4. The Interview

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"Please don't kill me!"


"I don't wanna die before even meeting Steve!"

With Zeiba's incessant shrieks, Reese was finding it difficult to ride her scooty calmly towards their destination. Okay, she did drive a bit fast, but it was just because she was confident enough to do that.

"STOP WAILING!" she shouted back at her, as she swerved past a red sedan. "I know how to drive!"

"I know you hate me" Zeiba almost cried, but then her voice turned stern. "But if you kill me, my soul will torture you forever!"

Ignore, Reese calmed herself. Just keep ignoring.

"What the...?!" Zeiba shrieked, suddenly clutching Reese's shoulders as they buzzed past another vehicle like a bee passing a dull flower.

"... And we're here" Reese said as she turned the scooty towards a driveway. "And we're alive too"

"Griffin will so hear about this!" Zeiba huffed, removing her hands gingerly.

They pulled up in front of a large, royal mansion standing in front of a vast garden.

For a while they just stood there gaping, wondering how a man-made structure could be so beautiful, so mesmerizing. Their eyes were fixed at its textured walls, shining windows, the rich brown color- they were almost put under a spell.

"I think we should go inside" Reese spoke first.

Zeiba nodded. And kept on nodding until Reese had to put her hand on top of her head to stop it.

"You ring the doorbell" Reese suggested.

"You ring it" Zeiba smiled sweetly. "I'll do the intro"

Reese thought for a while and chuckled to herself because she got the easy part. "Okay"

She moved forward and pressed the bell and they waited anxiously.

A minute later, a tall boy came out. He was so tall that they both felt like dwarfs somehow. His blond hair was messed, as if he'd just got out of the bed and he looked rugged- complete with the biceps and the defined jawline. Even Reese drooled internally as his oceanic eyes met hers.

-- Steve Paul was hot.


Suddenly there was a loud thud, which startled both of them and then the two started looking around. . .

. . .Only to find an unconscious Zeiba lying near Reese's feet.

Looks like hotness overdose to me, Reese thought, grinning as she did a mental facepalm.


"Thank you so much for bearing with us" Reese smiled with warmness.

Steve let out an easy laugh and Reese noticed how his teeth were so shiny, they looked like tiny, white pearls.

"I'm honored" he grinned, doing a tiny bow. "I quite enjoyed it"

Zeiba giggled for the hundredth time.

You've got to be kidding me, dude! Reese mentally told her.

Their interview was successfully over, with an ease. At least, for Reese it was easy- partly because Zeiba was unconscious for almost an hour, partly because Steve was much friendly.

"We must be going now" Reese suggested as she got up from the sofa.

"Oh yeah, sure" Steve stood up too. "My driver will take you..."

"Oh no, we have our scooty" Reese assured.

"Are you sure? It's quite dark outside..." he said, raising his eyebrows.

"Well, I'm an expert" Reese said and they both laughed aloud.

"Zeiba, get up" Reese said to her, since she was still sitting on the sofa, completely oblivious to everything except for Steve.

But she didn't respond.


"Get up, Zeiba" Reese said through gritted teeth, kicking her a little.

"Hey!" Zeiba retorted in pain and got up immediately, pretty pissed at being interrupted in the midst of her 'Steve Gaping Session'.

"Well, try not to faint on the way!" Steve joked to Zeiba, following them out to where they'd parked the scooty. The three of them had a hearty laugh as Reese got on the scooty.

Suddenly, Zeiba had an idea.

"Can we take a selfie, I m-mean groupfie-uhh, three-fie?" she blurted, causing Reese to scowl.

"Oh, sure" Steve laughed, melting everyone's hearts to rivers.

Zeiba took her phone out gleefully and handed it to him.

"Come on" Zeiba invited Reese, who got off the scooty with a weary look.


"There you go" Steve handed back the phone, grinning.

"Oh my God, thank you!!" Zeiba started squealing and went in for a sudden hug, which made Steve stagger backwards. He laughed and hugged her back while Reese rolled her eyes.

And then, after a short farewell, they both found themselves back on the road.

"I'm gonna die of happiness!" Zeiba hollered. "I MET STEVE PAUUUUL"

Seeing her excitement and glee, Reese couldn't help but let out a laugh- the kind of laugh she'd almost forgotten. The kind, which you can't stop, no matter what.

"It was fun" she giggled.

"It was awesome! He picked me up, I guess?" Zeiba squeaked. "Was he holding me like a prince holding his princess?"

"Sure" Reese guffawed out loud. "He almost kissed you Aurora!"

"I wish he had" Zeiba winked. They both laughed and giggled all the way as people stared at them, judging and disapproving- without even knowing them.

But they didn't care.

And for once, they let go of any enmity they had, just as in a fairy tale.



Hope you enjoyed. Do grace this book with votes and comments if you did!

P.s- I personally imagine Chris Hemsworth as Steve Paul ...
(I love him 😍)

Stay Tuned to 'Coffee Break'!♡

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