14 | Ganaraim

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Why had June spent the last five minutes getting soaked? Beats him.

He awoke in this dark room, staring up at a rocky ceiling. Gods, he hoped some of that would fall on him to end it all. His latest memories were of Reeca and the others talking to a strange voice with no form inside a cave that smelled of cleret piss.

June twisted his torso to look around. There's something about a Pilgrim Path, right? He squinted at a distance to his north. Where in the gods' navels was he? Where's Xanthy and the others?

Then, gallons of water slammed into his head as he moved to stand up. He went down, his rear hitting the rocky floor. Pain shot up his spine, igniting a wince.

He swiped at his face as he pushed his dripping hair off his forehead. Ugh. Did something die in that? He spat at the ground and wiped his mouth with the back of his hand. It didn't do much because every part of him was still soaking wet.

Gods of Calaris.

June clamped his hand by his eyebrows and pushed down, driving the water away from his eyes. Okay. What happened? His hair fell down in long tentacles that shielded his vision. He cursed. Time to shear that away as soon as he got off this stupid water cave.

His arm itched and he moved to pick at it. His fingers touched flesh where the bandage should have him. A gasp sped out of his lips as his eyes widened. He held out his arm in front of him and gave a small, amused laugh. His arm was perfectly fine—no bandages, lacerations, or any pain. It's...as good as new.

June hummed. Perhaps it's a good day after all.

He craned his neck at the rocky ceiling and knitted his eyebrows. There's no way water could have come from there. He glanced to his left and shook his head. Not from there either if the walls were as smooth as that. He tapped his boots against the pristine cavern floor and his soles came away wet. There's water snaking past him from somewhere ahead of him.

Where was all this water coming from? It surely wasn't from him.

Silence echoed in the cavern. That's strange. June scratched his head, the water seeping into his nails. Shouldn't there be at least an insect present in caves? He sighed and started walking forward. He hoped Xanthy was having a good time somewhere.

Blood rose up to his cheeks. He paused, his mind taking him back to that night at the thought of the Virtakios. Why did he even do that?

Reason complicated things. June cursed as he continued forward. Part of the reason he went with her from Cardina to that godsforsaken brown-town was because of something he must do but there's no denying that a huge portion of that reason was because of this itch in his gut called "feelings".

June sighed and crossed his arms. He shouldn't even be doing things that might interfere with what he really came here for. That night in the darkness, when he said those words to her, he did just that.

What sucked was that he didn't even know why.

He needed to get Xanthy to trust him, that much was clear. But to say those things to her? Not only did it drive a stake between them, Xanthy refused to even look him in the eye now.

June scoffed at the empty cavern air. Reason complicated things. Moreover, feelings complicate things. He didn't mean to say those words. Not in a million years would he let himself say those words again.

Then, he shook his head with a snort. Who was he kidding? He had been dying to say those words to Xanthy since they escaped the tunnels in Cardina. There's something about her that June could never place, something that would either destroy him or remake him completely.

It was a matter of chances at this point.

June exhaled through his mouth. He would figure it out. He had to if he was to get what he wanted. He braced the nearest wall to his left and splayed his fingers against it, feeling its smooth yet cold surface. For now, he would play along with all of their charades. One of those was getting the hell out of this Pilgrim Road thing.

Start by walking with one foot in front of the other.

The cave had an abundant water source, that much was clear. June glanced up at the pointed things growing out of the cavern's ceilings again. Where in Umazure was this? Somehow, he knew that this was still the Pilgrim Road. The real question would then be—was this still Carleon or did Pidmena already claim him?

His hand crept up to his neck where that cursed thing usually lay. His fingers touched bare flesh. Panic lashed to his temples as he patted his trousers, his cloak, and even peeked inside his tunic for that thing. It's...gone.

It's gone.

An amused laugh escaped June's lips. Then, it grew until June was cackling to himself. Gods, he has lost it. He wiped at the tears that sprang from his eyes. It's gone! The cursed thing he was forced to carry since he was a child. It was gone. Just like that.

