All Hail Hawaii!

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Kibe's flight across the sea and to Hawaii wasn't long, but was also useful. While Kibe was on his flight he was given a full debrief from Yūri on just what kind of assassins and agents he should be expecting. He looked at they're files.

"Agents Chao, also called 'Agent 72'. Body count: 24
Shot accuracy: 77%
And Contractor: Classified.

These guys really are legit. No backgrounds and no social medias even close to who they really are." Kibe thought as a waiter came over into the cabin and brought him some tea. Kibe took notice of the layers of security they were locked behind. Several layerd security.

The encryption key was encoded too, many of them were. Kibe then took a look at another assassin as he kept flying in. Soon his flight would reach the skies of Hawaii. The plush greenery of the island, the beautiful ocean view and shine that radiated from it too. Kibe looked down from his window view and saw the beaches and cities around the place.

"We will be landing shortly in the Kapalua airstrip. Thank you for flying with us." Said the pilot. Kibe got up and walked to the back of the plane where his suitcase was it. He opened it and pulled out a double action handgun. He took out the magazine, reloaded and did it three times over within under a minute. "Several assassins, all looking to stop this deal. What for? Doesn't matter. Just need to secure this meeting and make sure that everything goes as planned." Kibe thought as his plane got ready to land on the popular and luscious island.

Once it landed. Kibe would walk out from the stairway. The pilot giving him a nod as he left. "When exactly did you plan on returning back to Japan sir?" Asked the pilot. Kibe looked around the place. He saw the multiple hangers and planes coming in. "Mmm, pick me up in 3 and half days. Any longer than that, then you leave. I'll find my own way off the island then.

Thank you." Kibe said as he took a few steps out and started walking.

"HALLO DORT!" shouted a voice. Kibe and the pilot both looked over to see a black jet plane in the distance. There were several men in black and one walking towards them with his hand up waving. "Dort? German." Kibe said.

"Greetingz! I zee that you are flying on the same strip as we did! OH HOHOHOHO!" laughed the man. He wasn't much taller than Kibe or even looked to be that much older too. He was wearing an all black German military captain uniform, cap and all. He had black shades covering his eyes, but they seemed to be more attached to his face than just shades. His hair was also black too. His boots made a heavy sound as he approached Kibe. He then stopped infront of him.

"Wie geht es Ihnen?" Smiled the stranger.

"Très bien. Je vous salue également." Kibe said looking forward. "AH HA! A FRENCHMAN! I haven't been around ze french in long time, but please. Where are my manners." Said the stranger as he then took off his cap and gave a deep bow.

"I am Jörg Glockenton. Sole commander of German's 88th division." Said Jörg as he then stood up again; with his hat being placed back on his head. Kibe scanned how he held himself. High and mighty yet well mannered and a clear sign of honor and dignity about him.

"Nori Kibe, I'm from Japan on business." Kibe said "Ah, business. I'm a man of such my myself.

Although, and correct me if I'm wrong. You and I and here for the same thing. Yes?" Jörg asked with a wide grin. Kibe's eyes moved to Jörg who's smile only got wider.

"Yes, how many people come flying in on private jets during the winter to Hawaii? A place made and that flourishes best in ze summertime." Jörg said. "Don't know what you mean. You must have me mistaken with someone else." Kibe said. Jörg was silent for a moment before he backed away a bit.

"Say what you will, I know a fellow assassin when I see one, yet you aren't like many others are you? More charming to say the least hehe. Well I best be off. Auf Wiedersehen, Nori Kibe." Jörg said as he walked away. Kibe just stared at him as he walked away.

"Looks like this trip may interesting afterall." Kibe thought.

Back in Japan. In Ushin, Brandon was laying on his couch in his apartment. He had a book going over how to cook an apple 101 ways. He was snooring. Thats when shouting from the next room over woke up Brandon. His eyes peeled open. He groaned as he bounced off of the couch. His apartment was rather messy, a pizza box here, some bento and other Japanese junk food bags sitting around in the kitchen. Brandon walked over to his kitchen and put a load of bread in a toaster. As he did he began humming old McDonald had a farm.

He then got out some peanut butter. His eyes looked down at his feet. "I wonder if Kibe and I are toe twins...hmm, a question for another time." Brandon though as his toast finished and then spread some peanut butter on it. Brandon took a bite out of it as he walked back to the couch. He then laid back down and looked at his ceiling. On it were pictures of Kibe and Bato. All taken without them noticing. Brandon looked at them and kept taking a bit.

