Monachopsis and deep cut

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They say god doesn't close a door without opening another.

Kibe woke up in his bed, his mind seemingly already awake before his own body was. He then sat on his bed and yawned. He licked his lips as he got up. He looked over to the side of his bed where he saw the book, he was reading placed next to his pillow.

"Brane's cosmology, the idea of higher dimensions than our own is very intriguing. Not to mention hyperspace and branes themselves being a higher-dimensional space. Which of course results in a "bulk". Fascinating theories. Theology is such a fascinating study. Pity it all is just that, theories." Kibe said as he walked downstairs, as he made his way down he could smell food. He walked to the kitchen and saw there was already pre-maid food along with a note from his mother. He grabbed it as he made himself a bowl of rice and some toast.

"Sorry that I haven't been coming home recently, work has been draining me a lot. So I've been staying at a hotel close by some days. Hope you understand.

Love Mom, P.S., Try not to fall asleep at your desk again. It weakens blood flow to your muscles and cramps you up. Kisses." He read, he then put the note down as he sat down in the living room to watch TV. He was watching some documentaries on computers and software. As he sat down he looked on his phone about a news broadcast.

"Robots are coming to your house to drop off a package! Will you be the first to try out our latest tech for sending your packages directly to your front door?" said the message.

"They're making machines that can send packages to your front door now? Robots are going to be delivering babies soon with this." Kibe thought as he turned his phone off and drank his jasmine tea. He kept watching his program as his morning went on. Eventually, once the time came for him to get ready for school he'd get dressed, grab his school bag, and leave home. However, once he did, someone was standing outside his home. It was none other than Mi, she was waiting for him.

"Hi Kibe!" she smiled, She waved at him, but he simply passed her by and started walking. She noticed and walked faster to catch up to him.

"No good morning or anything?" She asked, but Kibe said nothing as he kept walking. Mi pouted as she took a deep breath and continued walking next to him. She looked up at him, Kibe had such an off-putting aura to him, he seemed so distant. More than most introverts and distant people she's met before. He didn't even seem to be on the same planet.

"I bet your curious about how I found your home." She said, but Kibe continued to be silent and walked forward. That's when she had enough of his distant attitude and grabbed him by his arm stopping his motion entirely.

"Hey! What gives?! I'm trying my best to strike up a conversation and all your doing is just walking. Don't you even want to try talking to another person?" She asked, but Kibe just looked at her.

"I mean, you saved me yesterday and everything." Mi said clutching her chest

"They weren't after you, they wanted me. It's not like they would have done anything to you." Kibe said

"You can't be certain of that." Mi said

"I am certain." Kibe said

"How?" Mi asked

"I just am. Humans are predictable like that." Kibe said

"And what about you? Aren't you predictable? Do you have no flaws? No errors in your system that you call a brain?" Mi asked

"Flaws and errors are for things made by man. Man has errors. People are flawed and serve no purpose other than to destroy what they create." Kibe said

"STOP TALKING WEIRD!" Mi shouted, Kibe looked at her clung to his arm weakly. Her expression that of sorrow, she looked up at him. Kibe's face twitched with a moment of shock as he saw her face covered in tears.

"You saved my life damnit! Let me do something to repay you, and for you just to...I WANT YOU TO GIVE A FUCK ABOUT IT!" she shouted at him. The silence after that was almost painful, it was like as if a feather could be heard dropping miles away with how quiet it was. Mi continued to weep, tears running down her face. Kibe just stared at her.

"Whatever happened to that boy all those years ago who liked bugs, who'd try to get me to eat them and would be so filled with joy when we got to play together. What happened to you?" She asked

"...I-" Kibe hesitated to speak, which he caught himself in. He wasn't used to being so caught up in emotional turmoil like this. At least in recent years. His other hand came up from his side, remove her hand, and move on. What was the point of all of this? Just so people can hurt you later and destroy what you love? There's nothing worth getting connected to others over. People are only books to be read and then closed. Here for temporary use.

Kibe's hand reached over to Mi.

"Please...just...just let me try again." Mi said as her tears went down her face. Kibe's eyes looked at her and as his hand went over to her it-

"Huh?" Mi said shocked, she could feel a hand rubbing her head. She looked up at Kibe. It was him! He was rubbing her head.

"...W-What is it you want to do anyway?" He asked, his words seemed a bit sluggish and even hesitant. Like he was trying hard to speak them, unlike the regular jarbble that comes out of his mouth. Mi's face turned to joy as she wiped her tears and smiled wide at him. He didn't return it, but him doing what he did was the most emotional she'd seen him in over a decade.

