The Trickster vs The Fool, Part 1

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The next day at Sawa high.

Kenji was in the chess club room early in the morning, school had just started so he had some time to kill. He was playing chess by himself, going over moves and even making a few of his one in the meantime. He looked behind him at the window and saw students chatting and talking outside. There his saw Piko talking with a few other girls. "Getting to know the ladies now Bato? Very low information gathering, very low indeed." Kenji thought as he then continued with his game.

However thats when the door to the room would open, Kenji looked up to see nonother than Bato himself. Bato walked in closing the door behind him. Kenji looked at him and leaned back in his chair.

"Ojima, what a suprise." Kenji said "Oh Moriyama, if you knew what I was here about you wouldn't think so." Bato said as he sat across from Kenji. The sound of other students to walking across the hall outside could be heard. The two sat across from one another for a couple of moments before either one of them would speak.

"You know I've come here to handle some business. I don't intend for my time at this school to be long. I have to be getting back soon. The senior program and advisors, demand that there is a constant work flow, between all graduates.

I'm assuming you know that, being in your final years." Bato said. Kenji just stared at him. Bato put his hands together. "I want to be part of the senior program, more than anything. They won't let me do that. You know why? Because they have a spot reserved, for him." Bato said

"What do you want me to say? Hes good. Not as good as me of course, hes good. Kibe always has thi-"

"I KNOW, what he has. Look listen, heh. I need to know that you're with me. Kiko has already aided me once. I need to know that if I call on you, that you will be there too." Bato asked. Kenji thought for a moment. Tapping his foot.

"Hmm, let me think about that. How about, no." Kenji said. Bato stared at him. Kenji looked as Bato then stood up and buttoned his jacket.  "You're cooperation in this is necessary Moriyama, if you don't side with me. Me and my team will assume you're threat. You understand?" Bato asked, Kenji scratched his chin.

"I saw you and Kibe outside when you arrived, you say you have it under control. Yet I'm not seeing that so much from you." Kenji said. Bato's eyes focused on him. The two at a stare down. Bato then just sat back down for a moment. His hand resting on his lap.

"I can't afford to fail at this. All of them are looking and watching me. They want to see exactly what a king can do, and I intend to show them. Kibe believes he's bested me somehow by leaving Japan for a while, little does he know that he's following my strategy to a T." Bato said. "Do you really think you'll win?" Kenji asked.

"What other conclusion could there possibly be." Bato said.

Down the street from Sawa High, Mr.Nakayama was driving with Brandon towards the school. Brandon was leaned far back in his seat while Mr.Nakayama drove. Brandon was going through the files of the white rabbit. He then saw a picture of a familiar face. "Hmmm, Otsuka Takashi. Hes the son of the famous mad hatter Mr.Otsuka. Fascinating." Brandon said

"What is?" Mr.Nakayama asked as he stopped at a light.

"That the police got it so wrong. H-How did you guys come to get Ryota and Takashi as the preps?" Brandon asked as he kept going through it. "Well, they confessed and were able to give motive and careful details of everything the Trickster did. They were the most promising when it came to it. So Ozawa said to book em." Mr.Nakayama said. Brandon shrugged as he looked at the BIO for the Trickster.

"...You don't believe it's them do you? Its ok to tell me." Brandon said, the light turned as Mr.Nakayama kept driving. "No, the Trickster wanted the attention of the white rabbit, he was addicted to him. Like he wanted to prove something." Mr.Nakayama said.

"Mmm, what makes you say that?" Brandon asked

"Just...a gut feeling." Mr.Nakayama said. Brandon nodded. "During one of the times Takashi was out, he held a party. There were lots of people there. On the guest list given to us by Mrs.Otsuka there was only one name on there that was from a student at Sawa. A Moriyama Kenji...interesting." Brandon said as he fiddled with the file.

"What do you mean? Why?" Mr.Nakayama asked. "Its nothing. Just...quite the coincidence is all." Brandon said. Mr.Nakayama and Brandon eventually arrived at Sawa high. The two stayed in the car for a moment while the school bell rang.

"So, any suspects in the white rabbit case?" Mr.Nakayama asked, Brandon sat up and closed the file. He was there for a moment looking at the file before eyeing Mr.Nakayama. They both were side eyeing one another with Brandon giving a small smirk to him. "You know I can't tell you that." Brandon said.

"And why is that?" Mr.Nakayama asked. "Same reason you won't tell me yours. Because you know even the slightest sign of a difference in behavior and the whole thing is a bust." Brandon said. Mr.Nakayama nodded to him. "You really believe he's that specific huh?" Mr.Nakayama asked.

"I don't believe in anything, I know." Brandon said. Mr.Nakayama leaned back in his seat. He took a deep sigh. "This reminds me so much of the cannibal case yaknow." Mr.Nakayama said, Brandon looked at him. "We all have that one case we can't forget about. The one that made us go over the edge. Made us act like the one we were trying to catch all along.

