Chapter Seven: Disconnection

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"You haven't heard from him in how long?"

"Two weeks."

Hoseok worried his bottom lip as his fingernails tapped across the surface of the table he sat at. "I-I mean I know he's probably busy but.."

Jimin frowned and checked his phone. He hadn't heard anything from Yoongi either.

"Have you tried calling him?" He asked, Hoseok nodding in response and sighing.

"I did but he didn't pick up. Maybe they took away his phone?" Jimin furrowed his eyebrows before nodding.

"Maybe." He agreed, looking out the window beside them and watching a few rain droplets hit the glass. "I bet he's missing you just as much you know? You just need to he patient."

Hoseok nodded, leaning on his elbows and exhaling.

"It's hard Jimin. I'm happy he's chasing his dream, but I miss when I could go see him whenever I wanted." He looked down. "I just want to hear his voice you know? I want to see his smile."

Jimin nodded, pushing a few pieces of hair out of his face.

"It'll get better, trust me."

Hoseok shrugged, not holding eye contact with the younger.

"I hope so."


"Come on Yoongi! One more time and then you can take a break. Don't quit on me now!"

Yoongi wiped the sweat off of his forehead as he watched his reflection in the mirrored walls of the dance studio, repeating the moves Mina had been teaching him and sparing longing glances at his water bottle. "Five, six, seven, eight." She kept time as she watched the trainee demonstrate each move she had taught him.

"Noona my legs feel like they're going to fall off." Yoongi complained once he had finished sitting down and attempting to catch his breath.

Mina laughed softly and tossed him his water bottle, Yoongi accepting it gratefully and downing the entire thing.

"That means it's working Yoongi-ah!" She smiled, sitting down next to the trainee and patting his back. "You're improving though, I'm not sure if you're able to tell."

Yoongi shrugged, pulling his sweat soaked hair up into his SnapBack.

"I definitely know more than I did when I got here." He answered, Mina grinning and tying her hair up into a bun.

"I would hope so. I bet your boyfriend would he proud of you, he is a dancer after all." Yoongi nodded and looked down in response to the choreographer's words, sighing softly. He hadn't had the time to contact Hoseok in the past few weeks, schedule taking up his time, then not having the energy to do anything except sleep in his free time. He couldn't help but feel bad, constantly scolding himself for not keeping in contact with the other.

"I think he'd be shocked to be honest." Yoongi smiled sadly. "He's never really seen me dance before."

Mina nodded before standing up and dusting off her sweatpants.

"So he'll probably he swooning when you debut huh?" She asked, Yoongi chuckling as he stood up as well. He was glad that Mina had a more laid back personality, some of the other staff being quite rude and irritating.

"Maybe." The younger grinned, "Hopefully."

"But in order for that you'll need to practice more. So!" Mina clapped her hands, walking over and pressing play on the speakers once more. "Break over!"

Yoongi groaned and wiped the sweat off of his forehead before nodding tiredly and standing parallel from his instructor.

"I haven't even caught my breath yet."

Mina shrugged, bouncing on the balls of her feet as she watched the trainee with a smile on her face.

"Then you better start chasing it because we've got work to do."


"Are... Are you my new roommate?"

Yoongi frowned as he stared at the new figure that stood in his room. Mark's debut date was in a few days and so the company had moved him into a new dorm with his band mates. He had given Yoongi his number though, in order to keep in contact.

The boy nodded looking Yoongi up and down before smiling.

"Sure am. I'm Park Taesung, it's nice to meet you." Despite the seemingly nice greeting, Yoongi couldn't help but feel intimidated by the other's gaze. Was it the was his arms were crossed over his chest, or was it the look in his eyes Yoongi couldn't quite decipher?

Whatever it was, he definitely didn't feel as welcomed as he did when he first me Mark.

"I-It's nice to meet you as well." Yoongi nodded, tapping his fingers along the side of his thigh. "I'm Min Yoongi."

"I've heard." Taesung answered, a smirk playing at his lips that had Yoongi frowning. "Can I call you Hyung? I'm nineteen."

Yoongi worried his bottom lip before nodding slowly, feeling uncomfortable underneath the younger's unreadable gaze. Taesung grinned and uncrossed his arms once Yoongi answered, pushing off from where he was leaning against the bedside table. He strode over to the older, brushing a few raven pieces of hair out of his face as he did so. "Good." He commented, Yoongi's eyes darting to his own arm when Taesung rested his hand on his bicep.

The smirk still hadn't left his face, Yoongi narrowing his eyes and feeling extremely close to pushing the younger away from him. "I'm looking forward to rooming with you." Yoongi moved away as Taesung's face was way too close to his, shrugging the younger's hand off of him and frowning.

"Uh yeah." Yoongi mumbled, inching away from his new roommate. "Me too."

and the plot thickens

Unedited af oops

- Charlie :)

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