"How does sweets sound? The store I mentioned before, we can go there. We still have two hours before school comes into session." She said

"...Sure." He said, Mi then began to walk with Kibe clinging to his arm.

"Heheheh! I knew you'd lighten up." She smiled

"Already regretting this." He said

"Oh shut up, you love people." She said looking at him, He looked at her for a moment before looking away. Not too far from them hiding behind a building was Tatsuo and his goons.

"So why are we stalking this guy again? You said it yourself that he isn't nothing special." said goon #1

"Listen here! The boss said he wanted info on the guy. So let's go ahead and get some information about him. Now we know where he lives and where hes going. Seems the little creep did give a damn about that girl after all. You two go ahead and stalk em. I'm gonna raid his place." Tatsuo said as he walked over to Kibe's house. The other two followed Kibe and Mi around town. Mi and Kibe walked through the streets of the town, passing by all manner of shops and stores. Even a hotel. Kibe wasn't looking around as he already had a good feel for what was from here and what wasn't. Mi on the other hand seemed fascinated with everything even though she'd walked these streets as often as he had.

"Been to any of these shops recently?" Mi asked

"No, nothing they sell interest me." Kibe said

"Well, this store we're going to will definitely interest you. You're going to love this place." Mi said, that's when the light turned signaling for them to cross.

"What's so good about this sweets store anyway? Besides the fact you and your friends are weirdly obsessed with it." Kibe asked

"Just that it has some of the best pops you'll ever eat in your life! I swear to god Kibe! This place is gonna make you an addict." Mi said as she got more excited as she kept talking about it. Kibe looked at her, he couldn't remember the last time he and Mi had done anything together like this. He then began to look around. Seeing the bright sun reflecting off of the beautiful glass from the stores and buildings. Witnessing people interact with one another even though they're total strangers. Humanity was blooming in front of his eyes. He looked up to a nearby apartment building and saw parents looking out to the sky with their children and pants being watered by their owners. People walking their pets and couples walking down the street with one another.

"Doesn't it feel great?" Mi said

"What?" Kibe said looking at her.

"To be able to enjoy being human again." She said, Kibe looked at her. His eyes were a bit less calm and now showing expressions of a sort of melancholy. Like he almost felt bad for his own nature of being. As the two kept going, Tatsuo's two goons were following them from afar. Eventually, Mi and Kibe would reach the sweets store. It was called "Sweet Harmony". Kibe looked at Mi who was looking at him completely giddy and joyful.

"You alright?" He asked

"I- I'm just so happy you decided to come along with me! You're really changing for the better." Mi said, Kibe didn't entirely agree with that, but he decided to go all the way regardless. They both went inside and as they did Kibe could smell the intense scent of chocolate and butter, milk, honey, and even coconut. Mi took in all the flavors in the air while Kibe felt like he was being suffocated.

"Come on, let's go pick something." She said grabbing his arm and moving the counter, the woman at the counter looked at them both and smiled.

"Hey there Ouchi! Brought over a friend? Boyfriend maybe?" She teased

"D-DON'T SAY THAT! Hes just a friend from school." Mi said as the two went on with talking, Kibe began to drown them out, their muffled conversation going on in the back of his mind as he looked at everything as he normally does.

"The chocolate here is fattening. I can already feel the carbs in my system just by looking at the menu. This place is surrounded by women too. Naturally, as they are drawn pretty close to sweet things, the colors of this place pop out like a black sheep amongst the flock. I can practically feel the colors in this room." Kibe thought to himself, that's when he began to hear his name being called in a muffled tone. He then reregistered everyone back to the front of his mind to which Mi and the woman were looking at him.

"Hey there pal, you alright?" the woman asked

"It's ok. He does that all the time. He kinda zones out in a sense. Anyway Kibe, pick something." Mi said, Kibe looked at her and then to the menu. Everything on there was either something chocolate-covered or was made of it. He didn't know what to pick really, there were so many options and he hadn't eaten anything sweet since he was a child.

"I don't know what to pick." He said.

"Alright then, I got you covered. Give me and him the strawberry crown!" Mi said, the woman nodded as she went to work. Kibe and Mi went over and sat down at a table. Kibe looked outside as he put his head in his palm. Mi looked at him before getting on her phone.

"Soooooo, meet any cute girls?" Mi asked

"What cute girls?" Kibe answered, Mi felt hurt at the comment as she slumped over.


Kibe looked at her and then back outside. They spent a few more minutes in silence until Mi broke it.

"Hey, can I get your number?" She asked

"Why? I hope you aren't thinking this will be a regular thing." He answered

"Shut up and give me your digits already." She said, Kibe sighed as he extended his hand, she smiled as she handed him her phone. He put in his number and then handed it back.