"Ojima Bato, a narcissistic overachiever. Desires for attention, from who I can't say. But its definitely eating at him.

He looks to be emitting many of the traits that I associate with the white rabbit, but could he be the white rabbit though? There is a, 45% chance he could be. To show the same traits and mannerisms as the white rabbit- No, it can't be any coincidence.

However, wouldn't the real white rabbit want just this? He'd want me to be rethinking my own rethinking. He's hoping that I'll go to Bato. That my doubt will inflat and become onto some greater. It will become full blown ignorance." Brandon thought as he then looked over to Kibe's pictures.

"Nori Kibe. Hes the one who suggested Bato to me, or at least implied. Hes a pretty big enigma. Speaks when he wants to speak, never seems to say anything that can incriminate himself.

Or even remotely put him on my radar. The problem though, has been his dismissiveness. He seems pretty conveniently good at batting away my own accusations. Hmmm, but then again he could just be a need who knows what he's talking about.

..." Brandon was stumped for a moment. He then finished his breakfast and got up stretching. He walked over to his bedroom which was completely unfurnished besides two things. A bag of bananas and a burner phone next to them. Brandon smiled as he picked it up. He then looked down at his actual phone and saw the time was 4:30 PM. Brandon then turned to see his Carter of eggs sitting out.

"Seems like its time." Brandon said. Elsewhere in the city, Bato, Katsurada, Piko and Kawasumi were all sitting down at a private dinner. Bato was sitting with a drink, a scotch. While Piko and Junna sat on each side of him. Kawasumi was stirring his latte. His eyes stared into his dark milked drink.

"Somthing on your mind Eiji?" Bato asked, Kawasumi looked up to him and yawned. "No, its nothing like that. Just remembering some of what the doctor said." Kawasumi said. Piko looked at him while Junna was blocking out this entire conversation and leaning back.

"Oh? What about?" Bato asked

"He said that Nori was the heir, that if anyone could make his dream come true it would be him. So why are you insistent on getting rid of him? Won't you're standing behind in question Bato?" Kawasumi asked

"Heh, Nori is a fraud. He may in fact be good at what he does, but in reality. Hes nothing more than a guy who picks an easy target. He gets people who are already broken. Theres nothing wrong with me Eiji. I'm perfect." Bato said. Piko leaned back while Kawasumi shrugged. While they talked, someone walked in and past the VIP guards. He then grabbed a chair and dragged it across the restaurant.

"Hey! You need a- Hey!" Shouted the security guards as they chased after him.

"All I'm saying is, you should rethink why we're here. The IPOW is coming up, its a great way to get some more eyes on. You can prove you're ready for senior program that way." Kawasumi said

"No, Nori is my only ticket. I've already ensured my victory. All I need now is-" thats when Bato and them looked over and saw nonother than Brandon come over with a chair and plant it next to they're table. Brandon then got ontop of the chair and crouched in it. Kawasumi stared at him, Piko did too. However Junna clenched her fist as she put them on the table. Bato however was calm and leaned back while he faced Brandon.

"Well if it isn't my favorite scrabble player. How goes it these days?" Bato asked, before Brandon could speak the two guards grabbed him by the arms. "Our deepest apologies, we'll have him out immediately." Said one of the guards.

"Don't be ridiculous, hes a friend. Let him stay." Bato said. Brandon looked at them with a coy smirk. The two guards let go of him and walked away.

"Well would you look at that, I'm making another friend." Brandon said with a glee smile. "Something you don't have many of?" Bato asked as he took a sip from his drink.

"I like to think of friends as a careful choice. Pick the ones that you need the most." Brandon answered.

"Mmm, and who is it that you have as such a needy friend?" Bato asked

"Same one that you don't. Nori Kibe." Brandon said. Bato looked at him along with the others, besides Kawasumi who drank from his latte. Bato smirked as he put his drink down.

"Well, if you don't have anything else to say, you are interrupting our luncheon." Bato said, Brandon then held up his hand. "Oh yes! I have some business with you. Something that can't wait or Kibe will kill me." Brandon said.

"You're saying Kibe sent you?" Piko asked

"Well I mean- hehe come on, who else? Do you think I came here for the stunning view of the street? Heheh. No, he sent me here to relay something to Bato." Brandon said. Bato chuckled as he drank his scotch finishing it. "I don't like Liars Wright. Not one bit." Bato said, Brandon looked at him with a head tilt before sitting in his chair normally.

