Chapter 7

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***LOL So this was a short one - 900 words. Oh, well. This book is what I write when I'm stressed, so yeah.

Also, thanks for 100 followers <3 <3 You all are so sweet!

And as a side note, I saw this squirrel run into the road today, but it didn't run across the road. No, it gets on the road, then runs the center line up the road. See, there's squirrel stupid, and then there's just...that.

Hope you like! <3***

***(Nya's POV)***

Oh, gosh, I'm stuck in a car with a psychopathic stalker.

"Are you joking?!" I exclaim, pulling my hands away from his. Geez, and I thought this guy was attractive!

"No," he says defensively. "I don't know what happened, Nya, but I fell in love with you at first sight. Don't act like it's a bad thing!"

I scoff, fumbling with the doorhandle. "Now I know why girls never ask you out. It's because you're actually crazy!" I shove open my door.

His face flashes pain. "I'm not crazy, Nya." He opens his own door. "I can't help how I feel."

"I can't believe this." I stumble backwards into the car next to us, catching myself on the driver's side window. "No wonder you wanted me to come back to your apartment! You were probably going to drug me and use me as a toy and – ugh!"

"No, Nya, of course not! That's not love!" He carefully approaches me, but I back toward the trunk of his car.

"Neither is whatever you're feeling toward me! People don't just love other people with no reason, Jay!"

"I thought you liked romance novels!"

"And I thought you were mentally stable!" I hold out my hands. "Just...get away from me. Golly, no wonder you didn't plan on turning me in to the police. You're probably a perv, and I didn't even know!"

He frowns, crossing his arms. "I am not a perv, Nya. What did I ever do to you?"

"You told your parents we were practically getting married! Jay, that's not normal!"

"I didn't tell them it was you, specifically! Besides, haven't you ever heard of the Destiny Writers? Couldn't it be possible that I would fall in love with you, and you...might theoretically like me back?"

"That's a legend, Jay. I learned about the Destiny Writers in the tenth grade – in my World Mythology class!"

"Okay, but – "

"Jay, you seemed like a nice person and all, but now I know you're just a creep! So tell your parents that I had to skip out on bingo. Just go inside, keep up your lie – if that's what helps you sleep at night – and forget any of this ever happened." Gosh, I have to get as far away from here as I can.

"I can't forget, Nya! I love you, and I know you're about to bolt, and then I'll never see you again. And I can't let that happen – you mean so much to me!" His eyes plead with me, and he even starts to tear up. He holds out his hands, begging me to come back to him.

"Why are you so messed up?" I sigh, running a hand through my hair. "Jay, you need to go to counseling or something. You need to find a 'Love at First Sight' Anonymous group. You clearly spend too much time in your head."

"No, Nya. It's not true! And – " He suddenly stops.

"Look, Jay, it's been nice and all, but I'm out of here. I clearly can't trust you." I start to turn, but Jay stops me with a word.


I freeze, fully facing him again. "What?"

"In the parking lot across from us, there's a police officer, and she seems to be watching us with interest. You turn around, and – "

"And I risk her figuring out who I am," I breathe.

Jay nods slowly.

I take a deep breath. " choices are to risk revealing who I am to the big guys, or to play out the next few minutes with you."

"She's walking toward us," Jay says under his breath, keeping his eyes trained on me so as not to look suspicious.

I swallow hard. I really don't have a choice, do I?

I guess I'll just have to trust this nutjob.

I run toward him in a hug, burying my face in his coat. "I'm sorry I yelled at you, Jay!" I wail, injecting more emotion than necessary into my voice.

He rubs my back, playing along. "It's okay, sweetheart. I get that you're upset right now."

Oh, I'm sure he does. He's probably enjoying this ruse as some excuse to smell my conditioner or hold me closer than necessary.

But again, I have no choice here.

I pretend to cry into his coat, just so I can hide my face from the approaching officer. Jay kisses my temple.

"Stop using this to your advantage," I hiss. I can't help it – I don't want some stalker thinking he has liberties with me!

"I love you, and I'm not just about to let the authorities take you from me," he whispers back, running his fingers through my locks.

"You are the authorities, Jay! You're supposed to turn me in!" Gosh, he'll never make it as an officer!

"Shh. She's here."

I let out a few sobs, just for good measure. That gives me a big whiff of his coat, and it smells like coffee beans, something spicy, and a little B.O. It's mostly good.

Jay's not good, apparently. I thought he was, but he fooled me, I guess. That just confirms my conviction that the only guy I can trust in this world is Kai. And he's gone.

"Good afternoon," the police officer addresses us. "Do you realize you're parked in a handicapped spot?"

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