...during that case I got...vengeful. angry. I wasn't myself Miyuki saw that when we were partnered together. He pulled back from the edge. I don't think I'd be here if it wasn't for him." Mr.Nakayama said. Brandon looked at him, he face much more empathic than usual as he then leaned on the car door. "Don't do anymore than you have to Nakayama, sir. God that feels weird to say.

...You've been on this longer than I've been here. You solved you're crime a long time ago. Maybe you have more to do, but...I think, you brought me here because deep down you know that you can't do what you have to, to catch this one. You can't become like him." Brandon said. Mr.Nakayama looked at him and even though he didn't want to. He had to remember he wasn't young anymore, he wasn't alone anymore.

So, he steadily nodded.

"I'll go point on this, you can still manage, but I think its better if I took lead." Brandon said. Brandon woukd get out of the car and closed the door. He watched as Mr.Nakayama drove away.

"Don't worry son." Said a voice in Brandon's head, Brandon then would be taken back to his past. He was a young boy looking out his front door, the smell of his neighborhood was that of garbage, and mildew. His eyes were looking at a cop holding his mother by the arm. She was on the ground looking to Brandon.

Her lip swollen and with a black eye. Brandon's eyes were hyperfocused on what he was seeing.

"Just go back inside..." said the Cop. His mother was looking at him, his feet felt shaky and shifty. Thats when Brandon would return back to the present. Standing outside the school. Classes had already begun yet he wasn't there. The day began to get grey as it started raining. His hands in his pockets,his head down. The raindrops dropped from his strains of hair and chin like fire lifting from wood.

Brandon walked to the school's side, deciding not to go through the main entrance. As he walked he looked at the way the school was built. He also was looking around for any students or delinquents. Yet saw none. As he walked through this small alleyway on the side of the school he then began to hear rummaging and skittering inside of the dumpster aginst the wall. Brandon took a notice to it. He tilted his head curiously. He walked over towards it and then put his ear to the garbage. For a while it was nothing. Just the drops of water and slow wind around him.

However as he waited he then heard the rummaging again and could hear whispering inside. He put both his hands on it. "He didn't love you...he just wants you.

He didn't love you...he just wants you.

He didn't love you...he just wants you.

He didn't love you...he just wants you.

He didn't love you...he just wants you.

He didn't love you...he just wants you.

He didn't want you...he just..." whispered the feminine voice. Brandon backed up a bit knocked on the dumpster like it was a door. "Hello hello? Uh this is the pizza delivery you ordered, but uhhh it doesn't say here on the address you sent me.

Anything about there being a uh, ahem, trashy appearance." Brandon said with a smirk. He then saw as the head of the dumpster slightly lifted to reveal some dark eyes. Brandon looked at the girl inside. "Hi there. Mind coming out, I don't mind staring contest though if you want one." Brandon joked as the lid of the dumpster came up revealing nonother than Kat. She leaned on the end of it, a butcher knife in her hand. Brandon looked at her.

"...You kill anyone with that?" Brandon asked, he looked at the knife. Sharply kept and the way Kat held it. Definitely an expert in knife wielding. To Brandon there is no doubt that Kat had killed someone and had been using a knife since she was a child. However there was another thing that clicked in his head. He remembered his theory that the white rabbit would be using unusual people to help him task. Those that didn't stand out.

If his theory that the white rabbit is infact a student is true and that he uses unusual people, then Kat just jumped up high in his list. "So do you normally hang around dumpsters? Or is this something new about you?" Brandon asked

"I do for my sacrifices." Kat said

"Sacrifices?" Brandon asked, Kat then pulled small puppy out of the garbage around her, the puppy had been beaten and cut open. Brandon held his nose, the smell was intense. "Oh wow, you didn't uh-"

"No, I found him in a alley a few blocks down. I wanted to send his spirit to it's proper destination." Kat smiled. Brandon smirked as he backed away a bit more to breathe. "Whew, yea, uh, how do you uh, do that?" He asked.

"Well first I have to drain him, and then I need to say a chant thats familiar with them during their time in life." Kat said as she then hopped out of the dumpster. She tossed the dog back in and closed it. Brandon nodded. "You like a witch or something? Yaknow, like zap and kapow!" Brandon smiled. Kat gave him a creepy smile as she then held the knife towards his chest.

"No, but I can sure make you a believer in them." She said, Brandon put his hands up. "...I'm guessing you didn't get into this school for good grades." Brandon said.

"Why do you care?" She asked

"I usually like to know the person who's holding a weapon at me, before its used. Hehe." He chuckled. Kat smirked at him and studied Brandon's posture and appearance. She saw his smile. She smiled too. "You've killed people, haven't you?" She smiled.

