Machine for Hire

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Kibe would be at school. There he would be writting down in a notebook. He'd be doing it with both hands. One writting on one side and the other one writting on another. He was doing this in his own little corner of the library. Thats when Rin would show up and drop a folder in front of him.

Kibe stopped and looked up at her, she had a bit of a pout to her, but otherwise she still looked as annoyingly normal as ever. He then put both of his pens down and clasped his hands together.

"Greetings, what may can I do for you?" Kibe asked

"The deal I made with Yūri is about to go down in 3 days. Once I make this deal, my father will officially be my competitor and then our deal will be finished." Rin said

"Alright, but you made it clear I had to ruin your father. That my job was to make sure you got his company. Whats changed?" Kibe asked

"...After seeing you and what you do, I belive theres something beneficial from doing things yourself." Rin said. "So then do tell me why I'm here?" Kibe asked. Rin was about answer when she noticed his two pens and remembered he was writting with both hands.

She then shook it off, and handed him a number.

"Call me on this when you get a chance. I believe thugs call it a burner. Call no later than 6. See you then." Rin said giving Kibe a card as she walked away, her heels clicking aginst the ground. Kibe watched her walk away and then Brandon walk over to him. Kibe then continued to write, however this time with just one hand. His left.

"Hey hey hey, how's my favorite person doing?" Brandon asked

"Working on something, you?" Kibe asked. Brandon just shrugged "They had chemistry for us to do today. So you know, the normal boreing stuff." Brandon said as he sat down next to him. Kibe looked over to him with Brandon also doing the same. Every encounter was a guessing game between them. One trying to make themselves appear as one thing and the other trying to analyze them as another.

"Anyway, you hear what Bato is up to? He wants to run for school president. Or at least wants to get on the board." Brandon said

"Now, why on earth would he want that?" Kibe asked

"I don't know, I'm assuming cause hes a power hungry sociopath, who has fantasies of grander and loves to be in control." Brandon said. Kibe was almost a little shocked at how well of a profile Kibe got of Bato. "Fascinating. How did you manage to get such a read of him?" Kibe asked.

"I asked him to play me in scrabble." Brandon said with a chuckle. "...He said yes to that?" Kibe asked

"Hes a guy who doesn't let a challenge get in his way. He's exactly what I figured he would be. Snobbish, determined and of course. Lethal." Brandon said. Kibe closed what he was writing in and took a look outside the library. There he'd see Piko eyeing him from afar, but once noticed she walked away. Kibe leaned to Brandon.

"What did you think? There always a possibility he could be sent here by the white rabbit or maybe even him." Kibe said, Brandon looked to him briefly before yawning and then pulling out a small bag of grapes.

"Eh, the game only told me he's well educated, knows his stuff and apparently can spell a hell of a lot of words just from the letter A. Lucky bastard." Brandon said as he at some of his grapes. Kibe nodded.

"So, big question. Did you win?" Kibe asked as he reached over and grabbed a grape from Brandon. Brandon noticed and whined.

"Hey come on, I would have shared with you. Thats your first time really interacting with me, and you steal my food?" Brandon said "Don't get too worked up over it. Its not like I killed you." Kibe said

"You may as well have stabbed a stake through my heart! Bleh." Brandon said as he pretended to be dead, conveniently still holding his grapes tight. Kibe nodded at his performance. "Wright you truly are an actress." Kibe said.

"You think so?" He asked

"No." Kibe said as he got up, and got his stuff ready to go home.

"Hey, wait just a sec." Brandon asked. "You'll have to handle the bio on Bato alone. I have somewhere to be." Kibe said as he got up.

"Hold on, where do you got to be?" Brandon asked as Kibe got his bag.

"Hopefully nowhere far." Kibe said

"This is going to be a far one Nori." Said Yūri over the phone. Kibe was cooking himself some food, salmon and rice as he had Yūri and Rin on a phone call.

"Just, tell me the job." Kibe said

"It involves the meeting we have in 3 days. You see the meeting involves several others. They will be there to witness the deal. However, I got some info that there may be attempts on our lives while we're there." Rin said

"You mean assassins." Kibe said " Y-Yes precisely! Rin said you were good at what you do. So when she offered you, and after what you helped me with. I feel its only right of course." Yūri said. Kibe took a sip from his tea.

