Chapter Eight: Late Nights

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'I'm going to get into so much shit if I get caught...'

Yoongi bit his lip as he finished lacing up his shoe, taking a quick glance at Taesung as he tiptoed towards the window and slid it open as quietly as he could. Jae had done it before, telling Yoongi stories of the nights he snuck out to see Yuri, but it was more
nerve-wracking when he was the one actually doing it.

It was all going well, Yoongi was halfway through the window with his face mask pulled up over his nose until-



Sighing, Yoongi turned around and pulled down his mask, frowning as he saw Taesung sat up in his bed.

"Taesung-Ssi." He responded, halting his actions and stepping back into the room. "Go back to sleep."

Taesung raised an eyebrow, standing up and yawning as he walked over to Yoongi.

"Sneaking out are we?" He chuckled, leaning against the wall beside the older and smirking. "Never thought of you as the rebellious type." He stuck his hands in the pockets of his sweatpants, bare chest visible in the dim light provided by the moon.

"Pretend you never saw me." Yoongi huffed, turning his head away from the younger. "I'm just going out to see someone, I'll be back before six am."

Taesung frowned, touching Yoongi's wrist and feeling the older flinch ever so slightly.

"Going to see someone?" Yoongi nodded and turned around, tensing up when he felt the younger's arms snake around his waist from behind. "Why not stay here with me? There's no chance of getting in trouble that way, and then I won't be lonely." He rested his head on Yoongi's shoulder, Yoongi leaning away from his touch as much as he could.

"Taesung, let go of me." He warned, the younger not listening to him as swayed side to side ever so slightly. "Just go back to sleep like you were before. You don't need me here."

"But Hyung-"

"For God's sake I'm going to see my boyfriend!" Yoongi finally huffed, pushing Taesung off of him and crossing his arms. "Got it?"

Taesung frowned, hand reaching out to grab Yoongi's forearm before he could turn around.

"Boyfriend?" He asked, Yoongi nodding.

"Yes, boyfriend." He sighed, "As in taken, not available, in a relationship." He snatched his arm away from Taesung's grasp and crossed his arms. "I'd like to go see him because I miss him."

Yoongi watched with a skeptical gaze as Taesung's frown deepened before transforming into his trademark smirk.

"You miss him?" Yoongi nodded. "So it would be quite the shame if someone told the staff you were sneaking out wouldn't it? That's not very stellar trainee behaviour Hyung."

The older's eyes narrowed.

"What's your issue?" He huffed, glancing over to the clock that was ticking past midnight.

Taesung shrugged.

"You're cute Yoongi-Hyung." He responded, both answering and not answering Yoongi's question at the same time.

"I know." He retorted, "My boyfriend tells me that all the time." Taesung's eyes narrowed at his words. "What do I have to do for you to keep your mouth shut?"

Taesung pretended to think deeply for a moment, stroking his chin before tapping his cheek.

"Give me a kiss?" He asked, Yoongi scoffing.

"Fuck off."

Taesung chuckled, nodding and smiling cheekily.

"I suspected such." He laughed, opening his arms and biting his lip softly. "A hug then?"

"That's it?"

Taesung smirked softly and nodded.

"Most likely." He answered.
Yoongi sighed and uncrossed his arms, not to keen on the idea of being so close to the younger. However he also wasn't too keen on being ratted out so he took a few reluctant steps towards Taesung, scrunching up his nose as the younger wrapping his arms around his waist. "See, isn't this nice?" Yoongi frowned.

"Not particularly." He answered, checking the time once more. "Alright that's enough let go."

Taesung pouted and didn't loosen his grip on the older.

"What if I don't want to?" He asked, smirking as he watched Yoongi roll his eyes.

"I really don't care about your opinion so that doesn't affect me." Yoongi huffed and wriggled out of Taesung's grasp, pulling his mask up once more and turning back towards the window.
"Tell anyone and you're dead you got that?"

Taesung shrugged, the cocky smile not leaving his face.

"Kind of."



Hoseok forgot how to properly function when he opened the door to his apartment at approximately 12:30 and was met with the one person he had been dying to see.

He had been awake anyway, lounging on the couch as he watched late night TV.

"Hi." Yoongi breathed, smiling as he pulled down the mask he was wearing and stepped closer to the younger. "I may or may not have snuck out. I wanted to see you."

Those were the only words he got out of his mouth before Hoseok pulled him inside the apartment, shutting the door behind them and engulfing Yoongi in a bone-crushing hug.

"God I've missed you so much." Hoseok sighed, nuzzling his head into the crook of his boyfriend's neck as they swayed from side to side gently. "You won't get in trouble will you?"

Yoongi shook his head, combing his fingers through Hoseok's hair and smiling.

"Not if I get back before six am."

Nodding, the younger pulled away and wiped the happy tears out of his eyes before cupping Yoongi's face in his hands.

"You've lost weight." He frowned, "Are you eating well?"

Yoongi smiled fondly at his boyfriend's look of concern, nodding and placing one of his hands on top of the other's.

"I'm eating just fine Hoseok." He answered, "I've just actually started being active, that's all."

Hoseok nodded, a sly smile appearing on his face before he spoke his next words.

"Is my boyfriend becoming a talented dancer now?" He grinned, placing his hands on Yoongi's hips and leaning closer. "Am I about to have some competition?"

Yoongi chuckled, and looked into Hoseok's eyes as he shrugged.

"Guess you'll just have to wait and see won't you?"

"Fair enough." The younger ginned before he leaned forward and pressed his lips to Yoongi's, sighing as he did so. It hadn't even been a month yet that Yoongi has been away, but it felt like it was the first time they kissed in years.

He could feel how the older's lips curled into a smile, Yoongi's slender fingers running through Hoseok's hair as he sighed softly.

"I've missed you so much." He breathed as the younger's lips travelled down his jawline, allowing his eyes to flutter shut. "No marks, I could get in trouble."

Hoseok moved his lips from where the touched upon Yoongi's neck, looking as if he was in thought before pushing the collar of the older's shirt off of his shoulder.

"Only if they see them."

All of Hoseok's tiredness had flew out the window the moment his eyes landing upon Yoongi standing in front of his, feeling awake and alert as the time ticked closer to one am.

Yoongi bit his lip and opened his eyes slightly, a smile playing at his lips.

"Remember Hoseok, six am." He reminded, Hoseok nodding and beaming back at the older.

"We've got lots of time, it's not even one yet."


@Taesung turn on your location so that everyone can fight you

- Charlie :)

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