Blending in

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Interesting and talented people are the kind that gather others, and get attention. They are capable of being the life of any situation, yet what situation that is. Isn't always what most others suspect it to be.

Bland and boring people are innately in society and humanity, viewed as no more than a tiny bug or a mosquito. Swayed away without a single notice. Yet they are the ones most to look out for, cause like mosquitoes, you may swat them away. However when they sting, they will leave something terrible behind.

Brandon woke up in the alleyway the next morning, he groaned as he got up. He held one of his arms. "Mhmm, definitely fractured. Damn, that bitch has one hell of a right hook." Brandon said, as he felt his left arm and could feel just how busted it was. He slowly got up and leaned aginst the wall, he had two hypothesis from this. Either that they were the wrong people to piss off, or that Kibe really did piss them off or Bato at least. Brandon grew a devious smile as he chuckled to himself. He then grabbed his chin.

"Kenji? Of the chess club eh?" Brandon smirked. Thats when he'd get a phone call from Mr.Nakayama. Brandon looked at his phone before answering it. "YOHO!" Brandon answered.

"Tell me you have something, I have tough enough time paying for Jun's time at that school. I shouldn't have to do the same thing for you." Mr.Nakayama said "Hey, listen here Mr.Detective sir! You put me onto this position, you requested for my help on setting together this cake. So I don't want to hear any lip about how long it's taking to bake." Brandon said with a straight face. Mr.Nakayama was just leaning in his desk listening to the madness of this man.

"Fine fine, just tell me you have something?" Mr.Nakayama asked

"Deniability is you're best friend Nakayama. I wouldn't want-"

"Just tell me. Enough games Wright, I'm starting to get tired of them." Mr.Nakayama said with a very assertive tone, massaging his temples. Brandon was a bit taken aback by his sudden burst in tone, but he just shrugged as he kept walking while on the phone. "I have a 70 - 85% certainty that the white rabbit goes to Sawa high. Not only that, I believe he may have something to do with the new students that arrived too." Brandon said.

"Do you have any suspects yet?" Mr.Nakayama asked. With how well he imagined Brandon's "investigation" had been going. He could only imagine who he may have deduced into possibly being the white rabbit. All traits and mannerisms from the white rabbit would be easy to compare to a very well mannered adult, however the thing that would make any bright detective realize something was off. Would be the fact that around a certain age.

The human brain stops developing completely around the age of 25. This is a well known fact, yet somehow the white rabbit has displayed skills that would take well over 25 years to master, even more to practice in action and prep for execution. Not to mention how long to put together the operation was. Mr.Nakayama had hopes that Brandon would also think of the same variables as him, no, he knew he had a good hunch that he would come to the same conclusion.

Brandon paused for a moment before he then answered. "Ojima Bato." Brandon said. Mr.Nakayama put his pen down in his officer and turned in his chair. He thought for a moment. "You mean the kid who just got here not even a week ago? How is that possible?" Mr.Nakayama asked. Brandon kept walking down the street looking for a nearby clinic of sorts.

"Hey Naky, quick question for you." Brandon asked "Naky? Wha-"

"Do you know any hospitals or clinics nearby? No? Well next question then. What part of town would you never send your daughter to?" Brandon asked. Mr.Nakayama stammered for a moment before answering. "U-Ushin, is this your method? Cause I won't lie to you Wright, while good. It is weird at times." Mr.Nakayama said.

"No." Brandon said as he paused for a moment. He felt his busted up arm for a moment before he then got back on the phone. "The White rabbit's first accomplices were the dragon gang. Lowlifes, people who dog others in order to show strength where they don't got squat.

If we're going to catch or even get evidence pointing in the right direction. Then I'll need to follow in his footsteps. I already have a good idea on how he thinks." Brandon said as he thought about Kibe in his mind. Remembering his mannerism and behavior. "I'm not suprised you haven't been able to nail him or pin any evidence on him.

From what you've profiled about him so far he's a pure psychopath. He feels nothing, cares for no one and ultimately sees everyone as pieces of a puzzle. All with their own purpose and to be used at a certain time. Doesn't matter how close you are, he will inevitably throw you away." Brandon said

"Yea...thats true. But what are you getting at Wright?" Mr.Nakayama asked, Brandon eventually found a clinic. He walked inside, everyone stared at him in shock and worry. "Oh my god!" One woman said. Brandon walked up to the counter and grabbed a sheet of paper to get checked out as he set the phone down for a moment. "Wright? WRIGHT?" Mr.Nakayama said.

"Calm down pops, I'm just checking in. Now you said that the white rabbit used the dragon gang. What happened to them?" Brandon asked.