"Your food is ready you two!" the woman over the counter shouted, Mi jumped out of her seat and ran over to grab their treats, as she walked over Kibe got a look at what she was bringing over. It was three strawberries on a stick, dipped in chocolate and with three pokie sticks sticking out of the top. He watched as she sat down and handed him his.

"Tell me what you think." Mi said as she began eating her treat, Kibe looking at it and then at her. He then opened his mouth and took a bite out of it. As he did his eyes averted up to the ceiling. On it were massive paintings of babies with angel wings eating candy and other sweet treats. Their faces are a mixture of pleasure and overall ecstasy.

"So? You like it?" Mi asked, Kibe looked at her and took another bite before answering.

"The taste is..definitely something I wasn't expecting." Kibe said as he wiped his lips of chocolate. Mi smiled as she got to eating her treat. Kibe continued to eat away at his, watching people pass by the store as he did. The two just sat and enjoyed their sweet bliss. That was until Kibe made eye contact with someone, Akia walked right past the window and down the street. Kibe immediately got up. Much to Mi's shock.

"What's wrong?" She asked

"Something came up, I need to go. Thanks for the treat, Mi." He said as he bowed and left. As he did, he looked to his right to see her round a corner, he began to speed his way towards Akia as best he could.

"Your date leave ya?" asked the woman over the counter

"HES NOT MY BOYFRIEND!" shouted Mi in embarrassment. Her cheeks were a hot red, she was flushed. Kibe rounded the street corner only to see Akia walking across the street nearly a block down. How'd she get there so fast? There's no way she crossed that distance so casually. Kibe then thought of every avenue he could take to reach her. Akia was walking along the sidewalk, she wasn't in a rush yet still seemed to be walking at a much faster pace than most. She turned around to see if she was being followed. She then took a left only to bump into Kibe who was standing there waiting for her.

"We need to talk." Kibe said, he dragged her into an ally where they wouldn't be interrupted. Kibe looked at her as she was pressed against the wall, he folded his arms. The ally was only a few feet wide, wide enough to fit maybe three people fingertip to fingertip.

"Now talk, who are you?" Kibe asked

"I've already told you my name." Akia said

"Don't bother with that. I've already looked into you. No social, no student records and I bet your not even Akia. So who are you really?" Kibe asked


"Why were you there yesterday, what did you mean by "you knew what I was doing"? Speak quickly." He demanded.

"...Information." she answered

"What?" Kibe asked

"....I-I'm here to gather information." she said

"Information? On whom and about what? Who for?" Kibe asked

"My position has been compromised." She mumbled, Kibe looked at her confused as he then could feel someone watching them. He turned his eyes to each exit of the ally. He then decided it was on the right.

"Come out, I know your there." Kibe said, the announcement got Akia to look over to the right as well. That's when Tatsuo's goons stepped out.

"Guess the cats out of the bag." said goon #1

"I guess so." said goon #2

"These guys again." Kibe said

"You know these two?" Akia asked

"Just the boss." Kibe answered, he then stepped forward towards them.

"What are you doing here? How long have you been stalking me?" Kibe asked, to which the two goons looked at each other and then back to him.

"Boss said we should take care of you. So that's what we came to do. Figure we get a bit of one on two time with you. Ya know?" said goon #2, goon #1 nodded.

"This isn't going to bode well for you. Last time you fought just one of us. Now we got the upper hand." shouted goon #1

"You'd be better off leaving with all your teeth still in your mouth." Kibe said, Akia hid behind. Kibe.

"When this is done, I still want more answers." Kibe said as he began walking forward, he tossed his school bag on a heap of garbage softening its impact. The two goons cracked their knuckles as they both sprinted at Kibe. Kibe stood still as goon #1 went in for a punch to the head only for Kibe to dodge it and then place his hand on the goon's head while putting his thrown-out right arm in a lock.

"AGH! A HOLD ALREADY?! shouted goon #1

"Told you." Kibe said

"SON OF- HOPE YOUR READY!" shouted goon #2 as he whipped out a pocket knife and went to cut at Kibe's face, but all Kibe did was lift the other guy causing the other goon to cut his partner's face.

"Whoops" Kibe said

"ARUGAHHHHH!!! WHAT THE HELL!?" shouted goon #1

"Shit" mumbled goon #2, Kibe then dislocated goon #1's arm and let him go, but not before delivering a devastating 90-degree spin kick sending him flying to the wall to Kibe's right. Goon #2 then went in for more knife blows, Kibe ducked under one, backed away from another, and then would go for a counter as he delivered a swift kick to goon #2's chest. Goon #2 backed up from it holding his chest in pain as he fell to one knee.