"So where is it being held? This meeting? Ushin? Ginza? Maybe some place further down?" Kibe asked

"Hawaii." Rin, Kibe raised his eyebrows as he put his cup down.

"Well thats quite a ways away, but I can make this work. I can protect you for 3 days." Kibe said

"Oh thats wonderful! Thank you so much!" Yūri said with a glee in her voice. "Yea, great. So I'm guessing you want something out of this whole thing huh?" Rin said.

"Of course, but we can go over that once I'm there." Kibe said as he finished up his salmon and rice. Kibe sat down in the living room. Thats when Himmy walked into the living room and sat next to him with a bag full of stuff. She had her hair into a ponytail and was wearing some fashionable torn up clothes.

"So, what should we prepare for?" Yūri asked.

"Prepare for assassination attempts. I'll handle the rest. Don't keep your beds where they will be when it comes to hotels or wherever you decide to sleep at. I'll be able to meet you tomorrow in Hawaii." Kibe said as he hung up, he then set his phone down and kept drinking his tea. His mind focusing on tomorrow.

"Hey, Hawaii sounds like fun. Maybe it'll be a good time. Soak in the waters, live a little. Maybe hang out with those beach twats and their constant bitching about cocktails and pineapples." Himmy said, Kibe unconsciously smirked as he took a quick sip again.

"...Do you want to come with me?" Kibe asked, Himmy looked at him a bit wide eyed before she tucked her hair behind her. "Ummm, I- I can't. Remember you have me remembering all of that-"

"Oh right, thats right. You have all of those notes to remember and store. My apologies, I...I forgot." Kibe said as he then began to chug through his tea. Himmy watched him.

"Well, I hope you know that I read through your summary of all of December to March. Its a very well detailed plan." Himmy nodded. Kibe nodded too. It was silent for a long time, but the thing is about silence. Is that silence shared, is better than silence alone.

Himmy and Kibe both knew that. Himmy, even though she knew she was being manipulated and that her life maybe wasn't what she wanted. Kibe...well he needs her. For the first time ever, Kibe had shown her the one thing she never had been shown.

And that was genuine companionship and the feeling of being wanted.

Kibe knew his growth into the machine would never make him capable of loving Himmy or being with her in the way that maybe Nori Kibe would have desired; if none of this happened.

But at least he could look to her and know she was one of the only real people in his life. He didn't feel so alone anymore, even though in the end it would be that way. Himmy put her head aginst his shoulder. Kibe didn't mind. He didn't care either. Cause he knew once he got back, he may never see her, Kiko, Kenji or anyone else ever again.

"...You're going to be gone for a long time aren't you?" Himmy asked, Kibe nodded. Her eyes looked to him for a moment before they went back to the ground.

"Thank you, for all you've done." Kibe said turning his head to her. "...Thank you too." Himmy said. They stared at each other for a moment before they leaned towards one another. Himmy leaned closer and Kibe's hand cupped her chin.

"There are millions of avenues I could have taken to get her complete affection. Her love isn't even within the best of them...but I don't care.

It will still give me what I want, both as the machine and as Nori Kibe. For once, I will choose a different outcome. I will choose a correct mistake." Kibe thought

"He manipulated me, he controls me, he uses me and convinces me that I need him. But through all of it, with Juo, the trickster and even Takashi.

Yet in the end, even with it all. I still feel that want to return to him. I don't care if it's manipulation or if its all a facade. He comes back to me, and thats all I can ask for. Is to be needed." Himmy thought.

Himmy and Kibe would kiss each other, Himmy's arms wrapping around Kibe's neck as his hands grabbed her waist pulling her close. Her mouth and his felt like they were going to merge togther, his hands traveled around her back. Himmy's dark eyes opened lightly as did Kibe's, the two meeting each other's gaze.

They're mouths split apart Himmy's tongue returned to her mouth. She gave deep breaths as Kibe's hand cupped her cheek.


"No, don't say it. This isn't romantic, this is far more than that. This isn't romance what we feel now. This is transcendental to the concept of love.

Himmy. I won't ever say I love you, I need you." Kibe said, her eyes focused on his, her hand touching his chest as she moved closer to him.

