Nothing. He then put his phone away as he heard Mi call for him.

"KIBE! I'm glad I caught you in time!" Mi shouted to him, just as he expected her to do. As expected the red-haired boy noticed, there were cameras here. So, he had a plan for anything the boy did. But he didn't do anything, instead, it seemed like he was just watching. Surprisingly smart for someone so brute-like upon first appearance. Mi ran up to Kibe and stood in front of him, her flamboyant chest nearly hitting his.

"So, what did you call me here for?" She asked

"Mi, I must be honest with you. I haven't entirely been truthful with my feelings." Kibe said, Mi tilted her head.

"I-" However before Kibe could speak he saw her again, Akia, she was looking at him from around the corner. His eyes were hyper-focused on her. How was she here? He had checked every single camera to be sure there was no one around. That's when he saw her mouth something to him.

"I know what you're doing." She mouthed before she left, Kibe was puzzled as to what she meant, did she know of his plan? What was her angle in this? He just needed this boy off his back and of course, still having the security under his control would be beneficial to that. However, was she going to be a screw in his plan? He didn't know for certain. His eyes looked over towards where the red-haired boy was standing only to find him gone.


"Kibe?" Mi said, thats when Kibe looked to Mi again, his eyes went to where the boy used to be again before looking at her.

"Apologies, I completely forgot what it was I asked you here for. Forgive me." He said as he bowed, he then began to walk away past Mi.

"Hey!" Mi shouted. Kibe looked back at her.

"Do you realize how late it is? Don't you think you owe a girl a walk home?" Mi asked with a more bossy attitude than what Kide was used to. Kibe didn't know what to think of what just happened, Akia appearing like that, and now this? What was it that he was missing? He knew every inch of this town and the people in it. Yet he couldn't get a read on Akia. What was happening? Was he losing his touch?

"HEY! KIBE!" shouted Mi, Kibe then turned his head to her completely.

"Well? Are you walking me home or not?" Mi asked, Kibe looked at the time on his phone. It was currently 6PM, he normally would be home by 7 and had no idea how far this girl lived. Kibe put his phone away.

"Alright but be quick. I have to be home soon." Kibe said

"You have a curfew or something?" Mi asked

"No." He answered, he followed her inside and she grabbed her things while he waited outside of the school gates. He continued to ponder on about Akia until Mi showed up. Her hair shined against the moonlight and the lights of the cars went through it like butter. Kibe's green eyes reflected in hers. Though unlike his own, hers seemed to have some emotion and soul behind it."My house is this way, come on." Mi said as she walked in the opposite direction of where Kibe's house was. He looked back at the school and looked to see if anyone was still there, which there wasn't. Kibe and Mi walked along the sidewalk towards Mi's home. Along the way Kibe took in his surroundings, the dreamy lights of the homes with life inside them. The sounds of people chatting along the restaurants they passed and the sounds of arguing and celebrating. The sounds of his and Mi's shoes hitting the ground under them and even the sound of the wind. Everything was taken into Kibe's mind.

His eyes then looked to Mi who seemed almost dream-like at night, she wasn't speaking or asking any of her questions as she usually would be. Her hair was flowing nicely through the wind and her eyes reflected the light of the cars driving past them and the lights from the buildings so seamlessly. It was almost unreal looking at her. Any boy would fawn over her. Though all Kibe saw was another piece of walking flesh.

"...So what did you do that made you so late?" Mi asked as she looked at Kibe, there it was. The stupid questions.

"I already said, my mother called." Kibe said calmly

"You usually hang up when she calls you though." Mi said tilting her head at him

"It was an emergency." Kibe said calmly

"I see." Mi said. The two continued to walk in silence, passing street corners and walking down a pathway between apartment buildings. As they did Kibe would look behind himself, he could tell something was a bit iffy. The scenery felt like it had been invaded by some sort of disease, that something had broken up the perfection of the landscape and put itself in a place it didn't belong. He looked to see one of those guys who was with the red-haired boy from before watching them from around a corner. He was trying to be sneaky and pretending to just be leaning against the wall of a building they had passed. However, if he wanted to be sneaky, he already would have been there. Not that it matters. Kibe would have easily figured him out by passing him.