"Woah..." Akia said in complete shock. Kibe looked at both of them.

"You both wouldn't be in pain had you run, but I guess sweets isn't all I'll be getting today. Wheres Tatsuo? I know if you clowns are here, he's probably nearby." Kibe said, that's when Akia saw goon #1 reach behind himself and pull out a pistol.

"AH! KIIIBBBEEE!!!" Akia screamed, Kibe looked at her and then at goon #1 who had the gun pointed right at him. Kibe didn't flinch or even move. He just stared directly at the guy. His left arm shook. When he noticed Kibe didn't react, he then went to point it at Akia. To which Kibe then reacted, the sound of the gun blew off too late. Kibe already had kicked it into the air just as it fired, he then slammed his foot right on top of goon #1's head nearly caving it in. The guy went completely veggie as he slumped over drooling. Akia uncovered her eyes as she saw the second goon look at him in total horror and shock.

"I- How did you? WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU MAN!?" shouted goon #2 as he ran off. Kibe looked over to where he ran and then to goon #1. He was still slumped over and drooling.

"You owe me." Kibe said, that's when he could hear more footsteps coming from where the other goon had run. Kibe then grabbed his school bag and tossed it to Akia. He then also took off his school jacket and threw it to the side.

"GO! Don't head to school. Go to Sweet Harmony. I'll meet you there. Don't leave until I say so. My address is inside my bag." Kibe said


"Don't call the cops, they'll just make things complicated. Go." Kibe said with a demand in his voice, Akia then gripped it tight and ran away. Just as she did about ten more guys showed up to the ally way.

"No freaking way, what the hell did he do to him?!" shouted goon #3

"Who gives a rat's ass! Let's kill the freak!" shouted goon #4

"Just who the fuck is this guy?" asked goon #5, Kibe then gave a small smirk.

"Me? I'm just a guy looking to get through his junior year of high school." Kibe said as he rolled up his sleeves. He didn't know what was happening, from the sweet treat he ate, to now fighting a whole group of thugs. It's as if a switch was turned off, as if his humanity was leaking through for the first time in several years...and he loved it. It was an emotion, an emotion he hadn't experienced in a long time. One giving him a fresh new set of eyes to look through for the first time in the eternity that marked each year of his life.


"COME HERE SUCKA!" shouted goon #3 as he ran up to Kibe, picking up a bottle on his way to him from the garbage near him as he did.

"DON'T LET HIM SEPERATE US! KICK HIS ASS!!!" shouted goon #5 as he ran ahead with two others that had bats and one a taser. Kibe's eyes and brain worked their magic as it already knew what counters to make and how and when to make them. Kibe quickly grabbed a garbage lid and spun around smashing the top into goon #3's face causing for his face to be imprinted on it, he then dodged the swing from goon #6 with the bat. Kibe kicked the bat into the goon's face before kicking it out of his hand and hitting the wall, it clanged against it and flew right into Kibe's hand to which he then took a wide swing and slammed the bat into goon #6 and 7's head. Their teeth would go flying out after it smashed into their heads.

"What the actual hell?!" shouted goon #8

"This punk ain't nothing! I'll bring back his damn head!" goon #10 shouted as he ran in with some brace knuckles. Goon #3 would fall to the ground with his nose broken, goon #5 would rush in for a quick swing with his broken bottle only to have Kibe dodge it, The goon would go for another swing only for Kibe to grab his arm. He'd then look back to see goon #9 run up to him with a taser and try to zap him only for him to move goon #5's arm in the way causing for him to get zapped. While some of it did hit Kibe, his body was well familiar with it. Goon #5's screams sounded like a woman going through labor as he collapsed and fell over.

"Oh snap dude, sorry!" goon #9 said

"Yeah, that looked like it hurt." Kibe said as he quickly snatched the taser from goon #9 and then immediately tased him right in the eyes completely burning his eyes. The man fell back and screamed bloody murder as he grabbed for his eyes. The last four goons looked around at all the battered and beaten bodies around the place.

"DUDE!? WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK!?!?" shouted goon #11

"We...we need to call Tatsuo!" screamed goon #8

"NAH! This little shit ain't nothing! LETS GET THIS FREAK!" said goon #12, he then ran in with goon #11. Kibe looked at them and then looked up as the gun he had kicked before began to fall from the sky and land in his hand. He then immediately shot at the joints in the legs of both goons #12 and 11 crippling them instantly. He then pointed it at goon #8 who put his hands up. Kibe then watched as he slowly moved away before sprinting off. Kibe then gave off a small chuckle as he then slumped over against the wall.

He wiped his face of some blood before he walked away.

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