"I don't know really. Could have disbanded, but there's no word around about that from officers in the area. They believe they just underground, staying out of sight." Mr.Nakayama said as he opened his luck made by his wife. He opened it and saw she had made hima salad and a thing of milk with some fruit. Mr.Nakayama looked at it and sighed. He then got his fork and began to eat it. Brandon was sitting down waiting to get checked out. "Mmm, what do you think happened to the dragon gang? Think they finally met someone brave enough to slay them?" Brandon asked as he clicked his tongue.

"What do I think? Hmp..." Mr.Nakayama thought for a moment as he opened his milk and began to drink it. He looked up at the ceiling of his office. His eyes and mind focused as they relived previous encounters with Kibe, what they say him do, act, say and make happen. "...I think he got rid of them- no, he put them up on a shelf. Like a piece of priceless jewelry he put them up, hes going to use them later. For what? I don't know. Nothing good though." Mr.Nakayama said. Brandon nodded as he then looked over to see a kid sitting next to him staring at him. They both shared a look.

"Why do you look so bad? Did you get beat up?" Asked the kid. Brandon smirked "Heh, you think I look bad, you should see the other guy." Brandon smirked as the kid laughed too.

"I'm kidding, I bit his face off." Brandon laughed, the kid stopped laughing as he then got a shocked face. Brandon looked at them as he gave a wry smile. "Well really I bit off his whole head." Brandon said with a wild and deranged look. The child then began to cry as Brandon leaned back in his chair. He looked up to see a nurse come out from the backroom.

"Brandon Wright?" Asked the nurse, thats when Brandon raises his good arm and stood up. "Look, I'll call you back. I got some stuff to do. I'll tell you what else I uncover." Brandon said as turned off his phone and followed the woman to the back to get patched up. Brandon was on a small table getting himself bandaged up, a nice sling for his arm to rest in. He looked at it for a moment.

"Yea, that was a pretty nasty condition, your arm. But luckily I managed to fix it all up for you. Your medical also covered it too, so you're all set Mr.Wright." said the nurse. Brandon smiled at his sling keeping his arm up. He flapped it like a chicken. "Hehehe thanks doctor, I feel like a brand new cock all over again Cacoooo!" Brandon chuckled, the nurse just stared at him with a confused look before Brandon got off the table and waved her goodbye.

"Don't be a stranger." Brandon said. He continued to make his way to Ushin, as he did he looked at his phone some more. He thought back to the case of the white rabbit and trickster. He then made a connection, Ouchi Mi was in both cases. The one from HP hotel and the trickster, but why would she be involved in two of them?

It was also no suprise, that he would be included in them too. Nori Kibe. He seemed to be so far off the radar, that his involvement was entirely so irrelevant. That it was comparable to how men could have been involved with the creation of the moon or how women have designed their own fates. The possibility of Nori Kibe truly being the white rabbit, was impossible. Even to the most veteran of detectives.

Thats when Brandon as he walked down a street would close his eyes. As he did. He'd then wake up in a room. This room had no ceiling, no, it only had the implication of one. There he could see massive and large filing cabinets that stretched higher than the clouds would be, or maybe even where God would be. He walked around the place, thats when saw in the distance, a shadowy figure sitting atop a filing cabinet, his entire body nearly covered in shadows.

In this place, Brandon could feel his mind tugging and pulling on just what it was he was trying to do. He walked and moved closer to where he see the figure. The cabinet he was standing on was stretched very high. Making Brandon unable to reach them. Thats when he saw the figure closer this time, it was Kibe. Except only his green eyes were visible or at least they were illuminated in the light. "Well, sitting above me now are you? You're lucky you aren't wearing a skirt." Brandon said.

"Why are you here Wright?" Kibe asked, his eyes yet to face him. "...I suppose I'm trying to understand you. I'm looking to see how you're mind works." Brandon said, thats when his surroundings would begin to crumble and some large filing cabinets would topple over.

"Human beings can understand and empathize with another because of the mirrors in our brains. They allow them to walk temporarily in another's shoes, feel how they feel. However that works only on living things.

You shouldn't destory your mind, trying to rationalize something that has neither sympathy nor empathy." Kibe said as two other pairs of arms would appear from behind him. One pair flipping through what looked like a hearty book, the other, playing the fiddle. However the song was something Brandon didn't recognize. "Your mind is playing a warning for you Mr.Wright." Kibe said. Brandon turned his gaze towards the cabinets, he saw hundreds of doors and signs on all of them. Brandon looked at Kibe, both of them staring at each other. The silence between them and the sound of the distant collapsing of cabinets, made the entire moment feel like an eternity.

"You are the white rabbit aren't you?" Brandon asked, Kibe just stared at him. "I think you perfectly know the answer to that." Kibe said.