Perhaps his plan with Mi wouldn't be wasted after all. Kibe then accidentally nudged into Mi. He looked at her and saw she had stopped. That's when he saw her expression of fear. He looked forward to seeing none other than the red-haired boy.

"Well well, look who it is. The freak and his girl toy." said the red-haired boy, Kibe gave no reaction as he looked at him. The boy walked forward with his hands in his pockets.

"I don't think we've been introduced. Names Hino, Hino Tatsuo. Second year." said Tatsuo, Kibe could feel others coming from behind them.

"We-we're just trying to go home. There's no need for violence." Mi stuttered, Kibe's eyes were locked with Tatsuo as he grinned at him.

"You think I'd just let you walk away with no payback punk? Think you can just get me in trouble and just walk away?! HUH?!" Tatsuo shouted at him before trying to grab him by the collar, however, Kibe reacted much quicker and slapped his hand away. Tatsuo felt a sting to his hand as he shook it off.

"Let's try to skip the violence, I'm not the fighting type." Kibe said"That's fine with us freak." said one of the guys behind them. Mi attempted to run away only to get grabbed by one of the boys.

"Look! I don't care if your a grade higher than me or if you were a damn teacher! AIN'T NOBODY INSULTING MY GIRL AND GETTING AWAY WITH IT!" Tatsuo shouted

"YEA! Ain't nobody insulting his girl!" shouted one of Tatsuo's goons, Kibe and Tatsuo looked at the guy and then back to each other. Kibe thought about running, he knew for a fact none of these boys would be able to catch him, Mi? He didn't care what they did to her, a few photos of them being the last ones with her would easily have them expelled, if she were to go missing. But he knew they wouldn't and knew even more that Tatsuo wasn't a brute, he more cared about how he looked rather than what he did to look tough.

"So here's how this going to go down." Tatsuo said

"Hes about to tell you how it's going to go down." said the same goon again, this time Tatsuo looked at him a bit longer, a little more pissed. He then faced Kibe again. He got out a small pocket knife.

"So I'm going to-"

"Yea, hes gonna-" but before the goon could finish Tatsuo snapped on him.

"WOULD YOU SHUT UP!!! AIN'T NOBODY TALKING TO YOU! STOP KILLING MY MOOD!" Tatsuo shouted as the goon nodded in fear, Tatsuo took a deep breath and then pointed the knife at Kibe. Tatsuo's hands were a bit shaky, something Kibe kept a note of.

"KIBE!" Mi shouted

"SHUT IT GIRLY!" shouted one of the boys, Mi winced as she held her tongue.

"I'm gonna cut you nice and good ya'hear? Right up the middle and then your gonna bleed out all over this nice pavement. YAHEAR!" Tatsuo shouted right before Kibe then disarmed him and elbowed him in the throat causing him to fall backwards. Tatsuo coughed and coughed as the other boys and Mi looked in shock.

"Ain't no freaking way." said one of the goons

"He just knocked the boss on his ass." said another goon

Tatsuo looked up at Kibe, The moonlight didn't shine on him at all, his pitch-dark uniform blended right into the darkness surrounding him. The only thing that seemed to glow or be bright on him was his piercing green eyes which looked right at Tatsuo. Kibe looked at the knife and then swung it around quickly, quicker than the boys could see or react to.

"Killing is something left to the dogs Tatsuo, Man wasn't made to kill one another. Just to help. That is what society is, a constant building ladder meant to help you all reach the top. Keep knocking each other down and you may break something." Kibe said, Tatsuo didn't have anything to say. He was speechless, as were the rest of the guys around him and Mi.

"Can you really kill someone? Do you even know what that means? To end a life? If you don't see people as human then it must be easy. If you can end someone's life you can kill anyone. Your girlfriend, your pals and maybe even your father.Murder is a irreversible act. Don't be a dog Tatsuo." Kibe said as he looked at him and then the goons around him. They let go of Mi and then picked up Tatsuo who was still in shock. The lot of them looked at Kibe as they left.