Damn, June should just stay here. Away from his problems. Away from everything.

A cracking sound caught his attention. From somewhere behind him, a crevice as long as his palm and as wide as a strand of hair appeared. Water spewed out in slow, steady torrents. Ah. That's where the water was from.

June continued walking, eyeing the walls and the cracks that started appearing in a faster succession as he passed by. That should be natural, right? He shook his head. Find the waterfall. That's what he came here for, right?

Still, that stubborn feeling in his gut told him to just stay here. It's peaceful. Not one of his issues would reach him here. A snort resounded along the cavern walls as June shoved his hands in his hair and tousled it, shaking water droplets from it.

Who was he kidding? His problems would catch up to him wherever in Umazure he was. Why not move out to the other continents, then? Funny, because it's forbidden.

His boots squelched against the water that seemed to never stop flowing on the floor. Droplets flew from the tip of his boots as he walked. Where was he even going?

June shut his eyes and exhaled. Slowly, his vision sank to the trail dimension. When he opened his eyes, it was like the world was suddenly awash with gray. There were no colors, no sparkling movements, and certainly no trails to view.

He frowned. Magic was forbidden here. Should he celebrate or feel doomed?

He sighed as he reached into his cloak, his fingers rummaging inside the pockets he sewed inside it for his flint. His forehead furrowed when his fingers came up empty. He checked every pocket in his cloak. Nowhere to be found.

A curse flew out of his mouth as he patted his body down. What else have they taken? His palms slapped the part of his belt where his dagger should have been. He was met with empty air. His insides turned. Those idiots had just taken something that could prove disastrous if it reached the wrong hands.

Still...what did he care? Much like the warsei around his neck, the dagger was another problem that he was forced to carry. If he could, he would have given it to the portmasters in Asopus just to get rid of it. The only thing that stopped him back then was because the one who gave it to him would probably kill him if he lost it.

Now, he did.

June kicked a small piece of rock that must have chipped off the ceiling. The thing sailed a petty trajectory before plunking in a puddle of water. Small ripples shook the water before disappearing against the downstream current. Just keep walking.

Also, what's up with this test thing? Was it about patience? Because if it was, then he could endure walking around in a watery cave until he died. At least, he wouldn't have to face anything anymore.

Your soul is the strongest I've seen, a voice said. June froze. He knew that voice. It's the same one in the cave before he ended up here. Perhaps, it could tell him things about this whole ordeal.

"Yeah?" he called, swaying in every direction in hopes of finding the voice's source. He found not one form with him inside the cave. Okay, magical voice it was, then. "You've seen plenty in your spare time?"

The voice chuckled as if it was amused. You catch on quickly, pilgrim. Your soul is strong, but your resolve is weak.

June knitted his eyebrows, frowning. "What in Rudik's jaw does that mean?"

Figure that out for yourself.

"I'm getting a hint," June put a finger up before tapping his chin, mocking a thinking pose. "That I will die if I don't?"

If a voice could smile, it probably did. Use that wit you so dearly flaunt as you undergo the Path's test. You must reach Ganaraim and draw from its waters to succeed. Take your time. You have your whole lifetime.

June scowled as the voice's heavy presence in the air vanished. He shrugged. Alright, back to walking.

The wall beneath his fingers groaned and cracked. He paused to watch. A rock the size of his smallest finger broke free and smacked him in the eye. He reeled away, clutching his face. That hurt!

A grinding sound rang inside the cavern. June followed the snaking crack towards the ceiling. Blood drained from his cheeks. That can't be good.

Great torrents of water spewed from the hole with great speed, slapping him in the face like a giant palm. His feet skidded back, the water at his soles licking his soles. He cursed as he fought his way out of the torrent only to be doused with a new spout as more like it joined the cascade from new cracks appearing on the walls.

June stumbled about, half-blind and half-choking on bad water. He couldn't take a breath without at least a liter of it going up his nose. More cracks and more water ensued all around him.

