chapter 28

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(Y/N)'s POV:

I sighed sitting down on my table. I just got lectured again getting another detention, but this time I have one week of it. Now how am I gonna accomplish my missions if I'm stuck in a room with mindless teenagers??

"(Y/N) you okay?" DJ asked poking me with her pencil.
I sighed again and looked at her. "Yes I am" I sighed.
"You know I heard that when a person sighed too much they have a problem or worst a mental illness!" She gasped and poked me again.
"I don't have a mental illness or a problem!" I argued resting my head on my palm "and stop poking me!"
"Why? I always poke you during math class remember?" DJ said tilting  her head poking me again.
"(Y/N)! DJ! Stand up and answer me what is the variance of number 1 and 2 after it give out the standard deviation now!" My math teacher exclaimed angrily at us as she pointed an accusing ruler at us.

I sighed and got up from my seat walking calmly to the board as DJ shakily followed behind. I grabbed a chalk and started explaining how to get it making a graph data  about it getting the total frequency and the central tendency, I got the perfect solution for my formula and got both the question right as DJ wrote it all down and also calculating the rest to confirm I'm right after giving out the square root of variance to get the Standard deviation. DJ would always give a thumbs up when I asked her to calculate the number I asked her to add up as I already gave the right answer.

"And that's how you get your solution" I finished pointing at the board not knowing I had already thought full of the lesson the teacher was going to teach about earlier, but then the bell rang for lunch.

No one stood up they just stared at me shock and clapped some gossiping about what I just done in front. I rolled my eyes not in the mood for this and got my bag heading outside.

"(Y/N)! Wait up!" DJ called out trying to shove all of her things into her back pack.

but I only ignored her and walked faster sorry but not in the mood for puns and a long explanation how I knew that.... I thought walking out the school and left to do my mission. I already know the lessons why do I even have to attend? And besides I never deserved that detention... I thought heading faster to Father's mansion.

Time skip

I stepped inside the gates and knocked on the door waiting for anyone to answer it. When the door finally opened I saw the blond delightful kid again, he stared at me and blushed.

"You didn't have to get me I was the one who should have went to you for the date, was my watch broken?" He asked looking at his wrist which held his watch.
"No, I just came early for my mission but I couldn't do that without weapons" I told him.
"Wait what about school?" He questioned raising a brow.
"I already know the lessons, so I skipped" I told him.

He nodded and stepped aside opening the door fully letting me in. After it he started guiding me to Father's office. Awkward silence filled us.

"So I didn't seem to get your name..." I told him trying to break the silence between us.
"Oh really? It must be very rude of me, anyway my name is Craig" (well not really since his name hasn't been said throughout the whole episodes of knd) he said.
I smiled "nice name" I said.
"Thanks" he smiled blushing a bit.

We then finally got to Father's office. He opened the door for me and let me step in first, what a gentle man, He got in behind me and smiled sweetly at me. Father looked at the both of us and raised a brow.

"Negative Zero, what are you suppose to do here? Didn't I given you a mission?" He asked resting his face on his palm.
"Well I didn't have anything for me to distract them so I came here to tell you that I need stuff" I told father as he nodded.
"Here take this" Father said taking out something from his desk.

After a minute of rampanging under his desk he passed me the things I needed. He gave me a bra, a jet pack, and a uniform that looks similar to Chad's with some weapons on it. I didn't say anything and eyed the clothing almost getting weirded out by the bra device that I never thought I would have to wear someday...

"That's everything you need so you can distract the brats, I think you already know how to use em so have fun creating destruction and destruction to their base" Father told me smiling evilly "I'm counting on you Negative Zero"

I nodded and walked out of his office with Craig behind. He showed me the bathroom first so I can change before I leave after doing so He then lead me outside.

"I guess I'll see you later" he winked.
It was my turn to blush this time "Yeah see you in a few"

He led me out to the gates and I waved goodbye to him, I sighed and walked tried the jetpack to get me there earlier. It worked, after a push of a button I was flying torwards the sector G's tree house. I smirked and re formed the jetpack in my suit, I put on the bra and whispered 'battle ready armor!' Turning into one of the kids like them.
Sneaking inside of the base I quickly got a hand of the girl knd that I was formed into and tied her up pushing her into her room, she tried to scurm and scream but she was never heard. I shut the door closed and walked over to the  meeting room seeing that only the leader was there.

"Hey numbuh 30 what cha doin?" I asked sweetly skipping over to her.
She was sucking a lollipop and looked up she look it out of her mouth and smiled "nothing just trying to get a great plan to get back on the adults that's all" she shrugged.
"Oh too bad I heard that there was this new pool with extra cool slides and floaties over 10 blocks from us..." I trailed off giving a frown.
"Wait there's a new pool 10 blocks away from us?!? Why didn't you say so?!" She asked smiling energetically. "I'm gonna tell the others I'll be right back in a jipie!" She beamed running off to tell the others.

I sighed and turned around taking out a USB chip that I had brought with me. It held much virus that could malfunction the whole system of their computer and give enough time while they are at the pool to erase all the data and make sure there's no news about anything that needed their help will pop on any of their screens.
I inserted the chip and like predicted all their files were erased and malfunctioned.

"Numbuh 29! Let's go we're all packed!" I heard one of the girls said.
I smirked "you guys go a head I can't seem to find my bathing suit and floats!" I yelled.
"Okay! But hurry up you'll miss lots a fuuunnnn~" she teased as I heard the tree house escape door close.

"But dear my fun had already started~" I giggled grinning.

Guys I have to hold this book for awhile sorry I've just need more plotting...

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