"Wow Kibe, I...I don't even know what to say about that." Mi said

"It was nothing, he simply needed a lesson in how to enact a proper murder." Kibe said

"Well...Thanks." Mi said

"For what? I wasn't saving you, I simply find being stabbed to be not so beneficial to my current everyday life." Kibe said

"Well, even so. I'm still very grateful! I promise to make it up to you!" She shouted

"You want to make it up to me? Then don't ask me to walk you home again." Kibe said as he started walking, Mi followed after him as she continued to have him walk her home. Kibe would eventually arrive home, he'd look down and see that his mother was yet again gone. He walked inside and sat down in the living room. He sat down and sat back. His mind still racing from before. He knew for a fact that there was something up with Akia. He just didn't know what yet. He then began to go through the cameras on his phone, as he looked through them in one of the dark hallways of his school he saw Akia standing in one of the hallways. His eyes looked as she turned the hall, he switched to the next camera only to see she wasn't there.

"What?" He thought to himself. He stood up and looked at his phone. There's no way that could be possible...what exactly is going on? He then thought about checking social media for her, but he had never used it before. Not for any purpose. He always believed social media rotted the brain. Made it less easy to focus on actual goals. However, this was an actual goal to him. Finding out just what this girl was about at this moment meant everything to him. He couldn't let anyone go under his radar. So he opened his laptop and began to search for her name on as many social media sites as possible. But nothing popped up.

"Darn it. Just what is she? Some kind of ghost?...She has to exist in the school records. She can't just be some random nobody. I've met nobodies before." Kibe said as he went onto the school website. He then began to hack into the school's student records and accounts. Through it, he could see every student's information, from their addresses to their scores and such. However when he looked on for an Akia. He found-

"Nothing?" Kibe said, on the other side of the district Tatsuo and his goons were standing behind the school, talking to a shadowy figure in the shadows of the auditorium.

"So let me get this straight, you got your ass kicked by some...nobody?" said the figure

"Ain't just no nobody, He disarmed me man! ME!" Tatsuo said

"Yea I heard you the first time, even a infant can disarm you. I just want to know why he wasn't pissing his pants." asked the figure

"He isn't like anyone I've seen, he had this look about him. This odd calm expression. He wears it like all the time. I can't tell if hes bluffing or if hes some kind of weirdo. All I know is that guy starts talking philosophical bullshit its game over. Thats he got me last time." Tatsuo said

"But didn't you deck him in the face boss?" asked one of the goons

"Yea, but I nearly busted my hand punching that whacko!" Tatsuo said, the shadow figure pondered about the individual that these goons were talking about.

"I don't have you guys around so you can get thrown around, though it seems like this guy may cause us some problems. Tatsuo. I want you to learn everything you can about this guy." said the figure

"....Uhhh, whats to learn? Hes just some ordinary guy." Tatsuo said

"Some ordinary guy? That ordinary guy may also be behind the fact that the security at this school is now spooked for some reason." said the figure

"Spooked?" asked one of the goons

"Yea, supposedly they got caught doing something pretty illegal. Don't know what, but someone caught them doing it. I'm guessing it might be this guy. I don't know why all of sudden hes now starting to act. I can't put my finger on it, but feels like the world is starting to spin. Like as if a on button has been pressed.

Either way. I won't have this know-it-all going around and causing trouble for me. I need to keep up my image, and I won't have some pencil pusher stealing any spotlight from me. Now go. I have a reservation to get to." said the figure as they dissapered into the shadows.

"...What now boss?" asked one of the goons

"Yall just stand down for now. He asked me to do this. I ought a keep to that. Loyalty is all that matters in this line of business. So keep your heads down. I don't need this guy doing anything funny. If he really is blackmailing the damn security just how smart is this freak." Tatsuo said with worry in his voice.

Back at Kibe's home he was sitting at his desk pondering, just what was it he could to get to know more of Akia? He could always just talk to her again. He could also sick Mi on her, she would never stop talking. Either way, it involved him having to interact with people. Which made him groan a bit. He then got on his phone and swiped through his contacts.

"Nothing...just my mother." He said as he put it on the desk.

"Why am I bothering with this? I should just leave it alone. This girl is off, something definitely abnormal, but does it have to be my problem? I could easily just forget about her and never think about it again. This is all wasting precious memory space that I could be using to remember something actually important. Like how to avoid contact with girls or everyone really." Kibe said as he then grabbed his book on brane's cosmology. He decided to put it all in the back of his mind till he got back to school. He then got to reading the book as the night got darker and ever more darker.

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