15. The Thoughts

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"Bye Samantha, see you tomorrow" Reese called as her friend got off the scooty.

"Yeah, I'll see you tomorrow. Take care, hmm?" Samantha spoke softly and smiled as Reese nodded. "Bye"

With that, Reese drove off again, this time to her home. She was completely zoned out, not noticing anything around her. She reached her home, locked the gate, listened to whatever Miss Morris told her without actually understanding, went to her room and slumped down on her bed, her head buried in her hands.

She just sat there for a long while, pondering over everything that had happened within all these days.

She noticing the ad, she getting the job along with Zee, both of them hating each other and then, starting over at a point, and then becoming such good friends...

... And Zeiba having a dangerous tumor.


Why was it that every time something good happened in her life, God took it away? Was she some kind of a jinxed girl, some kind of bad luck? Was she never meant to be close to anyone? Reese couldn't understand. She never understood what it was that was wrong with her, what it was that made God so cruel towards her.

After years of desolation and loneliness, she'd finally made a friend. She'd found someone she could talk to about her life without being judged or laugh with, without a tinge of worry. And now, she wasn't even sure if her friend would ever come back or not.

Just then, a chilly breeze blew in from the ajar window, making goosebumps arise on Reese's skin and making her remember how cold the weather was.

And why wouldn't it be? It was Christmas the next day and it was meant to be cold- cold, yet a day of joy and bliss. Christmas eve had a charm of its own- the decorations, the awaiting, the preparations held something special in them.

Funny how it always brought sadness to Reese's life when it was a day of felicity. Years ago, her parents had met with an accident and lost their lives- just around the time of Christmas.

Every Christmas after that had felt like a reminder of her loss, like she had nothing to live for. It had felt like drowning in a dark, isolated ocean.

Would this Christmas be the same? she couldn't help asking herself.

"No" she mumbled, a sudden fear clutching her heart. "Of course not. It will not be the same. Zee will be back, she has to be!"

It was while she was trying to believe her own words that her phone buzzed.

One, two, three, four- it buzzed continuously for a long time, each time getting no response. It stopped for a while and finally buzzed again.

"Oh God" Reese picked up her phone, irritated. It was Mr Griffin calling.


"Reese! Thank God you picked up!"

"I'm sorry, I was ju-"

"It's okay, it's okay" Mr Griffin sounded absurdly happy. "Oh Reese, I have news for you"

"Yeah?" Reese was uninterested, her mind was already filled with a thousand worries. She didn't need him to tell her he had a new assignment for her.

But he didn't, it turned out.

"Reese" Mr Griffin heaved. "Zeiba has regained consciousness...!"


Thoughts about the 'thoughts' chapter?

I'm so happy and also sad rn. Happy because Zee is conscious! 😄And sad coz there's just one chapter left 😭

I'll miss writing C.B so much 🙀But oh well, a story that's begun has to end someday.

Please do leave a vote if you enjoyed, because every vote feels like a blessing to me 😌

Do point out any mistakes/typos! 🙌

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