Chapter 6

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***This is the first time I've written an actual chapter for a book directly in Wattpad - I usually copy and paste from a word processor - so let's see how this goes.***

***(Jay's POV)***

I think of all the things Nya needs to know about my parents before we finish the drive to Couple's Bingo. We're taking separate vehicles, so I can pretty much give her the rundown on their antics.

"Um, mom is probably picking out our kids' names right now, just so you know. She loves babies, so it's a natural thing for her to, uh, want me to settle down and have kids as soon as possible."

"She's going to be sorely disappointed when she figures out you don't have a girlfriend, serious or otherwise." Nya stares out my window at objects that pass by.

"Maybe I'll get one soon?" I suggest hopefully. One who just happens to be sitting next to me? One I can see myself spending the rest of my life with?

"Maybe," Nya shrugs. "Why don't you have a girlfriend? You're obviously a romantic."

"Oh, I'm just waiting for the right one."

"And how do you know if someone's the right one?"

"I just do." My romantic side overtakes me, and I can't help but spill all. "She's quiet, but in a kind of way that tells a story in itself. And the way she raises her eyebrows or yawns when she's tired or blinks when she's confused or closes her eyes when she gets her favorite drink...all those little things add up to make me love her already." I suddenly realize I've nearly reached the church.

I must've been too busy talking to Nya to keep track of the trip.

"Wait," she frowns. "You've already met this girl? You sound like you're talking about someone you know."

"Um." I scramble for words. "Y-yes?"

"And you told your parents you're dating someone else?"


Fell right into that one, didn't I?

"Uh, well, I sort of...may have...yup. You know, yup." I blush.

This is too much to explain, so I'd better just fib.

"But what if she asks you out, and then your parents ask why you suddenly dropped your serious girlfriend for one date?"

I laugh nervously. "I don't think she'll be asking me out."

"Jay, plenty of girls want to ask you out."

"How do you know?"

"Because you're a sweet, romantic, and funny guy. You're nice-looking and friendly."

My breath hitches.

"You...really think those things about me?" Like, I might have a chance with her?

"Every girl does. You're cute, you have a selfless side, you're passionate about old books, you're open about your feelings." She lists my attributes off like items on a grocery list: boring, yet somehow...obvious to her.

"Th-that's really nice of you, Nya. Thanks." I swallow.

"You're welcome. Now get your act together and confess to your parents that you lied. That way, there's nothing standing between you and this girl."

Where I was bursting with happiness just moments ago, my balloon of euphoria is popped now.

Nya clearly doesn't want to be in any way involved in this lie I've told. She doesn't like me, and I never should've asked her to pretend with me.

"Don't look so glum," she says softly, brushing her fingers over my hand on the steering wheel. "I know it's hard to tell the truth, but you and your parents and that girl you like deserve better than this."

My romantic side tells me this might be my last chance. If I don't tell her the truth, she might "break up" with me for my parents' sake.

"Um, you ever wonder...why this girl I told my parents I'm so similar to you?"

"Because you're into girls with a love for dark literature, good coffee, and mysterious vibes? We're all the same at heart, you know."

I chuckle slightly at her humor. "Um, well, first, you're not all the same. I've known my fair share of dark literature lovers, and this girl's...different."

"Then enlighten me, Walker. I'm not a mind reader. Why am I so similar to this girl?" She gives me a clueless yet supportive smile to soften her words.

"Um...well...because just maybe, that girl is"

She wrinkles her forehead. "What?"

My words come out quickly. "Um, so let me tell you the whole story so it makes more sense. Do you remember the first time you came to the coffee shop?"

"Yeah, but what does that have to do with anything?" She narrows her eyes at me.

I pull into the church parking lot. "It does. Just hear me out, okay?"

"I'm trying, but nothing's making sense."

"Okay. So the first day you walked into the coffee shop, I remember exactly what you were wearing - jean high-waisted shorts, a navy blue short-sleeve, and plain white sandals."

Her eyes widen. "How do you...I'd just gotten my paycheck the day before, and I went clothes shopping and bought that outfit, yes. But how do you remember?" She fingers her door handle, as though ready to bolt.

"Nya, you can trust me. I'm not a stalker or something, okay? I think I'm about as clean cut as they come."

"Just tell me what this is about," she says, her tone guarded. "I haven't done anything to hurt you, Jay."

"No, and I'm not going to hurt you, either." Now that I've parked the vehicle, I slowly hold out my hands.

She looks down at them, then reluctantly places her palms in mine, trusting me with herself - if only for a moment.

And judging by the way her lips part when we make contact, I don't think I'm the only one who felt that spark of attraction.

"I don't usually do this," she sighs, "but I'm going to climb out on a limb and hear you out here. Instinct tells me to bolt, but you've been nothing but nice so far, so...tell me why you remember what I was wearing that day. Do you have a photographic memory or something?"

"No. It's because that day, I don't know what happened, but you glided up to the front counter and asked how I was, and...from that moment on...I think I've love with you?"

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