Through his blurred vision, he noted that the cavern took up water faster than he wanted. Wait, wasn't the water travelling downstream? Why did it stop?

True enough, the current had stilled and after a few minutes of sputtering, the water now rose up to his thighs. June felt his throat constricting. Holy Daexis. That couldn't be good. Couldn't be good at all.

He started taking a step to whichever direction, putting an arm in front of his eyes just to shield it from the barrage of water looking to drown him by invading his nose. Couldn't the water stop pestering him so he could enjoy the water rise up to his neck?

After a few more minutes of slogging forward, June yelped as he felt himself being lifted off the floor. The water roared in his ears as he floated closer to the ceiling each second that passed. The pointy rocks had never looked so intimidating.

June cursed. Better swim forward, then. Find the waterfall. Then again, was there still a waterfall to find if the cavern flooded in?

Before he could find the answer that that, the cavern shook. From behind June, a huge wave sped and screamed for him. June slapped the surface of the water. Could caves even support waves? Was he in an ocean? No! There were no waterfalls in oceans!

He hadn't even taken a whiff of oshella. Come on!

The wave crashed upon him, pushing him violently into the dark depths. His lung caught fire; his cloak began dragging him down to somewhere where he wouldn't be found. He flailed around, trying to remember how to swim. He paddled his feet and swept his arms at the water. He didn't get anywhere.

Then, the water started moving.

June tumbled and spun against his will. Great. Add lightning shooting off clouds and his death scene would be complete. His heart pounded in his temples as his vision started to darken. Which way was up? From every knowable direction, all he saw and breathed in was dark water.

He didn't believe in gods or in their might, but if there were really such entities, why not save him from this predicament? He only existed to mock their names but a little help now wouldn't hurt, would it?

His air ran out. Magic. He needed magic. He reached inside himself and was greeted by a cold, barren field. By the great gods. Not now. Ah, screw it. He kicked his legs and swam up even though he had no idea where up was.

He gasped as his head penetrated the surface. Air! His head the rocky ceiling, sending black spots dancing in his vision. A stalactite sped past him. Desperation gripped his throat as he lunged and wrapped his fingers around its tip. With a grunt, he hauled himself off the water and clung to the stalactite with all his might. He watched the currents rage below him.

June exhaled. Not bad for his first swimming lesson. He shivered, his teeth clattering against each other as water dripped from his hair, his clothes, hell, even his boots. Bad. This was bad.

Destiny is a river, the voice said. June rolled his eyes. Oh, go away! Not now. The words rang through the cavern like it was speaking from a distance. You may watch it flow, you may ride its current, or you may drown in its rage, but no matter what you do, the river flows. Destiny unfolds with or without you.

"What are you saying?" June tightened his grip on his stalactite. His chest heaved in heavy, panicked gasps. "Don't talk to me like you know everything."

No, not everything, the voice chuckled. But I know your Soul, pilgrim. Your shadow is great, your form in good condition. Your trail shines bright and your strength is invincible. What the Path sees in your legacy is what makes this test. Fail now and there's no going back.

June's hands slipped from the sharp rock. "No," he muttered as he hoisted himself up. Some kind of force dragged him down the stalactite. The water screamed below him. The rock turned slick. "No, no, no," he clawed at the sharp rock, willing it to stay on.

The stalactite melted before his eyes.

For a moment, he was weightless, just a tiny lump of mass floating in the air. Then, his body slammed into the raging water and the chaos ensued. Air flooded his nose as his head broke through the surface once more. Calm down. He would be fine. He had survived worse ordeals than this.

His arms swept around to keep himself afloat as the current dragged him to nowhere. He knitted his eyebrows. Was it just him or was the water thicker? Now that he thought about it...was the water supposed to taste like rust?

June's insides curled. He raised a hand to his face and stared the liquid dripping from it. There's no mistaking it.

He's in an ocean of blood.

Panic formed a lump in his throat. No. He had to get out of here. He flailed, grasping the walls but his fingers proved useless. The blood on his hands cried out to him, seeking vengeance. June heaved, close to hyperventilating. Not yet. He didn't...