"...I need you." Himmy said, Kibe's hand grasped her hand. "Say it again." Kibe said

"I need you." She said

"One more time." Kibe demanded, "I need you!" Himmy said. Kibe placed his forehead to Himmy's. She smiled sheepishly, her cheeks getting a rosey color to them. Her fingers interlocked with Kibe's. Her eyes getting watery a bit as she never thought she could feel this way again.

Was it really love? Or was it some twisted fabricated version of it that Kibe was making her believe this was? Either way. She didn't question. This was her reward and she was not going to soil it with stupid questions.

Kibe just closed his eyes and held Himmy. He dared not lose one of the few real things in his life that he indeed had. Himmy then looked up to Kibe, Kibe looked at her again. She then smashed her mouth back into his deepening yet another kiss with him. Kibe just enjoyed the ride. After a while Kibe and Himmy were in Kibe's room. She was sitting on his bed going through her bag of stuff she had brought. While Kibe was packing.

"So...are you going to kill a lot of people on this trip?" Himmy asked as she dug through the bag. Kibe picked out two turtlenecks. One velvet and one black. "Lets hope not. Although I wouldn't be aginst the physical activity." Kibe said as he turned to her.

"Which one?" He asked. Himmy looked at both the velvet and black one. She then pointed to the velvet one. Kibe turned it to him and gave it a slight nod.

"Hmm, she has good taste." Kibe said

"I know you're not coming after me for my fashion sense, Mr.turtleneck." Himmy scoffed playfully.

"I didn't pick these remember?" Kibe said

"Exactly, I mean. You have one of the richest guys in the world around you thumb and you still shop like you're working at Goodwill. Like come on, grow some balls." Himmy said as she pulled out a rubix cube from the bag. Kibe rolled his eyes.

"You're going to get bored there, luckily I got you this." Himmy said as she tossed Kibe the rubix cube. He caught it without looking and then stared at it.

"You bought me a child's toy?" Kibe said

"How is a rubix cube a child's toy? You know they have a sport just surrounding this one block right? It's very sophisticated." Himmy said. "No, sophisticated is eating a pufferfish with a straw on a yacht. This is not that." Kibe said as he began to solve it with his one free hand. Himmy dug through her bag again and pulled out a finger trap.

"You should take your mask with you, that way if anyone shoots you in the face. You won't have a third eye. Even though you got the forehead for it. Heheh." Himmy chuckled, thats when Kibe threw the cube to Himmy. She looked at it and saw it was finished.

"Woah, that was just a few seconds. How'd you do it so fast?" Himmy asked

"Its a child's game. Wasn't worth it." Kibe said "Yea, but there are competitions for these. You know people usually take at least 5 minutes to solve one. You took like several seconds." Himmy said.

"It had a easy solution." Kibe said as he then walked away to grab his white rabbit mask from the basement. He then put it all into a suitcase. Himmy put her hands in her pockets as she followed Kibe to the front door. He was texting Mrs.Otsuka.

"So, you know how long this may take?" Himmy asked

"Shouldn't take longer than 3 days and a half. Anything more and it'll be getting in the way of my plan for Bato." Kibe said, "Yea about that, what's he going to say about you being gone?" Himmy asked. Kibe checked his watch, as he did he'd hear the sound of a car stopping by his home. Kibe then turned off his phone as he looked at Himmy.

"Then he'll just have to learn to live without me. See you when I get back." Kibe said, but just as he got ready to walk away. Himmy grabbed his arm and pulled him into a hug. She then looked up at him and give him a kiss on the cheek. "Come back in one piece ok? Otherwise how else am I supposed to show you what I can do huh?" Himmy smirked as she let him go and walked away. Kibe watched her walk away. Thing he didn't pay attention to her do. Now lingered in his mind a little longer than others. He then opened the front door and saw a limo.

Kibe walked to it and got inside of it. There he would be driven to an airstrip where Mrs.Otsuka and a personal jet plane would be waiting for him. With the funds from both Mr.Otsuka's own company and of course the extra finances, nothing expensive was out of Kibe's reach. The only problem was that he couldn't hold onto Mrs.Otsuka as a tool forever. Her usefulness was...running out. Kibe got on the plane, as his trip to Hawaii began.

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