I Have A Favor To Ask

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Yoongi is on set early, hoping to finish his music video. Your dad shows up with his coffee and cake truck just in time for morning coffee for the staff and crew.

It was a grueling morning in the courtroom, but your case is going well. You are happy that yours was the first case of the day. Afterward, you and your partner, Lea, stop for a late breakfast. She invites you back to her house for coffee and to go over notes for tomorrow. You spend the rest of the morning discussing plans with her.

After a couple of hours, you were satisfied with the case's progress. Your dad called and told you when 'that nice young man' would take his mid-day break.

You arrive and walk towards the food truck. Yoongi is standing at the order window and doesn't see you. Your dad notices you, but before he can say anything, you put a finger to your lips, letting him know not to say anything. He grins and hands Yoongi his change.

Suddenly, your dad grabs his coffee, "Oh, just a minute." Yoongi raises his brows in question, "What's wrong?"

"Nothing." He sheepishly grins as he sees you sneak up behind Yoongi. He didn't want a repeat of yesterday and raining coffee.

You put your hands over his eyes and, laughing, say, "Guess who?"

He hadn't flinched when he felt your hands on his face. He was used to the maknae line doing that.

Teasingly, he wails, "Help, Help, I'm being attacked." he turns laughing as he pulls into his arms for a kiss. As he pulls away, your dad hands him his coffee and cake.

Your dad smiles and hands you some as well. "Oh wait, you two." You and Yoongi stand there, smiling at each other, enthralled. Your dad comes out the back carrying two plates with sandwiches on them.

"I knew you would both be hungry." He carries the plates to one of the little tables, and as he passes you and Yoongi, he gives you a wink.

Yoongi thanks him and then looks at you wondering. You see the confused look on his face and confess, "My dad knew I was coming."

Your dad shoos you both away, "Go, sit, eat."

Yoongi sits his coffee down and, takes yours for you, and places it on the table then you both sit.

"How, why  . . .? I wasn't expecting you. Not that I'm disappointed to see you, just the opposite. I'm very happy and excited to see you." He picks up his sandwich and adds, "Plus, I'm starving." You laugh as he devours his sandwich and washes it down with coffee.

"My court case is two days long. Today was mostly the preliminary, and we finished that earlier than we thought. Everyone did their jobs today in the courtroom, so we weren't delayed. So I came here to be with you, to surprise you."

He laughs, "You are the best surprise." he reaches across the table, places his hand on yours, and you intertwine your fingers together.

"Will you go to dinner with me tonight?" he asks with a hopeful look in his warm brown eyes.

You sigh, "Remember, this is a two-day court case, and today was day one. That means tomorrow is day two." You want to say yes immediately, but this case is essential. You start thinking about what your dad said yesterday and know you have to make a change . . . for love.

He pouts at you. "Please?" he cutely begs.

You can't help it, and you burst out laughing. "I could never resist your pouts, Yoongi."

He grins. "I know. So does that mean you will go out with me tonight?"

Grinning back, you say, "Yes, let's do dinner."

You look at your watch. "Oh my gosh, I have to go now if I'm to have dinner with you tonight." You grab your purse and give Yoongi a quick kiss on the cheek.

He stands to walk you to your car when he is called back for filming. He hugs you quickly and kisses you, quickly licking your lips." "Umhm, still delicious."

You laugh as you both go your separate ways. Your dad waves, smiling at you, and you blow him a kiss and hurry to your car. You get in your car to head home, and you call your partner.  "Lea, I have a favor to ask."

"Anything. But let me guess. It involves a handsome man, and oh, wait. He is the one you are in love with? Am I correct?"

You laugh, "Yes."

"Oh girl, I got this case covered. And if you don't go be with him, I will file a charge of love neglect against you."

You both laugh, and then you tell her, "I owe you. Thank you so much."

"I will send you my lawyer bill." You both laugh as she hangs up.

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