chapter 27

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(A/N: Back)

Chad's POV:

I sighed as we entered Father's house. I looked back at (Y/N) she just kept on walking with a monotone face. I frown I wonder if she's debating either she will join or not, I hope she doesn't regrets what she's doing right now...I don't wanna see her cry like this again...

"Ah Chad need something son?" Father asked as we entered his office, he was sitting on his chair his back facing us.
"Yes I brought the person you wanted to have after she had grown" I answered.
"Very well" he turned around and saw (Y/N), he smirked "ahh Ms. (L/N)! I knew you'd join soon, why did it took longer than expected tho did Chad told you this now?" Father asked as he turn angrily at me.

Fear built in me as I step back a bit shivering at his cold glare.

"No, I just hadn't decided yet but now I had made my choice" She told Father as Father slouched and placed both his fingers together and raised a brow.
"Oh have you already really thought it through? Cause darling once you start there's no turning back" he said glaring at her.
"Then why the hell do you think I'm here for?" She asked rolling her eyes.

Father shrugged and sat up straight again.

"Very well then" he said."do you have any villenous name?" Father asked.
"Do I have to? Chad seem to have no dare devilious name why should I have one?" She asked raising a brow.
"Well dear, unlike Chad over there YOU are special~" Father said getting up from his chair and walking up to (Y/N).

I walked back a little and let Father circle around (Y/N) I had one of my laser gun with me but still I know he wouldn't hurt her since she was a really big part for the plan he had made.

"What kind of speacial?" (Y/N) asked raising a brow.
"I can't explain now dear, you're too young to understand" he told her patting her head.
(Y/N) grabbed his wrist. "Fine I'll take that for an answer but if it effects me and my family your a dead man with a falling company and dead villenous people" she told him, glaring angrily at him.

Father only laughed and pats her back making her choke a little.

"Cute (Y/N) cute! You should be more like that" Father said chuckling. "Anyway any names you might like for a villen?"
(Y/N) thought for a moment "how about numbuh negative zero?" (Y/N) asked.
Father looked at her raising a brow "That doesn't make any sense..." He said but then shrugs it off "eh unless that makes you happy then let it be"

Father then walks back to his chair sitting down smiling evilly.

"I hope you are a great use of our plan (Y/N), but since the plan will be taking long...why not try small missions and try to distract the brats so they wouldn't plan anything that could get us distracted instead" Father making a note out of flames. "Here these are the new kids the new brats who'll spoil our plans"

Father said giving (Y/N) the note.

"Sector G, B and L...oh I know who these kids they are one of the kids who I trained back then, so why not give them a visit" (Y/N) said smiling not evilly but softly.
"Focus on what you are going to do negative zero" Father warned "we don't want a traitor in our group"

(Y/N) looked up and nodded.

"Of course Father, I won't disapoint you" (Y/N) bowed.
"Good, now go" Father comands.

I nodded and start walking out of his office with (Y/N) behind me.

"That was easier than I thought" (Y/N) smiled eyeing the note.
I frowned "are you sure you wanted to do this (Y/N)? You know you are betraying the group you once loyally joined back then" I told her.
"You betrayed our group back then so what's the difference?" (Y/N) asked shrugging.

I paused for a secong and looked at her. she was right...but she didn't have to go this way just for a guy she likes that broke her heart....  I thought frowning and caught up with her.

I didn't say anthing else and walked silently with her to the exit of this mansion but before we could get out peacefully someone HAD to ruin it.

"Well well well what did the cat do to drag an old member in our mansion?" The delightful dorks asked. "Oh and who might you be?"

They started walking up to (Y/N) who just raised a brow on them.

"Wait a minute aren't you-"
"Numbuh 2.7? Yeah I am" She said cutting them off "and I belive that you are in our way"

The delightful children put on a scrowled face.

"What are you doing here? Chad are you traitoring us?!" The delightful children exclaimed angrily.
"No you idiots! She here to join the adults!" I yelled back at them.
"Her?! Joining?! Isn't she the most loyal kids next door crew?!??!!" The delightful children asked flailing their arms around.

(Y/N) stomped her feet causing us to stop arguing, she then looked back at the delightful children and cleared her trought as they stood silent staring at her .

"look" she started "can you stick your noses on your own life and stay away from me, I joined this group to keep myself busy but not from you spoiled brats now if you'll excuse me me and my cousin will be going" she said taking my hand and we started walking away from them.
"wait!" one of the delightful children said grabbing (Y/N)'s hand.

we stopped and stared at the blond blue eyed twin boy. His siblings suprised that they didnt say that ic.
He then stepped away from his siblings who just stared confused at him.

"I was hoping that maybe we could hang out  sometime...just you and I and don't worry foods on me" he said smiling.

(Y/N) was speechless. She's not gonna say no is she? I thought frowning. She's much of a 'I can help you with anything for food' I facepalmed as she started rubbing her arm.

"I sure I guess" She answered smiling nervously.
"Great!" He smiled "I'll pick you up tomorrow after class" he said as he stepped back with his siblings.

The delightful dorks then started walking away. I sighed deeply and grabbed (Y/N)'s hand walking away with her to the outside world and not this hell of a mansion.

"Why did you accept the offer?" I asked as we stopped infornt of the gate.
"You probably already know" she said sheepishly, laughing nervously.
"Food isn't always an option" I told her frowning.
"Well it is to me" She tells.
"What if there's poison???" I asked flailing my hands around.
"Oh, stop being so dramatic! I'm not snow white who's being too oblivious on everything and besides the guy was only just being nice" she complained.
"(Y/N)! Get your head out of cloud nine that guy was never nice!" I shouted angrily.
"Well people change Chad! Didn't you?!?" She yelled back tears threten to fall from her eyes.

My eyes widen and backed away.

"Wait I didn't mean to hurt you look I'm sorry" I sighed sadly.

She wiped her tears away and sighed.

"Wanna eat noodles?" She asked smiling fakely.
I smiled back at her "sure"

We started walking to the nearest noodle shop with my hand on her shoulder as she hung her bag lazily on her shoulder.

"You know you're going to pay for it right?" She asked turning her head to look at me.

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