It wasn't...

Fear spread through his system. His limbs refused to move as the water's current quickened. Destiny unfolds with or without you.

June's eyes flashed open. He didn't even realize he had shut them. Still, he understood what the voice had said to him. Destiny would continue with or without him, oftentimes, at his own expense.

See this test through. Find the waterfall. Pass this test.

Magical tests have that knack of not being winnable by wit or strategy. No one could cheat souls nor their very being. The best anyone could do was to embrace it. So, he did.

He closed his eyes, laid back against the water even when it snuffed the breath out of him. He forced his muscles to relax. Looks like he'd have to watch his destiny unfold without running.

For once.

The ocean of blood claimed him.

What are you doing? A familiar voice hissed.

June's eyes snapped open only to find himself on dry ground once more. He patted his chest and wiggled his fingers in front of his face. Still complete. He's alive. For now.

A throat cleared from his right and he turned to find his master frowning at him. Was this another test? His eyes hardened. "What are you doing here?" he rasped, stalking closer to the ethereal figure bearing the likeness of the one who tormented him for a long time. Well, it's not like she has stopped now.

His master's face remained stern, blond locks framing her face in smooth waves that swayed with an nonexistent wind. "I sent you out to get me what I want," her voice was far from pleased. "Yet here you are, cavorting the line between life and death. What are you doing?"

June's insides swirled. Hate tinged his vision red. "I am doing my mission," he spat. The air around him dropped notches colder, shifting the strange grass underneath his boots. "In my own way."

"My time is almost up, June," his master said, folding her hands like how she did back when he was a child. "That freedom you think you have will be swept under your feet before you even know it."

June didn't answer. He knew full well what's going to happen once his master's destiny came. That didn't mean he liked it.

"You've delayed it long enough, don't you think?" his master inclined her head at him, searching his eyes for the answer he never gave her when he set out on his mission.

June clenched his fist at his side. He won't do it. Not in a million years. He...still had to live. "I'll finish my mission and nothing else," he raised his eyes to the glowing figure in front of him. "I'm not going to be your sacrifice or your way out. Find it yourself."

"We are only doing this because we wanted to be free," his master reminded him. "Because you wanted to be free."

"You shouldn't have placed his curse on me, then," June whispered. "It doesn't have to be the only way."

Suddenly, his master's form blurred before it began fading. June clenched his jaw until the muscles in his beck throbbed. His master smiled at him. "Time's up, June," her voice joined the soft wind blowing around him. "Your destiny will unfold whether you like it or not."

The lights snuffed out. June plunged into a darkness that threatened to suck his breath away from his body. He struggled against the blackness wrapped around him like armor sizes too small. A gasp filtered out of his lips as his eyes opened once more. Water roared from somewhere to his right.

Where was he this time?

Your Soul was taken from the Path by an unknown spirit, the voice said with a tinge of panic in its tone. I was able to intervene and bring you back.

"Where am I?" June touched his throbbing chest as he sat up. Damn, his heart had gone through so much today. He looked around, noting the high incline of the waterfall, showing the water coming from high up. The water that rushed from it glowed red and piled into a circular pool.

He rubbed the back of his head as he turned around to see the cavern he had just gone through. Trees with their strange fruits and grass with thin, light green blades littered the banks which supported soil that neither stuck to his skin nor turned into small, annoying particles.

The dark red water reminded June of the time he had spent in the cavern. Nausea danced at his temples. He blew a breath and stuck his hand into the water. He knitted his eyebrows as he drew his hand out. Red droplets snaked from his palm before dropping into the basin. It was just what it was. Normal water but red.

Ganaraim's waters now call upon you, the voice said. June could sense that it was shaken a bit from what happened. Draw water from it and you will receive further instructions.

A chalice appeared in June's hands. He should just get it over with. Silently, he thrust the chalice into the red pool and drew the water. His breath was once again snuffed out from his lungs. What now?

He didn't know what happened next.

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