"I'm sorry, are my pants on fire? Cause I'm not making this up. Why would I lie to you?" Brandon asked.

"Oh please Brandon, don't do that. I can easily tell when someone is lying to me." Bato said as he leaned his head on his palm. Bato and Brandon stared at one another for a moment. Brandon then smirked.

"You trying to tell if I'm lying now?" Brandon smirked. Bato payed it no mind. "Kibe isn't here anyway, hes left." Bato said.

"Uhhh no, hes here in Japan still." Brandon said

"Hehe, how long do you plan to continue this? Kibe left day ago, 24 hours to be exact. So unless you have his number, theres no way you just talked to him." Bato said

"Oh I did, and he had a lot to say about you Ojima." Brandon said, thats when Junna began to pay attention and Piko would stand up. "Bato please, another word out of this quack and I'll string him." Piko said. Bato looked at Piko and then reached for his drink.

"You're doubtful, I can see it. You're scared of him aren't? Small little-" however thats when Junna would reach over and grab Brandon and sling him onto the table with one hand. Brandon fell aginst it with Junna's hand on his chest. Kawasumi at the last second lifted his cup up right at that moment and took a sip.

"OW! O-HeheheheAHAHAHAHAHA!" Brandon chuckled. Junna looked stared at him as her prosthetic hand grabbed his throat. "Whew, you are- heh, you're strong." Brandon smirked.

"Do you want to see just how strong I am." Junna scowled "Yes please."

"Junna." Bato said, she looked back at him and then turned back to Brandon. Bato got up and looked at Brandon who was smiling.

"Seems we're done for the time being. It was fun while it lasted Mr.Wright. let's hope next time you're little bit more...convincing." Bato said as he finished his drink and got ready to walk away. "Wait, wait." Brandon said. Bato stopped and looked back at Brandon. "Kibe says to watch out, that he knows your little secret and he's going to use it to get to you." Brandon said as Junna then tightened her grip. Brandon grunted a bit.

"What secret would that be huh? I can't imagine what it could possibly be." Bato said, Brandon smirked as he then reached in his pocket. They all watched his movement. "Oh I don't know, are you sure you want me to say it? In front of ALL OF THESE PEOPLE! YOU SURE YOU WANT THEM TO KNOW WHO YOU REALLY ARE?!" Brandon shouted. Everyone in the restaurant who wasn't paying attention to them now. Bato looked around along with Kawasumi.

"Hes not playing Bato, but hes playing the crowd. Getting they're attention. Brilliant move. He's using Bato's image aginst him.

And just when I thought Japan didn't have any good players.

What a fiend." Kawasumi thought. Bato walked over to Brandon and leaned in.

"Alright, I'll bite, what is it that you're playing at?" Bato asked. Thats when Brandon would pull out a colored egg from his pocket. Everyone stood still in silence, Bato's eyes Hyper-focused on what Brandon had in his hands. "He wanted me to give you this, mean anything?" Brandon asked.

Bato looked at it as his eyes traveled the room, his ears heard what people were saying.

"The White rabbit deals in eggs." Said one woman

"Why is that man handing him a colored egg?" Asked another man. Bato looked at it and nearly scowled as he then grabbed the egg and crushed it. He then gestured to Junna who then slid Brandon off the table and onto the ground. Brandon chuckled as he got up. Security came over to take him outside. "Hey, what does it mean man? I got to know, Kibe usually hates it when I go knocking on his door empty handed." Brandon shouted.

"Keep moving!" Shouted the guards. Piko and Kawasumi stood up watching him. Bato looked at the yolk dripping from his hand before he gotna napkin and wiped it off. "Whats the plan?" Piko asked.

"I want to know everything about Brandon Wright. Nothing left overlooked." Bato said, "And if its buried?" Piko asked. Bato then looked to her, his eyes were firece and intimidating to look at it. The eyes of a rage filled king.

"Then dig it up." Bato said.

Brandon would be kicked out of the restaurant, he chuckled a he stumbled on the sidewalk. "Hey guys thanks for the nice shove." Brandon snickered as the guys flipped him off. Brandon waved them away as he then got on his phone. He was looking at stores. "Hmmm, Kibe I hate to say it. But I think I may be able to rock your style a little better than you." Brandon said as he looked up hair salons in the area. Brandon got a wicked smile on his face.

"If hes as paranoid as I believe, then this will be too easy." Brandon smirked as he walked away.

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