"How can I believe that though? How would anyone believe that about you?" Brandon asked.

"Exactly." Kibe said, thats when Brandon would reopen his eyes. Returning to reality again. He then noticed how dark it was. He looked around himself, he noticed the streets were much more messy than before, he saw people walking alone and that it was much darker here. The whole place just felt like it had no hope or life in it.

Thats when he came to the conclusion that he must be in Ushin, store lights then his is right eye. He looked over next to him to see he was right next to a barber shop. It was called Snippy's. "Huh" Brandon looked at some of the signs on the front of the store. One of them said "If you're here for a haircut and don't have money. Go find a butcher knife.". Brandon shrugged at the sign as he looked to another "If you're younger than 18, bring an adult. We aren't responsible for the dead." It said. Brandon smirked as he then went ahead and walked inside.

The bell for the door range. As he walked in he overheard the 3 ladies conversation. "Yea I haven't heard from her in months." Said a emo looking girl with ponytails.

"Yea well let that bitch go ahead and frolic with whatever booboo snack she has now, raving cunt." Said another girl with short hair, also rocking the emo and Gothic look. Had a long black dress with skulls for accessories at the end. Thats when the two noticed him, Brandon then inhaled the scent of the babrer shop. He smelt cinnamon, the smell of coco beans, and slight gunpowder. "Mmm, so they're spicy, drowsy and violent women. Fun, right back in the US." Brandon thought.

"OI! The shop is closed weirdo! Didn't you see the sign? We don't take cuts after 10." Said the emo with the ponytails, her voice was bit of a higher pitch. "I didn't see a sign out there, then again you guys have so many rig-"

"HEY! DIDN'T YOU HEAR HER FUCK FACE!? We're closed." Shouted the one with the shorter hair, her voice was a little deeper, but had a creaminess to it. Brandon then took notice to the music, it was sort of Japanese rap. Very interesting mix to him. The two girls shook their heads as they looked to each other. "Hes not listening to us at all Yu. I thought Suki said this shit worked?" Whispered the emo girl with shorter hair.

"I know I'm getting nervous, what if we have to actually talk to him- wait look!" Said Yu who tapped the shorter haired girl. They both looked to see Brandon walking around near the seats. "Oh no, what if he sits down? We're so fucked! I don't want to socialize with people anymore!" Whispered the shorter haired girl as she pinched her dress.

"Don't worry, it won't come to that. We just need to holdout till Suki gets back." Said Yu as they watched Brandon who looked at the store some more. He saw photos of other Gothic people with haircuts, he saw them all giving the place good ratings. Though you wouldn't see that seeing how expressionless they all were. Brandon snickered a bit as he picked up a comb on the table in front of one of the barber chairs. "Heh this feels like I'm back in the US." Brandon said, thats when he put it down and looked at the chair.

Both the girls gasped as they watched Brandon. "OH SHIT TU! He's going to sit in the chair!" Whispered Yu, Brandon felt the comfy chair. It was actually well filled. "Huh, cotton, now wool. Good choice. Just like chocolate milk with oeros. So good. Mmmmm, definitely need to eat a pear after this." Brandon thought as he then turned the seat around.

"OH NO! He's sitting down!" Tu whispered, Brandon then turned his body getting ready to sit down. "Oh no, hes getting ready to put his butt down. Its actually happening!" Said Yu

"I CAN'T WATCH!" Tu said, eventually Brandon sat down and relaxed. Both Yu and Tu sighed as they pouted. Brandon nodded at how good it felt. "Hey, could i get the list of styles you guys have?" Brandon asked. The girls sneered as Tu walked over and picked up a small clipboard and handing it to him. Brandon smirked as he looked through it. The two girls looked at him annoyed as he sat there. He looked through, but saw nothing like what he wanted.

"Mmmm, you find anything yet?" Asked Yu, "Ehhhh, yall ain't got squat in terms of my taste. Like I get the Gothic style, but it just ain't me yaknow." Brandon said handing Tu the clipboard.

"Huh?! I'll have you know that page 4, example 13 is the style that the ghost lord himself wears! He came to this very shop for it!" Yu said very proudly. "Well that can only mean you guys got some crazy talent. Cause I need a specific haircut." Brandon said. The two women looked at each other.

"What do you want?" Yu asked

"Request will cost you extra pal." Tu said, Brandon's smirk then turned into a very dark smile as he chuckled a bit. He then got out his phone and showed them a picture. "I need some hair dye, and for you to cut my hair like this." Brandon smiled as he showed the girls a picture of Kibe. The girls looked to one another and nodded. "Alright, we can make it  work. Who's the guy?" Tu asked as she started getting everything ready.

"Just a friend." Brandon smiled

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