"Is it that obvious? I'm Brandon. You?" He asked, she licked her lips as she dusted off her skirt. "Kat. Brandon? Thats not very Japanese." She said.

"Neither is yours. So I'm guessing you hang around a lot of these huh? You got a favorite one?" Brandon asked

"...Yea, this way." She said as she then walked away with Brandon following her. Brandon payed attention to how she walked and moved. She had a sway to her. Bouncey even though the things she dealt with seemed very traumatic for most people to do or deal with. "So uh Kat, do you have a boyfriend? Lover? Crush or anything?" He asked.

"Nope." She answered quickly with a pop in her mouth. "I'm guessing nothing interesting about the boys here huh, bunch of flat boards. All of them would be better off either gay or dead to you imagine." Brandon said as her and him arrived near the side of the auditorium.

"You're a big weirdo Brandon." Kat said as she turned to him on a heel. "I like you." Kat said. Brandon smirked at her. "I like you too. Not because of what you think though, because unlike a few others around here. You don't care what people think." Brandon said.

"Why should I? The world isn't going to magically shift around because I suddenly want a better life. Why not love the one I have. Make the most of my situation." Kat said as they then reached the auditorium. They both stood by a dumpster. Brandon looked around, he remembered in a report that three dragon gang members had been reported being beaten senseless here. He looked around and at the dumpster.

"This is my favorite spot. This dumpster, so close to society and freedom. Gives me chills sometimes." She said with a icey tone. "Oh please continue. This gets better the deeper you go." He said. She smiled at him as she leaned aginst it. Brandon lifted the lid and looked inside, he felt the rim of it. Thats when he noticed it, dry blood on the surface, where the lid and the dumpster meet.

He touched the dry blood. Kat eyed him.

"At least 2 months old, possibly even more. This either has to be either from them or the man who beat them." Brandon thought as he backed away. Kat looked at him. "I played a nice game with a friend here." Kat said, Brandon looked at her.

"A friend huh? He wouldn't perhaps have brown hair, green emerald eyes and have a stare colder than ice would he?" Brandon asked. "Looks like you've met him." Kat smiled. Brandon smirked at her straightforwardness.

"Thats very straight of you." Brandon said "Like I said, I like you." Kat said. Brandon put his hands in his pockets as walked to her. Kat stood to him.

"I know what you're looking for. To be honest I would have thought it'd be the detective who got to me first." Kat said

"Well I'm sure you've crossed his mind, just not this version of you." Brandon said as he stared at her. Kat pulled out her knife again and pointed it at Brandon.

"What makes you think I won't gut you?" She asked

"Well, one I'm an officer, and two because you like me. That has to count for something." Brandon said. Kat smiled at him. Brandon took a step forward, her blade a little closer to Brandon's chest now. He moved his face close to hers. His eyes and hers searched each other.

"I promise you, you will get a bigger thrill in life, helping me catch the white rabbit. Rather than helping him." Brandon said. Kat stared at him, her face getting closer to his.

"If you can do that, then I'll sing to you like a slut to a hundred dollar bill." She said. Brandon smiled he then motioned for her to follow him. "Come on, you're going to help me catch a killer." Brandon said.

"Oh really? Who?" Kat asked as she walked with him. "Am I going to have fun doing this?" She asked following him.

"Depends on how much he resist, which I reckon will be a lot." Brandon said. Elsewhere in the school Bato was meeting with Kiko who was on her computer in the conference room. "So let me get this straight. He came to you and just verbally started to assault you in a cafe?" Kiko asked.

"Yes, I need to know everything about him." Bato asked sitting across from her. Kiko shrugged as she began to type the name into unknown search engine. Thats when she got details about him, Brandon Wright.

"Here he is, Brandon Wright. He's American." Kiko said "Mmm, go on." Bato said as he folded his arms.

"Says here, that he started young when enrolling into crime psychology. Right around when his mother died.

He became big in his town and soon the whole country in under 2 to 3 years. Solved several big murders, and multiple conspiracy cases.'s something intriguing though." Kiko said, Bato leaned forward. "He apparently served 12 months in prison awaiting a trial, he got free off of a technicality." Kiko said.

"Hm, what for?" Bato asked

"Murder, his matched up with several others involving a serial killer called the fiend. However they weren't able to keep him even though he looked good for it." She said. Bato put his finger to his lip. Bato smirked as he leaned back. "Oh Mr.Wright. You get more interesting as the days pass." Bato thought.

Kenji was drinking a glass of water as he then saw the club door open, he looked and saw Brandon there accompanied by Kat.

"Hello?" Kenji asked, Brandon smirked.

"Was a little tricky to find you." Brandon smiled as he gave a wave. Kat also waved at him. Kenji put down his cup and looked at them.

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