3. The Busy Days

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One week had already gone by but Zeiba and Reese still weren't much pleased with each others' existence. Especially the latter.

Not a single day would pass when they wouldn't have an argument- no matter how petty the issue was.

"There's so much work today..." Reese sighed, looking at the pile of articles from which she had to select one, that too after reading each of them.

"I expect a very meticulous work from you Reese" she remembered Mr Griffin's words from the previous day.

"Uh huh" Zeiba said in a tone of agreement, busy in editing a report.

Reese shot up an eyebrow. Since the day at the café, she, in particular, had developed a deep dislike towards Zeiba. She couldn't even bear her mere presence.

"I wasn't talking to you" she said, because technically, she wasn't.

"Sheesh" Zeiba rolled her eyes. "I said sorry the next day. Like, can you get over it please?"

Reese swiveled her chair around at once, narrowing her eyes.

"No, I can't. The thing is, I'm offended easily. I can't ever let go" she said, doing a lot of hand expressions. "So nope, I can't get over it"

Zeiba had to practically resist from pulling a face. Melodrama, she thought.

"So what am I supposed to do?" she asked, doing a questioning hand gesture.

For now, you cant just shut the fuck up, Reese thought but just as she was about to speak, the cabin door opened and in came the boss himself, Mr Griffin.

"Guess what, girls?" he exclaimed, doing expressions like that of a crazy teenager. "Steve Paul is here in our town!"

Zeiba's eyes widened as she leapt up from her seat. "No way!"

"Yes way, my darling!" Griffin replied, doing a hop.

"Oh my god, bless my ears!" Zeiba started chanting.

They both were so happy and lost in their fan girling (or boying) that they quite forgot about Reese, who was still in her chair, trying to make sense.

"May I ask who are we talking about?" Reese finally dared to ask.

Dead silence.

It was dead silence that she got in reply. Mr Griffin and Zeiba, both were staring at her as if she'd just paralyzed them- their eyes wide open, lips sealed and bodies still.

"How do you not know Steve Paul?" Zeiba tried to maintain her voice but failed, and it came out as squeaky.

Mr Griffin nodded, demanding to know the same.

"I- I don't, okay?" Reese stuttered. "Just tell me if you may, ma'am"

"He's the biggest cricket star in the world! Why, he just won the world cup for his country!" Zeiba replied, still super excited.

And that is such a big deal, Reese internally did an eye roll. "And we're talking about him right now because...?"

"This is the fun part!" Griffin said, grinning. "We approached him for an interview and you know what? He agreed! He's called us tomorrow"

"Can I swoon already?" Zeiba said, fanning her face dreamily.

"You want to know who're going to take the interview?" Griffin asked in a sly voice.

"Yeah... I guess?" Reese replied as Zeiba said, "Tell me it's me!"

"It is you two!" Griffin said, clapping his hands.

There was the same kind of silence as before, as the girls looked at each other, not believing their ears.

"I'm not doing anythin' with Zeiba!" Reese replied, looking terrified.

"Neither am I with her!" Zeiba retorted. "Can't I go alone?"

"Yes, send her alone Mr Griffin" Reese provided. "I don't know much about this Stevie anyway"

"Hey!" Zeiba glared at her. "It's Steve, not Stevie"

"Oh god" Griffin facepalmed and then looked up again in exhaustion. "You're doing this together. It's editor in chief's orders dearies"

"Please Griffin"

"I will do this alone! Please!"

Mr Griffin sighed and not finding any other option, decided to give them the ultimatum.

"Unless you don't go for it together, you both will be fired from here. So, the choice is yours. . . ."


....aaaand chapter 3 done!! 😄

I'm so excited for the next chappy tbh. God knows what's waiting for these two! 🙈

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Love y'all 💝

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