How Late Is Too Late

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Later that night, Yoongi was home and had just finished cleaning up and getting dressed. He went to work in his personal Genus lab when the doorbell chimed. Wondering who it could be at such a late hour, he went to answer the door and thought he knew who it was. As he pulled it open, he said, "Jimin, I . . ." Surprised, it was you. He was speechless. You were standing there smiling at him.

You blush, and he says, "I thought you couldn't come tonight."

You grin and say, "I own a law firm. It doesn't own me."

He walks you over to the sofa, and you both sit. He asks, "But what about tomorrow's prep work for your court case? Didn't you have to get that done tonight?"

You look at him and gently caress his face as you lean in for a kiss. "Some things in life, or in this case someone, is more important."

"It's done, but I do have to be in court early. I'm the first case of the day. So I can't stay too late."

With a mischievous smile, he asks, "How late is too late?" wiggling his eyebrows, you laugh.

He pulls you against him and leans back on the couch, taking you with him. The coolness of the leather causes you to shiver, but the heat between you flares up. You are losing yourself in the warmth of his arms and the passion in his kisses when suddenly you are cold as he pulls away and stands up, leaving.

You wonder, 'Have I done something wrong? Was I being too forward?'

He says, "I'll be right back." He goes down the hall and calls back, "Fix yourself a drink. It's there to your left."

You sit up and adjust your blouse and skirt. You go to his bar and make a drink, fix him one as well, and sit back down on the sofa. You're waiting, wondering where he is.

After what felt like an eternity, he returns, holding something behind his back with one hand.

You grin. "What do you have, Yoongi?" You lean back and forth, trying to see what he is holding, but he keeps blocking you, grinning.

He sits beside you and brings his hand around to show you a pressed dried rose. One from a bouquet he gave you when you passed your bar exam.

 Not expecting Yoongi to be behind you that day, you almost body-slammed him to the floor when you spun around to run to your parents, crushing the flowers in the process.

Tears start to fall from your eyes. "You, you kept one?" You gaze at him adoringly.

He hands it to you. "Yes, seeing it every day helped me recall all the things you believed in me and helped me to believe in myself."

"Oh, Yoongi, it is so beautiful." You hold the fragile dried rose gently in your hand. It still held the sweet fragrance of that day.

He steps close, taking the fragile rose from your hands and placing it on the table. He places his arms around you and whispers against your ear, "But not as beautiful as you." And he begins trailing kisses down your throat to your shoulder. Your legs feel weak, and you softly moan in pleasure at the touch of his lips on your skin.


That morning, you returned to your apartment in time to get ready for court. This case was going to take two days, and it had taken over a year to reach this point. 

You meet your partner at the doors to the courtroom. She asks, "Are you ready for this?"

You straighten your pencil skirt, make sure your bun is still smooth and sleek on top of your head, and sigh, "Let's do this, girl!"

You high-five each other and confidently walk into the courtroom.

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